Aster Spinel Zîsè


Kawaii Octopus


Full Name: Aster Spinel Zîsè 


Birth place: Atlas


Age: 16


Race/Species: Human


Gender: Female


Height: 5’3” (160 cm)


Weight: 110 lbs (50 KG)


Appearance: Short yet thin, almost looks like a child since she’s also slightly flat chested. Her Strawberry blonde hair with soft pink highlights is always up in pigtails with angel wing hair clips in, unless it’s a formal occasion. When down her hair is about 18 inches (20.3 cm) long and is super soft and fluffy. Her eyes are french mauve purple with a lilac ring around the iris. A slight discoloration is over her eyes, almost like a burn but it’s barely noticeable. She also has soft freckles covering her cheeks.


Her typical outfit is a light blue button up shirt with puffy sleeves and dark byzantium purple as the trim. She wears a sleeveless high collar white turtleneck undershirt, and black and white horizontally striped socks. She also wears a battle skirt, a dark lavender and dark byzantium horizontally striped suspender skirt that is high waisted that is topped off with a bow in the back. She wears fingertipless black leather gloves to protect her hands incase she grabs her guns incorrectly. She has thigh gun holsters and a belt around her waist with a small pouch on either side of her. The small pouches are where she keeps her throwing knives. She also has knee high white boots with purple lacing and black soles.


Color Theme: Purple



-Calculations of high distance anything to do with math really she excels at.

-Aerial combat, if she's in the sky you can't deny she's amazing.

-Range combat, with her weapons, being a few feet away helps.

-Extremely Determined

-Not easily hurt

-Aim’s not half bad either



-Her Hatred


-Being alone freaks her out

-Is reckless when people are in danger, real danger

-Always feel left out

-Sucks at hand to hand combat

-Puts up a wall, doesn't let people in and keeps her problems silent.

-Clumsy when not fighting


Weapons: Electric Dual Wielding Pistols and Explosive Throwing Shurikens

She may also have some grenades she enjoys using.



Pistol - though looking like a normal pit of silver pistols these pistols are far from normal. Each bullet that enters the chamber is electrified, the milliamps changes as a switch on the side of the gun is moved.The milliamps have a special safety once it reaches 1,000 milliamps since that can severely harm most humans. Her guns go up to 100,000 milliamps, which is only used to kill Grimm. They are typically in holsters on her outer thighs.



Explosive Throwing Shuriken - She only has about ten but each one has a homing device that once exploded the metal star comes back to the pouch. The center of the Shuriken is full of dust, a small orb is places in the hole in the center of the star and explodes on contact, luckily the main of the star is never damages by the explosion.



Grenades - A few dozen hand made concoctions that gives a bit bang when needed, and sometimes, a pretty flashes entrance and exit.




Semblance: Conveyance

She can teleport short distances, less than 10 yards and she must be able to see the place she's going or be able to map it out in her head. She can also teleport really quickly, being once place one second and another the next but she can only do it 10 to 15 times at a time because of her aura draining. She needs to know the X Y and Z axis she will be landing on. She loves to be in the air and is why she has the anti fall boots so her ankles and knees are protected from the fall damage.





-Being with close friends and hanging out 

-Being out in vale







-Being alone

-Standing out

-The color yellow


-People digging into her past

-People seeing her upset 



-Being left behind

-Being alone

-Her friends dying

-Causing others pain

-People hating her

-Getting hurt by those she trusts and loves

-Hurting others


Personality: Though happy and fun loving she does have her moment where she zones out, her heart nearly touching darkness. She is fueled by an unhealthy hatred, though you wouldn’t know unless you actually knew her. If someone truey looked into her eyes they could see the pain in her, the true pain she held. She projects herself as a fun child like girl,  also a little reckless in her moves, but she is actually always calculating, setting up her next move, ready for attack at a moment's notice. She also has a ton of stickers, if you are hurt, you get a sticker.



This Little Girl


History/Background: When Aster was born her family was rather poor even with supplying their expertise services to the military, they weren’t needed. As years went on and they had less and less customers, Asters father, Gayfeather, packed up shop and moved their family to Vale, setting up their small weapons repair shop near the school. Though still poor, they could get by and Aster had a better place to call home. As the years passed Aster tested weapons out and fell in love with a set of handguns an old student had, later that year her parents scraped together some cash and put her into secant.


In Signal she passed quickly, becoming a great marksmen making her electric guns, Betty and Mary. Once she finished her training Aster was ready to move to beacon sending in her application and waiting. The night before she received her acceptance letter her parents went to a small village to help them with their defences, they never came home. Enraged and seeking vengeance she went to Beacon, ready for anything, ready to kill Grimm and protect the people so they would NEVER feel like she felt hearing her parents were gone, ever again.


Extra Note: Glitter Sticker?
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