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Realistic or Modern ᴛʜᴇ ɢʜᴏsᴛ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜ (ᴡᴏᴏᴅsʙᴏʀᴏ ʀᴏsᴛᴇʀ)


Elder Member

  • intro




    he residents of Woodsboro, California are no strangers to the story of Ghostface. The new generation grew up with the stories of the killings that took over the small town in the 1990s—a cautionary tale passed down for the sake of making sure children got home before dark and steered clear of strangers—but that’s all Ghostface was now: a ghost story—nothing more than a whisper of the past—right?

    That’s what everyone thought, at least, but then the app went viral.

    The night before the first day of the school year, what seemed at first glance to be a harmless gossip app by the name Spill Ur Gutz appeared out of nowhere—quite literally, in the way that it made its way onto the home screens of Woodsboro High School students’ phones unannounced. There was only one account listed on the app: gh0stface. At midnight, the first post was made—a simple text box that read, im back.

    No one was sure what to make of the app or the post—authorities wrote it off as an insensitive prank—but one thing is certain: tensions are high going into the new school year because if they’d learned anything from their old bedtime stories, it was that no one could be trusted when Ghostface made an appearance.

    // BASICS //
    NICKNAME(S): if they have any. if not, feel free to omit!

    // VISAGE //
    BODY MODIFICATIONS: if they have any. again, if this isn’t applicable, feel free to skip!
    FACE CLAIM: realistic face claims only, please!

    // PERSONA //
    PERSONALITY: 3+ paragraph description
    VIRTUES: 5+
    VICES: 5+
    LIKES: 5+
    DISLIKES: 5+

    // HISTORY //
    i’m not going to set a frame for how long or short this should be. since there will be plenty of secrets to be revealed throughout the course of this roleplay, you can be as vague or descriptive as you feel fit.

    // MISC //
    STRENGTHS: 3+ (if it came down to it, what’s going to help them survive?)
    WEAKNESSES: 3+ (on the flip side, what would get them killed?)
    FEARS: ghostface (if it’s even really him) loves to play on people’s fears..





i don’t care,

i wanna have


horror, mystery




spots open





♡coded by uxie♡
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  • what a waste of a perfectly good cadaver..





    122 lbs

    hair c.


    eye c.


    hair styling

    Chopped haphazardly and bleached to within an inch of its life, Eden’s hair has been through it. The shag she sports now is courtesy her little brother, who thought it’d be funny to stick gum in her hair while she napped on the couch. She doesn’t mind the new look, though—she thinks it looks pretty metal. Needless to say, after all it’s endured, Eden’s hair, despite having a silky appearance, doesn’t have the best texture. It’s dry and a bit brittle to the touch—something that could easily be remedied with a good and thorough conditioning, though she hasn’t found it within herself to care enough to go through all that effort.


    5’6” is a fairly average height for girls, but something about Eden says “tall.” Maybe it’s her runner’s build—all long, lithe limbs—or maybe it’s the confident way with which she carries herself. Regardless, there’s something oddly intimidating about her, scary reputation aside.

    body mods.

    Like any rebellious teenager, Eden has an array of small tattoos across her body. Perhaps the only one that is regularly visible is the one of a small broken mirror on the inside of her left arm.


    Sophie Thatcher

♡coded by uxie♡

  • icarus

    Shiloh Romina Castillo
    Shi, Casti-no
    date of birth
    August 16th
    Cis Female
    Bisexual (closeted)
    Part-time at library
    The Final Girl
coded by natasha.
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Ysa — YSL, baby

the slut

you wish. . .

♡coded by uxie♡


the queen bee


filler! ignore


filler! ignore


filler! ignore


  • eighteen




    libra ☼

    virgo ☽

    taurus ↑




    140 lbs

    eye colour


    hair colour


    full name

    Ysabela Sergi Leander


    Ysa, Bella, Liz


    October 4th

    place of birth

    Los Angeles


    Gabriella Bechtel





    ⊱ a true Machiavellian
    ⊱ has absolutely no idea what she wants to do with her life other than get into Columbia
    ⊱ bit of a know-it-all
    ⊱ used to have a fake ID that says she's Svetlana from Russia
    ⊱ Blair Waldorf energy
    ⊱ kinda oblivious to her privilege
    ⊱ her favorite author is Kurt Vonnegut
    ⊱ is known to write shitty poetry instead of journaling like her therapist wishes she would
    ⊱ a sleuthing queen who's had multiple Charlie from It's Always Sunny..., going crazy over the details moments.
    ⊱ big ole weeb
    ⊱ does adderall recreationally

nine lives

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orion leopold abbot

#the muscle

#alex schlab

♡coded by uxie♡


the muscle

full name

orion leopold abbot


rion, starman, leo (only by his mother)


eighteen years old






april thirteen



  • hair

    black and sinfully soft. unbeknownst to the student body, orion puts a lot of thought into his appearance; styling his hair before school and having an entire hair-care routine. not that it matters as rugby ruins it at the end of the day with tackles and dirt.


