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camp olympia
a prophecy. four demigods. an alarmingly dangerous quest.
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main areas
the cabins
every cabin is devoted to a god or goddess and their demigod children reside there. there are even honorary cabins, that belong to those gods and goddesses that do not have children, such as hera and artemis. the cabins appear to be a two storey villa, and inside each is a small lounge with a fire place and couches. it doesn't seem that big on the outside but it is quite spacious on the inside. each floor has six rooms which house two people each. electronics are discouraged at camp since it attracts unwanted attention and alerts monsters of demigods whereabouts.

the dining pavilion
the dining pavilion is where everyone eats. all three meals are provided, along with two snack breaks ; one after breakfast and one after lunch. people can sit wherever they please and the food is served by nymphs, dryads, satyrs and basically all nature spirits and creatures that are devoted to helping the camp. they are very friendly though, and often join the campers for some meals.

the lounge
the lounge is a place for campers to unwind and relax. there are plenty of normal sports grounds inside the lounge, like basketball or tennis, and there are recreational activities as well like gaming machines, darts, foosball. there are very few electrical appliances, so not many video games, but there are other things like board games.

the consul's gathering
every week, there's a consul's gathering at the consul's cabin. it's located at the centre of the camp, and is one of the biggest cabins. these meetings are usually attended by cabin counsellors, however, when campers are about to set off on a quest, they meet up here for supplies, as well as a briefing with the camp directors.
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the arena
the arena is used mainly for duels and sword fighting practise. a lot of sparring is done here, but other tournaments take place here as well, not just pertaining to sword fighting. there are rows of rock, shaped to appear like extremely long benches, so that people may sit and witness whatever happens in the arena.

the amphitheatre
the amphitheater is supposed to be used for productions and plays, but as of late is has mostly become a meeting ground when the camp director has something to announce.

the archery range
for campers to practise archery and ensure that they improve their aim. it's a standard ground with targets and a supply of bows and arrows.

the climbing wall
similar to the archery range, the climbing wall is often used for demigods to enhance the skills needed in battle. the climbing walls have various settings, and levels of difficulty, so that both beginners and experts can feel challenged.

the training grounds
the training grounds has a number of different obstacles that helps a camper improve various skills. it is also another place one can spar.

the stables
the camp is home to both horses and pegasi, and campers are free to visit the stables to either tend to them, or take them out riding.

the forges
usually only children of hephaestus can be found here, but everyone is welcome in the forges, to craft their own weapons and armour, or just about anything they want to.

the armoury
weapons are stored here to be picked up for battle, quests or sparring. these swords usually need to be returned, as the camp directors encourage campers to craft their own weapons, unless they're given one by someone (such as a fellow camper, camp director, or godly parent).
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the outdoors
lake ichor
one of many lakes in the camp, mainly because it is the largest and also is home to the didymaion grove. nature and water spirits can often be found either close to or in the lake but they are harmless. in fact, they help out at camp. several activities take place around the other lakes in camp, but lake ichor is off limits unless someone wishes to approach the grove in the center of the lake. it's believed that the water of the lake can cause minor hallucinations, once a person comes into contact with it.

the pit
every friday and saturday night, there is a bonfire that takes place at the pit where there are campfire games and singing. every friday before the bonfire is usually a game of capture the flag, while every saturday before the bonfire, one cabin is tasked with forming a new activity/competition that the rest of the camp takes part in.

the west woods
the west woods are used for a number of camp activities, like capture the flag. it is also home to the boulder of hephaestus [see below]. most of the nature spirits and the satyrs reside here.

the east woods
the east woods are forbidden for all to enter. someone had attempted to explore it a long time ago, but never returned, and since then, anyone that has ventured inside, has never been known to come back. there's at least twenty feet of free land from the entrance of the woods, as the camp director decided it was best nothing was nearby. the whole area has a very eerie vibe to it and nobody's really that keen on entering anyway, after getting a look at it. nobody even knows how far it stretches, and over time, many rumours surrounding the dangers of the woods have circulated around the camp.

the celestial gardens
tended to by some of the demigods with an affinity for nature, the celestial gardens grow a number of fruits and vegetables, as well as flowers and godly plants that help tremendously for healing purposes.
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places of interest
the didymaion grove
the didymaion grove is where one goes to get a prophecy for a quest. the trees whisper and present you with words that will help you on your way. the grove knows when someone seeks a prophecy, and only then will it speak. otherwise, there is absolute silence. as of late though, there have been no voices of guidance from the trees. not till the last great prophecy they gave away, and for the first time ever, it came without a demigod coming in search of a prophecy.

