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Realistic or Modern 31 Trials of Hallows Eve

Intro: On the morning of October 1st, the group of students Rosalie had become a part of, awoken on the roof of their dormitory. The book had appeared in the center of the students that lay in a circle. As Rosalie rose from the laying on the pebbles of the roof, a young lady stood before them in a long white hooded cloak. When rising to her feet, she stared at the lady before her as she removed the hood; revealing her curly white blonde hair, her snow like skin, and crystal blue eyes. She stood, making eye contact with every one there as they awaken, lilting her head silently. Her eyes stayed open, never blinking once in the few minutes of waiting. After everyone gained consciousness, the lady began to speak.

"Hello, and good morning. You may be wondering what is happening to you all, and it all will be explained momentarily. My name is Algea, and I have come to introduce you to your first challenge." Multiple members attempted to speak, but no words where spoken. Many tired to move after standing, but they all stood still. Algea then waved her arm to the side, where students started to head to their classes. "They are duplicates of your very selves. They live your daily lives as you take on this journey. No one outside of this party shall know of your participation. Now, if you would please, follow me." She waved her arm once more and a clear stairwell appeared. Everyone was able to move, but unable to speak. She led them through the center of the courtyard between the dorm and the main building of the university.

Some other students, outside of their group, had never noticed them and when one walked in their direction, the student went right through Algea, Rosalie and a few others. They were stunned, no on realized they were there. The lady continued to lead them through the university to the old dormitory that was rumored to be haunted by frat guys and sorority girls who died in passed years. The placed seemed old, and looked as if it was never used in centuries. It was falling a part. A metal fence stood around the property, but once passing through the gates door, something had dramatically changed. The dorm looked new, like it has just been built. The trees that were dead, are now full of orange, yellow and red leaves. Everyone stood in the yard when Algea stopped and turned.

"Welcome to Hallows Manor. This will be your home for your time in the legend. Now, let I will leave you to introduce yourselves. On each door, there is a list of names. Those names are your roommates and who you will share the designated room with. Enjoy the day, and expect me later in the evening." Algea then replaced her hood and walked towards the forest. Everyone was able to speak and seemed shocked at the events after the mysterious book. Once after a few moments on the lawn, one member tried to leave, but was blocked with a shock of electricity. Some yelling and fussing occurred until a few entered the home. Rosalie holding the book entered, and a grand mansion stood. A golden chandelier hung from the tall ceiling, large staircase rose high from the center of the room, splitting left and right. All students began to explore the mansion for a few moments and had gathered in a large room that seemed to be an old ballroom. Students started to introduce each other, one by one. And this is where it all begins...

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