• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Billionaire Babies ✈

I'll probably post sometime tonight! I'm watching the game with my boyfriend and he's screaming his head off rooting for the Cavs. Not a very good environment to think and write lol
mephistopheles said:
I'll probably post sometime tonight! I'm watching the game with my boyfriend and he's screaming his head off rooting for the Cavs. Not a very good environment to think and write lol
Well I bet your boyfriend's happy, his team is doing pretty good haha. No problem, I feel ya!
Just got my starter up ^^ Really excited for this
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@Everyone I'm at the zoo today so sorry for my character being MIA haha. The interview will start once I get back & when everyone's posted their starters (we're only waiting on a couple of people so yay!)
I got a post up, haha. I probably forgot something or mucked something up.. just point it out if I did, haha.
Sorry about not posting in the last couple of days; I was out of town and my internet access was limited. I'm not sure how to get my character engaged. So far there's just been some casual conversations and a little flirting between everyone, yes?

Also, is there a certain order or way the interviews should be happening in, or are we just winging it?
Aes said:
Sorry about not posting in the last couple of days; I was out of town and my internet access was limited. I'm not sure how to get my character engaged. So far there's just been some casual conversations and a little flirting between everyone, yes?
Also, is there a certain order or way the interviews should be happening in, or are we just winging it?
Sorry, I've also been a little M.I.A! In order to save time, the interview will be a groups interview. Certain questions may be directed at certain people, but I don't want to make it too specific because some propel may be offline when the 'interview' is going on. Tomorrow I'll make a post announcing the start of the interview! Again, sorry for being late. I've been stuck on mobile lately.
Is this still open for character CS?
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Myla said:
Is this still open for character CS?
Technically yes, but I've RPed with you so I'm willing to let you slide in haha. Just have your character up ASAP because things are about to get started!
VintageBlues said:
Technically yes, but I've RPed with you so I'm willing to let you slide in haha. Just have your character up ASAP because things are about to get started!
I'll either have it tonight or tomorrow night. :) Any preference on a male or female character? I'm not quite sure which one I wanna do since I have ideas for both. ;-;
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Myla said:
I'll either have it tonight or tomorrow night. :) Any preference on a male or female character? I'm not quite sure which one I wanna do since I have ideas for both. ;-;
I'd prefer male so the ratio would be more even, but do whatever feels right! Also, I just realized I forgot to respond to your PM, so sorry!
VintageBlues said:
I'd prefer male so the ratio would be more even, but do whatever feels right! Also, I just realized I forgot to respond to your PM, so sorry!
It's okay!! :) and it shall be a male then :3
VintageBlues said:
I'd prefer male so the ratio would be more even, but do whatever feels right! Also, I just realized I forgot to respond to your PM, so sorry!
I have the cs up ^^ lemme know if I'm accepted or not
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Keira Winston] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18543-vintageblues/ said:
@VintageBlues[/URL] is this dead?
Idk, some people kind of ghosted and I've been hella busy. I think I'll tag people tonight and check to see if everyone's still interested.

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