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Fantasy Frozen Secrets


New Member
The story takes place in a frozen tundra, a barren place that is in the middle of nowhere. There is a strange magical aura in this place, barely noticeable amongst the harsh conditions of the place, but can be detected nonetheless. There are secrets, and how you ended up here, you don't know. It is up to you and others to find what is lurking in the icy shadows.

((Please no god modding and no one liners. This is a DETAILED role-play.))


The crunch of snow under Eva's boots does nothing to make her feel better. Strong, icy winds whip around her, sending up chills even though she was wearing a thick fur coat. Flying slush and snow hinder her vision and Eva finds herself squinting, but everywhere she looks it is the same view: ice, ice, and more ice. She adjusts the backpack on her shoulder and crosses her arms, hoping that it will block some of the cold from reaching her body. All attempts to keep warm, however, prove to be futile.

It doesn't help that she doesn't know where she is going, either. In a research and exploration trip gone horribly wrong, Eva is separated from the rest of her team. Her compass has fallen out during the ordeal and now she has no means of finding her way back to camp. She keeps on walking, hopefully finding someone to help her, but it has been five hours and she hasn't found a single human being in the tundra. She didn't even find any living creatures, for that matter, just ice.

Her boots catch onto something and she trips and falls, landing face first onto the snow. An aching pain shoots through her chest and courses through her whole body, temporarily numbing her muscles. However, she manages to push herself up, rubbing her arm through gloved hands.

I'm going to die here. She stands still, desperately whipping her head side to side, turning her body around to see if she can find anything. There is a vague silhouette of something Eva can't quite make out. She squints her eyes, and sees that it is an outline of a human being. Without thinking, she yells for help.

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