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Fandom A new found dad (Last of us rp)

Joel wasn't happy about not being able to get his guns that him and his smuggler partner Tess had been promised, Moreover he was not happy about the fact that the girl he had been asked to smuggle out of the city of Boston was in fact infected, although her claim was that she had been infected 3 weeks ago, and was supposedly 'immune' was still remain to be seen, although he didn't dismiss it, It was just that usually the people that got infected were turned within 2 days at the max, but somehow this girl had managed to not be affected by it.

Joel and his partner in crime, Tess were the ones that were stuck with the girl, who was essentially a preteen and still growing up. Growing up and being a preteen was hard enough, but in a world like this? He can't imagine that she had the chance to be a normal teen. Especially not in this universe anyways, he also wondered if she had ever known what it was like to have a real family, but he could never know what his now dead daughter Sarah would be like at Ellie's age, those...things were the one responsible for his only daughter's death and he couldn't seem to get her out of his mind as of late. He thought he had moved on, but he guessed not since he was still just thinking about her and how the zombies had taken her from him.

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