Absence Absence

So I've been gone/inactive for a while, but I'm back now!!! I've always had health issues and around the time I disappeared I was having more and ended up having surgery. Which they screwed up in and it left me hospitalized for about a week. I'm still healing from that, have had some more diagnosis and almost nonstop doctor appointments. I'm also getting infusions twice a week, pt once a week, and a general appointment every week. These take two-four hours each not including driving to them and depending on traffic half an hour to an hour so almost two hours are lost just driving to and back. We're also getting ready to move and I'm flying across the country in a couple weeks to meet some friends I met online (don't worry I'm not going alone and we're meeting in the airport! All safety precautions have been taken!!)

I'm rambling now, but basically I've been super sick, busy, and planning some exciting things. I've missed role playing with everyone and I hope no one's too mad!! I'm so sorry I haven't been able to get in and I know everything has probably moved forwards without me, but hopefully I can find my way back into some things! ^^


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