    brown under the sun and black in the shade. rival teams find a daunting competitor in his vulpine eyes. friends see absolutely no thoughts.



    body mods.

    lobe piercings he got from a friend in freshmen year ala-parent trap, he doesn't put any earrings on while at school but there's a reason why they still haven't closed up.



    alex schlab

♡coded by uxie♡

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terran bigsby

new town, same ghosts


filler! ignore


filler! ignore


filler! ignore


  • nineteen


    senior (repeat)





    slim but muscular, and surprisingly strong

    eye colour

    mossy green

    hair colour

    copper brown


    Terran Dane Bigsby


    Terry Bear(by his aunt), Bigs

    date of birth

    January 1st

    place of birth

    Houston, TX


    cis male




    He wears baggy clothes, but keeps the appeal of being fashionable. He's been picking out his own clothes since he was 10 years old. He's got a dark, grungy look. His look is streetwear meets rockerboy. He's ot afraid to push boundaries either, dressing according to how he feels that day.


    the new kid


    Dacre Montgomery

nine lives

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Dorothea Grace
For in death there is no remembrance of thee: in the grave who shall give thee thanks? - Psalms 6:5
01. basics.
NAME: Dorothea Mary-Eunice Grace


AGE: 17


PLACE OF BIRTH: Bardstown, Kentucky

GENDER: Female

SEXUALITY: Heterosexual, as far as she knows

ROLE: The New Kid

02. appearance.

HEIGHT: Five foot six

WEIGHT: One hundred thirty five lbs.

EYES: Green

HAIR/HAIR STYLE: Sort of a strawberry blonde, with a natural wave in the body of it; length often at her shoulders and cut with a straight pair of scissors.

BUILD: Smaller frame, smaller chest with wider hips. She's more of pear shaped than anything, though this is often hidden behind A-line skirts and dresses, or some sort of oversized sweater. Modesty is key, and you'd not see any of Thea aside from her face.

BODY MODIFICATIONS: Ears pierced, a single hole, the most that she's ever begged of her parents

FACE CLAIM: Odessa Young

03. psychology.
PERSONALITY: A skittish young thing, Thea longs for excitement. Adrenaline rushes fill her with joy, obscure and macabre things excite her, and even acting a little rebellious manages to fuel her flame. She's prone to impulsivity, moreso in recent years, though that is from so many years spent being taught and beaten into submissiveness. Very quickly will she back down, however, never enjoying the confrontation or the warmth in one's cheeks from being proven wrong or chastised. Rejection still gets to her, probably worse if it's response to her somewhat impulsive urges. Better to keep quiet and safe, she tells herself still, though she knows most of this comes from her mother's influence.

As empty of a slate as there can be, while Thea presents rather kind and shy, she is seeking some sort of attachment. Having no sense of closeness to her father, or his new wife, part of Thea just wishes she could runaway with a boyfriend, or somebody really. She's yet to experience most of the world, and would do so with a strange dependency on others around her. Wanting to fit in just as much as she would like to make waves, she lacks the nerve for either. Very quickly would Thea bend to another's will, naive to the inner machinations of those around her, interpreting actions as surface level or within moralistic codes that she could understand. There is no grey. There is good and bad, and that is all there is.

Still, she's keenly aware that her desperation to be liked or to be included could come off as needy or just that: desperate. There's a level of reservation, because of that, that threatens to hold back her desires to leap out. Better to avoid making an enemy than to make a fool of herself, as much as that notion frustrates her. Melancholy often follows, then ignited by a sense of righteous anger. Thea's yet to truly make something of that anger beyond pulling at her own hair or ripping holes in her tights. Having a step-mother who so clearly refuses to allow Thea to express herself, and a father who's only begun to really give a fuck (and just as strict), means that she's just a boiling pot ready to spill over.

Further withholding presents itself as latent, and active, fervent dogmas. As much as she would like to shake old habits, they die hard. Judgemental to this degree, her initial thought is to so quickly find the negatives in someone. Warped bible verses plague her mind, becoming rather heated sentiments about others. She's not beyond calling someone a whore or a slut for doing nothing remotely wrong, but to Thea it's a grievous error. Most of her own self expression is monitored by this, a hedonist broiling under the surface for some release. Always, always, Thea thinks: what would Mother say?.

Suffice to say, she's a bit weird for that.

VIRTUES: Dutiful, Sympathetic, Gracious, Knowledgeable, Modest

VICES: Secretive, Impatient, Cowardly, Perfidious, Temperamental

LIKES: Black tea, Floral perfumes, Autumnal weather, Baking, Adrenaline rushes, Smell of Match smoke, Reading

DISLIKES: Confrontation, Beaches (and sand), Physical touch, Smell of Gasoline, Velvet, Spicy food

STRENGTHS: Stamina (surprisingly a good runner), Lockpicking (a self-taught skill), Follower (she'll listen when told, or especially when yelled at), Self-preservation (Whatever it takes.)

WEAKNESSES: General weakness (body strength is not a positive), Mental weakness (quick to cry, quicker to anger, a major wrench in rational judgement), and An actual horrible sense of self-preservation (Whatever it takes, but that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do).

