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Junior Member

  • tumblr_inline_p29e79Mppx1tca1vu_250.gif
    Full name: Miwo Inselia
    Age: 11
    Gender: Cis female
    Orientation: Questioning
    Species: Zeltron
    Faceclaim: Dafne Keene
    Build: Thin, willowy.

    Height: 150 cm
    Skin: Fluorescent pink
    Eyes: Maroon
    Hair: Blue

    βœ©β€” Zeltron traits: Passively sensing and being influenced by the emotions of people around her.
    βœ©β€” Usage of common firearms and targeting systems on small ships.
    βœ©β€” Hunting, farming, scavenging.
    βœ©β€” Some knowledge of guerilla tactics.


  • tumblr_ny8bx1EBxL1qehsoxo4_250.gif
    Full name: CH-4113
    Nickname: Challen
    Age: Early 30s
    Gender: Trans male (AFAB)
    Orientation: Bisexual
    Species: Human
    Faceclaim: Rami Malek
    Build: Athletic but lean, with a somewhat small frame. Wiry.

    βœ©β€” Piloting small spacecraft and speeders.
    βœ©β€” Basic knowledge of small firearms.
    βœ©β€” Knowledge of First Order protocol and tactics.
    βœ©β€” Wilderness survival.


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