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Multiple Settings AGGRESS

>Attempt to smash through the wall.
An overwhelming success.

>Look at that weird thing on the wall.
Now that it's properly rendered, you think it's a gun of some sort. You're gonna have to put something in that slot though.

(sorry for the late post)
>Equip gun.
Your inventory is now 20% full.

>Look around.
Behind you, two objects are immediately noticeable. A safe door with a screen, and a slip of paper attached to a circular wheel. The paper reads "hEllO."​
>Attempt to smash through the safe.
Another overwhelming success. The fake safe door crumbles and falls off.
Inside the safe, you find a red cartridge and a keypad for entering numbers. The red cartridge reminds you of a slot.​
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>Shoot the "Hello" wheel.

It says hEllO, but ok.
It seems that the purpose of this gun is not for destruction. You also decide to put the safe cover back on until further use.​
>Scratch off the bottom half of the '8' on the keypad to make a 0.
The only part that comes off is the middle.​
>Input 01134 onto the keypad.

You input the code. The keypad beeps.

The floor disappears.
You land on a new floor. Visible is a blank cartridge, another strange object, and a terrifying shadow creature.

>Make sure it doesn't think you're a threat to it.
Luckily for you, it realizes its dominance.

Wait that's not lucky at all-

>Appeal to the creature with cryptic and physically impossible dances.
You temporarily tap into the power of the supernatural field to bust some moves. The creature is temporarily placated.

>Attempt to smash through the floor.

You fail.

You never thought you would ever fail at smashing through anything. You fall to the floor, depressed.​

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