FEARS: Hell (eternal damnation, pitchforks and fiery pits, the whole box-set), Mother's Memory (disappointing her, surprising her, hell even loving her), Darkness (a sensory deprivation of the worst kind), Being Forgotten (who will remember thee?)

04. backstory.
Once upon a time, the new kid, someone ostracised from the greater society would have been just that type of person: a counterculture representative, be it with projected satanic scriblings or nontraditional ways of living. The unknown kid on the edge of town; the mysterious mid-western, with a penchant for collecting deer skulls; or even just someone willing and able to seek whatever lies, loves and life they can. Not a freak, not a loser, just... somebody.

Dorothea is some amalgamation of all of that, having been born in a small Kentucky town as the youngest of three. Two older brothers heralded her entrance into the world, with a mother and a father who were as devout as it came to religion. They were strict, holding each and every child with a tight lace. Their father was a minister at the local church, and their mother stayed at home. She'd whine and moan about being left at home, taking out her restlessness on her kids. With a stiff hand, Mother forced complacency and religiosity onto her children the only way she knew how. Having come from an equally devout Irish family, traveling to America had been her sentence to hell, so she'd said. The only way she'd be happy, as she told them, is if they proved themselves to God. Then, of course, they could make their dear mother happy.

Such was the way. All three were home-schooled for most of their years, with their only interactions being each other, the family, and Sunday Mass with the town. Dorothea, most of all, enjoyed these Sundays. Despite such rigid upbringings, there was a part of her that yearned; craved, really, for stimulation. Her older brother, Jacob, shared such sentiments. Though the eldest, Elijah, did not. He chastised them for staying out late in the fields, where the two would make up songs and dances while they twirled in wreathes of corn. They were thick as thieves in the face of such an oppressive life. Heading to the library, they'd sneak each other books and movies. Anything they couldn't watch at home, that Elijah couldn't snitch on them for, they got it.

Thea wished to be rid of it all, so she'd tell her brother. Wanting to be just as reckless as the kids in the movies, or even the other youth in town-- her yearning for delinquency was passive at best, but made her lash out otherwise. Her punishments were more frequent.

Father was careless with his kids, paying no mind to what they did and how they acted. He cared less on how his wife raised them, though once or twice Thea could swear he raised an eyebrow at an outburst. Still, the man said nothing. He was useless.

Mother's favourite punishment was isolation. The bedroom door would be locked, the lightbulbs pulled out, and all that would remain would be a candle and the bible. These isolations could last hours, or days. Dorothea could remember one time she'd gotten reprimanded for getting her Sunday dress all dirty, and thus spent two days straight in her room. Jacob had to sleep on the couch downstairs, for the first night anyway. In all of the times spent locked away, something that Thea would bring upon on purpose in some cases, she'd already started trying to figure out the best way to get out. Keeping one's child restrained does nothing to keep them fully docile; if anything, it inspires the will of rebellion.

So by twelve she'd finally figured out how to pick the lock, perfectly, everytime. It was her own personal achievement, something she knew she'd be able to use against Mother if she so chose to continue to lock them away.

But at that point, scandal gripped the family. Their Father, a man so distant, finally broke down and admitted his worst sin: that he had cheated, multiple times, with one of the wives in town. It had been going on for years, and he'd only finally come clean since the wife he'd had his affair with was outed by her husband. The children were astonished but none so much as Mother herself. She raged, relentless, working herself up to the point of hysteria. It was a week of pure insanity, a traumatizing time spent watching and hoping that their mother would not do something reckless. In the past she'd displayed such unstable tendencies.

It culminated to a fire. In the middle of the night, though Thea would remember it most, as she had broken out of her room after a stint locked away. She smelled the smoke, ran downstairs, and witnessed the horror of it.

Only she and her father managed to get out safely. Outcast in society, due to the affair coming out, they had no choice but to leave with what little personage they had. Heading West, they settled in Sacramento briefly, only for about two years. It was enough for Thea to feel somewhat comfortable in public school, though she knew that she had been left severely unprepared by her Mother's homeschooling. Still, they packed up once again once her father remarried. She was a pretty little thing, and as it turned out, just as insanely religious as her mother had been. She was far weirder than Mother, citing Angel numbers throughout the day, and urging the family to move elsewhere to her family home. Her insistence, it seemed, was to rekindle her old relationships with those in town. Thea had some idea that this was a far-fetched dream, but had little voice to object.

So they packed up again, heading to Woodsboro. Keeping rather hush about the messy ordeal, the family has only recently moved in. Already, though, they've begun to pollute their own reputations. Her step-mother, known for being a very vocal critic of most things in town, already making more enemies than friends. Her father, stepping up from his previously useless role, is still a meek man. In the middle of it all, Thea, trying to keep her head down and settle some roots. All this Ghostface and Spill ur Gutz nonsense has put both of her parents on high-alert, though Thea isn't quite sure what to think of it.

She does find it quite funny. But she'd never admit that.

code by @leviathan.

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