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Futuristic 2052: Stories from the Edge


Blade Runner
This is Quiet Is Violent's Character, copied from another thread.

#20Quiet Is Violent, Monday at 10:27 PM

Name: Elliot Hamilton

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Occupation: Reed Organization VP

Bio: Elliot lead a violent life. He liked blood. He rather obsessed over it. He took stats on the crime rates and crime centers and located the next strike before it happened so he could watch the blood spill. He caught the eye of Adam when he was 17 and he quickly rose through the ranks. He is now Adam's right hand man. Or boy, really.
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Name: Felix Taylor

Age: 43

Gender: Male

Occupation: ANC Private Investigator


Born on the 17th of November, 2007, Felix Taylor spent the first ten years of his life in rural New York State, one of the most loyal states in the union. In 2017 his parents, both employees of the Federal Government, decided to move to a suburb of Los Angeles following a promotion. Young Felix thrived in LA, loving the diverse people and cultures he found there. By the age of 20 he had chosen what he wanted to do in life. He joined the Los Angeles Police Department. He was a passionate, caring police officer who often felt the misery he saw, day after day, deeper than many of his conservative comrades. By the time that the Western Republic was declared, Taylor was a Sergeant with over ten years of experience behind him. The LAPD was divided into pro US and pro-WR factions. Sergeant Taylor chose the Western Republic, influenced by the callous treatment of his fellow Angelinos by the Feds. He served in the Western Army until its' final defeat, whereupon he was captured and imprisoned. One year later, in 2048, an amnesty was issued by the president to all Western Republic forces who had surrendered in 2047 (but not those who fought on alone, obviously) in an attempt to quell the unrest. Taylor found himself unceremoniously let free in the streets of LA. with hardly a dollar to his name.

It was then that he was recruited by an ANC official who met him by chance in a bar. He was offered a job: investigate crimes, track suspects, and bring the guilty to justice. But do it for the Corporation. Bitter and disillusioned by years of war and hardship, Taylor accepted. He now works out of his tiny apartment in Central Los Angeles as an ANC Private Investigator, a role where he can accept any contract he wishes-though the Anderson-Nakamura Corporation has priority, as they're paying the bills.

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