Attention: A Shiny Walnut has crashed onto Earth!

Panda Dandy

Hello, everyone, I am Shiny Walnut, the shiniest of all the walnuts! Do not let my name fool you though, as I hate walnuts and nuts of any kind. Anyways, I like Fantasy RP's and am always up for a good one! Shiny Walnut, signing out!

Hello there, Shiny Walnut.

Welcome to RpNation!

Everyone's friendly here, we don't bite...usually.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or drop by the Shoutbox!

So, yeah! Hang by the Shoutbox and give us a wave or something.

Hello and welcome, Shiny! So I'm curious. If you hate all nuts, why call yourself one?

Whatever the answer, I'm glad you found us and hope you make yourself at home. Pull up a chair, pop by the shout box, join in a RP, or start one up. And if you have any questions as you're learning your way around, just reach out. We're not all there, if you know what I mean, but we're all really nice.

Welcome again to RpN!
We bid thee welcome to our humble kingdom, oh Shiny Nut. Yes, welcome to RpN! We're quite certain that your endeavors here roleplaying will be something to truly cherish. If your lord or ladyship may find anything confounding, do please reach out to our humble yet joyous community (the best you'll ever find) and poke someone. Yes, literally poke someone. I'll find it funny.

But again, I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay here and welcome to the nation! :D

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