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A League of Nations


In a world like ours, only far behind in technology and science and instead ages ahead of us in magic and supernatural prowess. You are the leader of your very own country. Is it a kingdom, dictatorship, democracy, republic, oligarchy? Govern your country however you like, make alliances with other nations and wage war on others.
Drakkon finished his last opponent, lifting his mace from the unrecognizable remnants of the man's head. This had been an average raid, slightly more successful than most. The men left the village carrying a chest filled with gold, and a wagon rolled by with the last of the village's food supply. The surviving villagers were brought to the town square, where they were evaluated. Men with families were allowed to live, but they were separated. Those without families suffered a swift death.

The sun was beginning to set, and Drakkon gestured for the men to gather the prisoners and return to the capitol. The men began their work swiftly and silently, used to the drill after battle. Soon they formed a column two thick, and around fifty long, and trailed back to the capitol on the main road, prisoners in tow.

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