the nature labyrinth
also dubbed the 'above ground' labyrinth, this is not nearly as deadly as the labyrinth built by daedalus but one could still get lost. it is large, with many twists and turns, and nobody truly knows how it came to be since it was not sculpted by demigods, nor placed there when camp was first set up. it was just always there. it is unknown if the whole maze has been fully explored since people keep finding new places and things. it is rumoured to have the actual entrance to the actual labyrinth -- the one underground and built by deadalus. however, if this is true, nobody has found it.

the eye of delphi
the eye of delphi often speaks on it's own, giving not prophecies, but snippets of the future. people usually hear the voices in their heads, and it can be different for everyone. the eye of delphi is situated in the east woods, but closer to the entrance of it. nevertheless, because the east woods are off limits, the eye of delphi rarely sees visitors.

the boulder of hephaestus
the boulder of hephaestus is simply a large boulder situated on the top of a small, pointed hill, seemingly perfectly balanced. it was dubbed the 'boulder of hephaestus' when many of his children remarked that they could see his face in it. of course, this caused some controversy, since there was a monument named after zeus's son, rather than zeus himself, so after some deliberation, the camp directors also had a statue of zeus erected outside the consul's cabin.
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camp directors
aeolus is the keeper of the winds, and overseer of the west, east, north and south winds. he was appointed as the camp director primarily because he has a wide reach, and also because he was punished by zeus for using his storm spirits to spy on other gods. aeolus is not allowed to leave the camp for another 100 years, and his powers are also limited while in camp. he's usually quite aloof and more interested in modern technology than he is in the demigods in his care.

hestia often volunteers to oversee the camp, so she's the only one who can tell aeolus what to do. she usually has the final say, but she doesn't pop into the camp very often due to needing to guard the hearth on mount olympus.

chiron is a centaur, and also the son of the titan kronos. he has been at camp olympia for the longest time, and is appointed as the activities director. he's a nice man, with a warm heart, and is always willing to help demigods.

the god of the wild, shepherds, flocks, and rustic music, pan takes the form of a satyr. his main goal is ensuring that satyrs and nature spirits have equal rights in the camp, and he heads a council for the satyrs so that when they come of age, they can become more involved in questing and helping demigods. a satyr's primary task in camp olympia is finding lost demigods out in the world, to show them that they have a place to go. pan is a very artistic soul, though he can often speak in riddles, never giving a clear meaning, but he's a nice person, and people usually find that flowers grow in their hair, when he is present.

appointed only recently, heracles is a greek hero, known by all and currently immortalised as long as he promised to serve camp olympia and help other demigods. his primary task is tending to the arena, refereeing sparring matches, as well as capture the flag games, and he's also the sword-fighting instructor.
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cabin counsellors
cabin counsellors are usually the eldest or most accomplished campers, however since the position is voted for among cabin members, anyone can become a cabin counsellor with enough votes. cabin counsellors are usually tasked with ensuring that everyone does their part in keeping the cabins clean, as well as organising events for cabins, and taking part in consul gatherings to represent their cabin.

ophelia greene
ophelia is the counsellor for cabin one, the zeus cabin.

hunter garcia
hunter is the counsellor for cabin two, the poseidon cabin.

levi geller
levi is the counsellor for cabin three, the demeter cabin.

ruth dalos
ruth is the counsellor for cabin four, the athena cabin.

russell newark
russell is the counsellor for cabin five, the apollo cabin.

lourdes de costa
lourdes is the counsellor for cabin six, the ares cabin.

josephine beaumont
josephine is the counsellor for cabin seven, the aphrodite cabin.

henley barretto
henley is the counsellor for cabin eight, the hephaestus cabin.

michael hirsch
michael is the counsellor for cabin nine, the hermes cabin.

jamie park
jamie is the counsellor for cabin ten, the dionysus cabin.

saoirse zielinska
saoirse is the counsellor for cabin eleven, the hecate cabin.

brianna cuthbert
brianna is the counsellor for cabin twelve, the nike cabin.

ezra lee
ezra is the counsellor for cabin thirteen, the hades cabin.

matthias law
matthias is the counsellor for cabin fourteen, the erebos cabin.

anthony rourke
anthony is the counsellor for cabin fifteen, the iris cabin.

elsa mรผller
elsa is the counsellor for cabin sixteen, the asclepius cabin.

isabella sanchez
isabella is the counsellor for cabin seventeen, the hypnos cabin.

