(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚take my friendship!


always dreaming...
Hello! :) I'm Kimber & I'm a newbie here, go easy on me pls.
I was a part of a lot of communities but kind of fell off the wagon; I hope to find a place here.
I'm mostly interested in one on one roleplays.
Groups give me anxietyeeeeeek. Slow-burn romance & angst are essential! :hornswhistle:
I'm a fan of a lot of games like: Fallout, Elder Scrolls, The Witcher, Minecraft, & many others.
Some favorite movies & shows of mine would be: Harry Potter, Avengers, Law & Order, Bates Motel, Black Mirror, American Horror Story, The Walking Dead, & Supernatural.
(& a lot more but I'm lazy.)
Which marvel characters do u know most about or want to rp as?
woop woop! though i must admit it has gotten a little tedious & i've been on a break from watching it...
i have a search thread with some fallout pairings if you'd like to
check it out ~

I don't usually roleplay game scenarios from RPG's (Which is incredibly ironic) BUT, you do have quite the list of originals so I'll PM you if I see any I like ^^
Friendship taken, like the final breath of my enemies, and bats... Good to have you in this zoo of ours where magic is around every corner, friends are waiting to be made, I kill hikers for their organs, stories come to life, and more friends are made!

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