A curiosity


Black Sun in a White World
In Wonders of the Lost Age, I just came across something very intriguing. I was reading the section on the warstrider deployment of the Second Age and on Starmetal warstriders. The Siddie's keep almost all of the fabled war machines they ever made in Heaven, in perfect order and shape 'waiting for the day the Sidereals unite and march into battle.'

Ok. That was a VERY interesting line and scenario in and of itself. What could galvanize the Sids so much that it brings them to unite once more and actually march off to war in their suits of battle? Thoughts, ideas, theories?
In Wonders of the Lost Age, I just came across something very intriguing. I was reading the section on the warstrider deployment of the Second Age and on Starmetal warstriders. The Siddie's keep almost all of the fabled war machines they ever made in Heaven, in perfect order and shape 'waiting for the day the Sidereals unite and march into battle.'
Ok. That was a VERY interesting line and scenario in and of itself. What could galvanize the Sids so much that it brings them to unite once more and actually march off to war in their suits of battle? Thoughts, ideas, theories?
"Those damn Sidereals locked us away in this Jade Prison thing.  I think it's their turn."
The Malfeans breaking free of the prison.

A Raksha Lord unites the Fae under one banner and begins a new conquest.

A Hekatonkhire.
Well those are all things the Siddies are either supposed to be worrying about, or have taken a severe interest in. I could also the the Locust Crusade as an option as well.
Very true, it would be an interesting sight. Especially afterward, most of the survivors on the side of good would kinda think it a waking dream, dozens of warstriders, polished like the night sky, gleaming with stars attacked and swept heir enemies away. They'd think themselves mad if there weren't the dead enemy before them and a few bits of starry metal here and there...
And that's if the Sids didn't clean up. If they did, and then used a little astrology to make sure all the crumbs got picked up, why there would be no evidence at all.... who's to say that haven't done it in the past?
That Battletech line got me thinking. what if a solar escaped the usurpation into the wyld with a bunch of loyal dragonbloods. the Solar dies and is reborn into creation, but his dragonblooded continue the crusade he set them to. cut to the creation, now. sudenly highly advanced firstage armies of dragon bloods start swarming in out of the wyld, laying waste to the outer scavenger lands...that would be fun...  8)
Magic. But really, some Wyld resistant artifacts exist, perhaps they were in skyships that had em, something akin to those diving bells but resistant to the Wyld's warping powers.
I have been pondering that, in the wonders of the lost age they talk of reality engines. if you had a first age ancient solar supergenius, there could be a large section of stable "wandering creation". like a floating haven of the first age. if the solar only died eight or nine centuries ago, we could have some serious firstage weaponry built up. WMDs out the ass, warstriders, the works. plus maybe the Solar realized his mission was not going to be finished in his lifetime, so he worked hard on creating stockpiles of the materials needed for war.
Interesting thought indeed. Perhaps if he was smart enough, and took a note from the Siddie's perhaps he built bodies perfect for recieving the Exaltation and did some heavy geomancy and warping in the Wyld to shuffle his soul back into one of the husks he made. Think Emperor Palpatine.
So...starwars and battletech...heheheHEHEHE BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! and other such deranged sounds. I could see that, but that would ramp up the danger in the campaign by a factor of hundreds...he would be sooooooo scary. perhaps he used his Wyld bending technologies to build a manse that gave him the gem of imortality...think...um, well I can't think of an example from movies, but scary, he would be scary.
I believe the preface to the answer of CW's question goes a little something like this:




CL--"Ebon, who?"

"Ebon Dragon Mothefucker, you're Masters' in the Jungle now baby, and they gonna DIE!"

*Stabbity*Stabbity*Stabbity*Guzzle Essence Bleeding*Stabbity*Stabbity*Rape still twitching Lion corpse while its compatriots watch in wide wonder*

"Alright, Soldiers, we got 50 Infernals, 10,000,000 Blood Apes, 40,000 Akuma, and only one carton of cigarettes. Somebody had best be getting to work at lighting this place up..."
HA! Indeed...

'Alright boppers, we all know why were here, the Warriors from Heaven, the Sidereals, you know what to do boppers, and here's a little music dedicated to you Kejak...'

If you've ever seen the classic the Warriors, you know what this means.

*clinks the bottles together* Warrrrrrrrioooooooorrrrrrssss come out to play-ay!

Best line to psych people out ever in a movie.
Hadn't heard of that movie 'til you mentioned it. Checked out the IMDB recap. Is it any good?
The Warriors isn't just good.  It's excellent.

Mind you, there is a collary to that.  Compared to the movies of the day, compared to the ridiculous crap that came after, with some exceptions, the film was a breath of fresh air.  It was not realisitic by any means.  Nor was it terribly well acted, but let's face it--a gang has to travel from Central Park back to their home turf, and they get whaled on by guys in makeup and in baseball uniforms.  PIN STRIPED!  They roll into a "party" with some gals who call their gang "The Lizzies" and the boys miss the idea that the gals don't have any fellas at their parties, until the knives come out.  

You've got a young James Remar, and a young Mercedes Ruehl--who, I admit, I've always had a sort of thing for.  

It gave folks who weren't into blaxploitation flicks something to watch that had an urban feel, and it was an intro to the whole 80s thing to come.  It is a gem.

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