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Typical Reject

Like = Accepted














Relationships~(Crush's, friennds, siblings)


Thoughts on Other Characters~

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Marnie Bree | 17 | Female | Pansexual



Marnie is a rebel at heart. She loves defying peoples thoughts of her, and proving them wrong. She has always been the type of person to speak her opinion. Marnie isn't the type of girl to stand back and let someone control her life. She will fight for what she believes in, and isn't afraid to give her opinion. Sometimes that hurts other people, but the truth is important to her. Without it, there would be no true relationships. Her sarcasm can get a little too out of hand and this tends to make her come off as a bitch or stuck up.


Her family was broke, and she was pushed around to foster homes since age five. Her mother was a meth head, and her father was never present. Marnie had to learn at a very young age to care for herself, and when she was thirteen, she was moved from her hometown in Australia to LA. She was forced into a group home where she was considered crazy, and they pushed her to a home for the mentally disabled.







Making people Smile

Video Games




Judgmental people


Most Men


People Romanticizing Real Problems.



She can see and hear the dead.


We'll see.


She couldn't give much fucks about things. She has a cat that she snuck in and cuddles it every night.

Thoughts on Other Characters~

We'll see.
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Name~ Dizjay

Age~ 17

Gender~ Male

Sexuality~ Hetero

Appearance~ (but dreads not afro)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Screenshot_2015-06-13-20-59-22.png.740d374e46c8d96dafc8e11a16e2f476.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56788" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Screenshot_2015-06-13-20-59-22.png.740d374e46c8d96dafc8e11a16e2f476.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality~ Sarcastic, blunt, brutal, romantic, chivalrous, silver tongue

Biography~ Dizjay, a touch of OCD, and a major control freak, hates when things are out of place. Including people. Everything must be perfect neat, calm and orderly. And if it is not, he goes insane. Cackling laughter and clawing. Rampant movement and forcing things in place. Dizjay grew up isolated from his family, relying on himself and the voices in his head. Eventually his secret ability became known and his family sent him away to this cruel torturing facility meant to control him. But he won't be taimed. (7)

Likes~ cello, piano, violin, pie, chips, power, manipulating, leading, lying, calmness, midnight storms

Dislikes~ redundancy, loud noises, hypocrisy

Ability~ Telepathy

Relationships~(Crush's, friennds, siblings) Open to development really

Other~ Will hold a grudge foreeever

Thoughts on Other Characters~ trusting of everyone, skeptical of everyone



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DizjayDeathPride said:
Name~ Dizjay
Age~ 17

Gender~ Male

Sexuality~ Hetero

Appearance~ (but dreads not afro)

View attachment 130231

Personality~ Sarcastic, blunt, brutal, romantic, chivalrous, silver tongue

Biography~ Dizjay, a touch of OCD, and a major control freak, hates when things are out of place. Including people. Everything must be perfect neat, calm and orderly. And if it is not, he goes insane. Cackling laughter and clawing. Rampant movement and forcing things in place. Dizjay grew up isolated from his family, relying on himself and the voices in his head. He graduated in the top 10 of his class and is on his way to Harvard to study Law

Likes~ cello, piano, violin, pie, chips, power, manipulating, leading, lying, calmness, midnight storms, wearing suits, cardigans, ties, bowties, or anything fancy but slim and with skinny jeans

Dislikes~ redundancy, loud noises, hypocrisy, closedminded people

Ability~ Can read/control minds

Relationships~(Crush's, friennds, siblings) Open to development really

Other~ Will hold a grudge foreeever

Thoughts on Other Characters~ trusting of everyone, skeptical of everyone
Did you read the overview?

Rita Keko






Bubbly and always trying to make the best of a bad situation, Rita tries to avoid the real world. She is a dreamer at heart and often looses herself to the world of fiction. Her lack of tolerance for negative people causes her to lock herself away from most others as to not allow their negative behavior's affect her.


Eleven years ago Rita and Rottie were like any other children living normal lives and enjoying it to the fullest. She discovered her talents, or rather the thing that kept other people away, one afternoon after being bullied by a few neighboring kids and a stray piece of wood on the side of the streets came up and slammed into the little girl's head. It was horrific when her parents found out and immediately began to question who their daughter was.