ayush rao
ayush is the counsellor for cabin eighteen, the harmonia cabin.

finnley callaghan
finn is the counsellor for cabin nineteen, the tyche cabin.

aaron vincenzo
aaron is the counsellor for cabin twenty, the nemesis cabin.

additionally, artemis and hera have honorary cabins, as they have no demigod children, but it would be considered an insult to not have one in their name. the huntresses of artemis often bunk in the artemis cabin whenever they stop by, but the hera cabin is always untouched.
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gods & goddesses
listed below are the gods and goddesses that will be making an appearance in the rp, whether in disguise or not. gods and goddesses also choose to represent themselves in the body they identify with, so some gods and goddesses will look younger than others, but they all essentially appear as though they've been sculpted from the best marble.

zeus is the greek god of the sky and thunder, and he is the king of the gods since he defeated the titan lord kronos. he is the husband of hera, and the brother of poseidon and hades, and is therefore considered one of the 'big three'. many of the twelve olympians and other minor gods are his offspring.

hera is the greek goddess of women, marriage, children and family. she is the wife of zeus, and is the mother of the gods hephaestus and ares.

poseidon is the greek god of the sea, horses and earthquakes. he is the brother of the gods zeus and poseidon and is therefore considered to be one of the 'big three'. he sired the first of the pegasi, who was named pegasus.

demeter is the greek goddess of agriculture, grains and fertility. she is the mother of the greek goddess persephone, whom she sired with the greek god zeus.

athena is the greek goddess of wisdom, handicraft and strategic warfare. she is the daughter of zeus and a virgin goddess by oath, however she does have a few demigod children. these births are not ordinary births, however, as she can join her mind with her mortal lovers. her offspring are therefore literally 'brain children', as this was how athena herself was born.

ares is the greek god of war. he is the son of zeus and hera, and the on and off again boyfriend of the goddess aphrodite. among his children are the more well known gods phobos and deimos, the gods of fear and terror respectively.

apollo is the greek god of music, poetry, archery, healing and prophecy. he is a son of zeus and the twin brother of artemis. apollo has sired multiple children, with one of them being the god asclepius.

artemis is the greek goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, wild animals and the moon. she is the daughter of zeus, and the twin sister of the god apollo. she is a virgin goddess, has sworn off love, and has sired no children.

aphrodite is the greek goddess of love and beauty. she is the daughter of zeus and the wife of the god hephaestus, however she has an on and off relationship with the god ares and has sired several offspring with him.

hephaestus is the greek god of fire and forges. he is the son of zeus and hera and is the wife if the goddess aphrodite.

hermes is the greek god of trade, roads, thieves and travelers. he is one of the many sons of zeus and is said to be the father of the nature god pan.

dionysus is the greek god of wine, madness and theatre. he is the son of zeus and was granted the opportunity to be one of the twelve olympians after carrying out a quest. he replaced hestia, who was formerly one of the twelve olympians.

hecate is the greek goddess of magic, witchcraft and necromancy. she is the mother of the great sorceress circe.

nemesis is the greek goddess of divine retribution. she was mothered by the goddess nyx.

hades is the greek god of the underworld. he is the husband of persephone, and is the brother of poseidon and zeus, making him one of the 'big three'.

persephone is the greek goddess of spring. she is the wife of the god hades, and resides in the underworld with him. she is the daughter of zeus and demeter.

nyx is the greek goddess of night. she was born of the primordial void known as chaos, and mothered several known children, such as hypnos, nemesis, thanatos and even the moirai (the three fates).

morpheus is the greek god of sleep and dreams. he is the son of hypnos, the god of sleep, and pasithea, the goddess of relaxation and rest.

enyo is the greek goddess of war, and often depicted to be the sister of ares, the greek god of war.

phobos is the greek god of fear, and he is the son of the greek god ares and the greek goddess aphrodite. his twin brother is deimos, the god of terror.

demios is the greek god of terror, and he is the son of the greek god ares and the greek goddess aphrodite. his twin brother is phobos, the god of fear.

erebos is the greek god of darkness and mist. he is said to be born out of the primordial void known as chaos.

iris is the greek goddess of rainbows and the messenger of the gods. she is often said to link the gods to humanity.

harmonia is the greek goddess of harmony and concord. she is the daughter of the god zeus and electra, one of the pleiades (seven daughters of atlas).

asclepius is the greek god of healing and medicine. he is the son of the greek god apollo, and he was taught the art of healing by chiron the centaur.
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other npcs
coming soon.
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