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Fandom Animal Crossing: The Next Generation! [Character Applications] [Now Open!]



Half-Human, Half-Monster, Full-Swordsman.


  • Animal Village... a tranquil paradise, hidden away from the rest of the world, in a secret corner of the world known only as "Hidden Valley". Very few humans ever entered the place... but it was discovered by some... and the last one, whose name vanished into obscurity, even became the mayor.

    The mayor was ambitious, and strong-willed. Thanks to their leadership, Animal Village became a beautiful Town, where numerous villagers gathered through, and started their own lives, some even at quite an early age.

    As time moved on, the villagers grew. Families were started, Schools were built, and friendships were formed, which would then grow into the next generation.

    It even took up the new name... Animal Town. As one of the most popular towns to date, it became one of the greatest towns in Hidden Valley.

    Eventually, though, the Mayor... once young and spry... overlooked the beautiful work from high atop the mountain that their home was built; their once strong, dark hair, now pure white, and fragile. Their youth has all but left their body. The wrinkles had covered their face, as they took a brief glance at the graveyard for the Temple of Gaia, which rested atop the very peak of the mountain. The graves bore the names of so many familiar faces... even the mayor that came before was buried there, who was already close to his time when the Mayor was nothing more than a mere child.

    Finally, tragedy had stricken Animal Town, as their beloved Mayor, whose assistant was given the time off to be with her grandchildren, fell to the ground, their hand clutched to their chest. It didn't take long for the medical experts to rush them to the hospital... but deep down, they knew that it was already too late.

    The year is now 2021 - fifty years after the Mayor's Funeral. With the last of the old inhabitants now long gone, Animal Town sunk into a state of Depression. The position for Mayor was no longer relevant, for none would dare take up such a burden willingly.

    Now the last of the Old Generation that remains is the elderly Mail Clerk, named Pelly. Of all the inhabitants, she would likely be the closest to a leader, seeing how she knew everyone of three generations, at this point... but it would only be a matter of time, before Gaia claims her, as well.

    Many of the current generation were forced to survive on their own, with the aid of their great grandparents' teachings... how to build a home, how to live... how to survive. Though they weren't informed of the Humans, so curiosity and, perhaps, even fear, would be expected at first glance, should one ever find their way into the Village.

    And such is, in fact, the case... when the next human happened to stumble across the old, worn village, unconscious after a shipwreck.

    When word came around that the "Human", as he called himself, was going to inherit the Mayor's old house, by orders of Lady Pelly, many of the locals were quite surprised, to say the least! Shortly following his arrival, a few more Animals from the bordering lands of "Hidden Valley" begin to arrive, as well, whether by curiosity of the rumors, or by mere coincidence.

    Could there be hope for Animal Town to become the Grand Haven it once was, though? Or will it eventually become nothing more than a Ghost Town?
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((I'll go on ahead and kick this thing off. Feel free to write your own!))​




Human (The ONLY One.)

Physical Details:
Jason Walker.png
In-Depth Details: He has long, dark brown hair, thin stubble, and bluish green eyes. He stands at right around 6 Feet, 1 Inch Tall, and Weighs 160 Lbs.
He currently has: "Black Cap", "Black Vest/Blue Shirt", "Blue Jeans", "Brown Hiking Boots", a "Guidebook", and an "Animal Town ID".

Smug - Whenever spoken to, he can be Polite, Kind, and Gentlemanly. He can also be a bit nervous whenever meeting new people, and may avoid eye contact during the first few conversations, responding with few words. Whenever someone befriends him, however, he can easily be counted on as someone who "Has your back", and will be there to help you out in dire situations, whether physically, or emotionally!

His Favorite Item is "Sushi". (+20 Favor)
He Loves "Fish" and "Technology". (+10 Favor)
He's Okay with "Insects" and "Fruit". (+5 Favor)
He's Unbiased with "Flowers" and "Fossils". (+1 Favor)
He Dislikes "Medicine" and "Dresses". (-5 Favor)
He Hates "Garbage" and "Pitfall Seeds". (-10 Favor)
His Despised Item is "Spoiled Food". (-20 Favor)

Starting Job:
"Pelly's Assistant" (Generic Job.)

"Outsider" - Having been shipwrecked, he drifted on the shore, only to be taken in by the Locals. He was, for the most part, unharmed, and was given the option to help Lady Pelly out with her duties. Not much is known prior to this intel.

A man of unknown origin, Justin was on a ship, headed to another place within the "Mainlands". However, a great storm passed over his ship, and left it sunk down, with only one survivor... himself. Clinging to a piece of debris, Justin soon drifted ashore within the beach of Animal Town, where he was quickly spotted and rescued by a Doctor, who at the time, was on Vacation Hours. Upon meeting Pelly, the "Leader" of sorts, she greeted him with open wings, while the others usually greeted him with hesitation. Ever since then, he respected Pelly, as well as the Doctors that helped care for him.

Whenever Pelly offered him the Mayor's Old Home, he was quite surprised, but accepted it nonetheless. However, he spends more time around the Town Hall and the Temple of Gaia, only occasionally visiting the town to socialize with the locals. He is, after all, quite shy.

(Examples: "This is great, thanks! I'll be sure to put this to good use, buddy!"
"I... sorry, but I can't accept this, buddy. Just... not my style, y'know?"
"Sorry, but I'm not in the mood right now. I need to clear my head, first. We'll... we'll talk later, though. Okay, buddy?")

Long-Term Goal:
His Long-Term Goal is to, essentially, bring Animal Town back up onto its feet, and turn it back into a paradise for Animals of all kinds to call home. He also hopes to, eventually, befriend the locals well enough to be accepted into their community.

Preferred Home Location:
Old Mayor's Home, with a Red Roof and White Stone Walls. It is currently Tier 3 (Medium Size), with two Bedrooms, a Bathroom, a Kitchen, a Living Room, and a Dining Area within the Living Room. It has an "Old TV" that still works, but is only connected to the "Hidden Valley" Towers, which are disconnected from the rest of the world's Stations.

Additional Details:
Though not a top priority, he is currently Single, and could be considered a "Potential Romantic Interest", though expect hesitancy at first, due to him being... y'know... "Human". He is "Straight", however, and can only be "Shipped" with Female Characters. His preference would be someone within the Age of 21-25, but can be a couple years difference.

Lady Pelly - Best Friend (+100 Favor)
Doctors - Good Friends (+80 Favor)
Generic NPCs - Strangers (0 Favor)

Total Village Favor:
"Acquaintance" (+2 Favor)

((He is bound to become the Mayor once Pelly passes away, which will take place somewhere before "Act 3". Each Act would start off with a fairly large Timeskip, which can range from a Season to a whole Year, so please do take that into account. Only I may introduce the Acts, however, and will not jump them until at least 1 month has passed in real-time!))
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