Rita was isolated from that day on and no longer played with anyone other than her little brother who also seemed to be warming up to his own abilities. Together they were sent off to this place and have been here since she was thirteen years old. The siblings stay close and hardly let anyone past their protective barriers.(6)


- Outdoors

- Rainy days

- Reading


- Reality

- Stress

- Violence

Ability: Telekinesis

Relationships~ Rottie (Little Bro)

She is adopted.

Thoughts on Other Characters: "Hmmm...we will see."


Rottie Keko






Rather quiet, Rottie tries minding his own but is over all curious and often goes around Rita's advice of staying to himself. It's always a concern to him of loosing his sister like they had lost their parents and his gentle heart prevents him from turning a blind eye to anyone who is in need of some kind of assistance.


Often being picked on because of his feminine features and gentle soul, Rottie still tried helping others. One day after it was made apparent that Rita was different he too became aware of his power.


- Outdoors

- Animals

- Dreaming

- Musical instruments


- Thunderstorms

- Bullies

- Fear

Ability: Force Fields

Relationships: Rita (Older Sis)

Thoughts on Other Characters: "They seem nice enough..."
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/OGtoOaFf_400x400.jpeg.e902d88c60e21bd59ff21aa10f987afa.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56797" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/OGtoOaFf_400x400.jpeg.e902d88c60e21bd59ff21aa10f987afa.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name~ Christina Bloodgood


Gender~ Female

Sexuality~ Aromantic "I love no one, you all are basically worthless to me."

Personality~ Having powers affects Christina's mood greatly. If she is using fire, she is probably mad, etc. But overall she can be fairly happy, it is just barely annoying. She is also fairly narcissistic and thinks way too highly of herself. "There has to be the princess, and there has to be the b*tch. If you don't like me, then go away, because I won't be leaving any time soon,"

Biography~ When Christina was young, she was one of the happiest children alive, but then she went to Jr. High, it all changed. She got bullied to a point where she became suicidal. Later, she became mad when her bullies confronted her, and she literally combusted into flames and gave them third degree burns. She realized she could do this, just by feeling mad. She later discovered that she could control other elements as well. That's when she got sent to this wretched place for having "schizophrenia".

Likes~Compliments, Presents, Gourmet Food, Having Control, Learning, Being The Best At Everything, Dance, Drawing

Dislikes~People Unwilling To Obey Her, People Looking Sad, Apple Pie, Graveyards, Kids, Adults

Ability~ Controller of elements

Relationships~To be discussed

Other~ Christina used to like to take people that were suicidal in her school, and either make them overrun with lust, or boil their blood until they died a slow, painful death.

Thoughts on Other Characters~To be discussed



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[QUOTE="Rachael Grimm]View attachment 130242

Name~ Christina Bloodgood


Gender~ Female

Sexuality~ Asexual "I love no one, you all are basically worthless to me."

Personality~ Having powers affects Christina's mood greatly. If she is using fire, she is probably mad, etc. But overall she can be fairly happy, it is just barely annoying. She is also fairly narcissistic and thinks way too highly of herself. "There has to be the princess, and there has to be the b*tch. If you don't like me, then go away, because I won't be leaving any time soon,"

Biography~ When Christina was young, she was one of the happiest children alive, but then she went to Jr. High, it all changed. She got bullied to a point where she became suicidal. Later, she became mad when her bullies confronted her, and she literally combusted into flames and gave them third degree burns. She realized she could do this, just by feeling mad. She later discovered that she could control other elements as well. That's when she got sent to this wretched place.

Likes~Compliments, Presents, Gourmet Food, Having Control, Learning, Being The Best At Everything, Dance, Drawing

Dislikes~People Unwilling To Obey Her, People Looking Sad, Apple Pie, Graveyards, Kids, Adults

Ability~ Controller of elements

Relationships~To be discussed

Other~ Christina used to like to take people that were suicidal in her school, and either make them overrun with lust, or boil their blood until they died a slow, painful death.

Thoughts on Other Characters~To be discussed

Not to sound mean but... thats not what Asexual is. It just means a person isn't sexually attracted to someone. Being Aromantic would be not loving anyone. And did you read the overview?
Oh oops I got the two confused. I did read the overview and tried to be as descriptive as possible.
[QUOTE="Rachael Grimm]Oh oops I got the two confused. I did read the overview and tried to be as descriptive as possible.

You're forgetting something, and it's okie ^_^ I just don't want to offend anyone, so I'm just trying to help.

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