• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ☼The Summer to Remember☼


From Dusk till Dawn


Summer is here, the hot is out burning everyone when it's only 90 degrees. Parties, Jobs, Friends, and most importantly vacation. That's what everyone needs right an vacation just to get away and enjoy themselves just to have. School is out and these young adults have another thing coming for them when they all go on vacation with each other. These 10 young adults will be put to the test when they all head out to the Dominican Republic and enjoy the time they are there for. Secrets might come, drunken moments, commitments, the truth to be told. They all have different talents but each talent always has consequences about who they really are.



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Location: Home to Airport| Mood: Excited| Mentions: Tsiwentiio Tsiwentiio Daisy Adley Daisy Adley Tori Bradley Tori Bradley

Beep..Beep...Be... Daniella slammed her alarm clock with hate and passion because she was just in a good sleep and she really didn't want to get up. But she knew what today was and that was to the Dominican Republic with her friends. She groan as she slowly started to sit up in her bed tired and looking at the time which was only 7 in the morning. "Why the hell did I set that thing so early", she says to herself. She finally stop her complaining and got up from her bed, but the next thing she knows is her mother busting into her room like their was a killer in here. Dani looked at her mother in wide eyes and she says "Ma what are you doing? Coming into my room like that?". Daniella's mother Tina says "I had to make sure you was awake so your not late for your trip.". Daniella rolled her eyes and says "Okay mom out now, goodbye",she says while starts pushing her mother out the door from her room.

When Daniella got out the shower after washing her hair and her body, she looked at herself in the sink and she went into her bathroom cabinet to take out her make up. She always does her make up light not to much because she knew she didn't need it and it would break out her skin, so she was always extra careful of how much she would put on every day. After she did her finishing touches she left the bathroom and ran into her room to start getting dress. She walked into her walk in closet looking for something to wear, because she could pick out anything she looked at the weather that it was in Los Angeles and it was only 85 degrees. "Why does it have to be so hot today",she went back in her closet and takes out a very washed up pastel type t-shirt and a pair of black leggings and her Jordans.

After getting dress she looked at the time and it was only 8:30AM. She mentally nodded to herself and went to go flat iron her long light brown hair with blonde highlights. Once she finished she went to grab her two suitcases and along with her purse and laptop bag and slowly walks down the stairs with them.
"Mom, where is Joshua I need him to drop me", she says while putting her bags down. "Joshua is in the car waiting for you". She nodded at her mother and she gave her kisses goodbye an left. Joshua is one of her childhood friends and grew up with each other, but the only reason why we were just as friends well, Let's just say he has a different type. "Are you ready for this trip since you know who's going to be there", he says. She shakes her head and says "There is nothing I can do okay, she hate's me all well, I can't control has she feels towards me". He was watching the rode and says "At least try to talk to Breana". Breana Thomas, little sister of Robert Thomas an also ex girlfriend of her current boyfriend Darren Alexander. Breana hated her because Daniella was the one that Darren was cheating on Breana with. Even though she is using him as a distraction because of Bianca and no one knows her secret, well but Joshua. Once we reached the Airport, I hugged Joshua and took my bags out the car and started to walk inside of LAX waiting for the others to get here.



Location: Home| Mood: Excited and Annoyed| Mentioned: Tsiwentiio Tsiwentiio
Robert was already up around 6 in the morning to get some music done, every morning Robert would always wake up, do his morning run and come home to shower than start on his music. Today he was writing music for his piano an recording the beats or writing notes down trying to make a new song for himself. While listening to some notes, Robert was interrupted by the one and only Leanne Thomas. "Robert get off of that piano and go wake up yours sister please". He sighed and once she walked out the room he took of his headphones off his ear and left his room to go to his sister Breana's. Robert knocked on her door and came in shaking her body and saying "B, mom said get up or she's going to come in here with ice and water". He left her room and walks down the hallway with only a pair of basketball shorts and sneakers and with no shirt on.

"Morning son", he heard his dad Mark, say to him as he walked down the stairs as he was slipping his coffee and reading the newspaper. He went to the kitchen to go grab an apple an take a bit of it and says "Hey dad how are you?". "Doing well, how abou-", his father was cut off by the phone beeping in Robert's hand and he knew it was his girlfriend Bianca. He read the text and his father says "Still with that girl I see". The one thing Robert did not want to hear from his mouth and that was about his girlfriend. As much his family freaking hates her because of her smoking problem and she does drugs, they are not the one dating her he is. "I'm not having this discussion again with you". His father put his coffee down and says "When are we going to have this talk Robert?". Robert started to get annoyed with his father and his mother was watching the whole conversation and Robert says "I'm going to make this clear and I'm only going to say this once. You guys are NOT dating her I AM, leave her ALONE. So what she has her habits, but I fell in love with her not you two.". Robert's mother came over to hug him but he pushed her away and says "I'm going to get dress and leave this hell hole". With that Robert leaves the dinning table and walks back upstairs to finish packing.
Daisy Adley Daisy Adley apolla apolla Lurker Lurker Tori Bradley Tori Bradley Tsiwentiio Tsiwentiio davian davian ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki HufflepuffOwl HufflepuffOwl
Dom Sanford- Home/en-route to the airport- Mood: Tired, but pleasantly optimistic.

After catching barely four hours of sleep, Dominic was woken up by the bright rays of light streaming through the narrow space between his blackout curtains. He sighed heavily and pulled himself up, stretching his toned arms above his head and giving a deep yawn. After blinking the sleep out of his eyes, he got out of bed and stepped over his silver Weimaraner, who was obediently lying beside his bed and looked up at him with wide bright blue eyes.

Dominic smiled and knelt on the floor beside his dog, affectionately scratching him behind the ears. He stood up again and walked over to his closet to select the outfit he would wear on the plane. The antique wooden wardrobe, which matched the rest of the furniture in his spacious bedroom, was half-empty now that he had packed up his Summer clothes for his trip. What remained was mostly suits, jackets and longer pants. Dominic decided on a plain white shirt, comfortable grey pants and a light black jacket- he knew planes could get chilly. The shoes he chose were casual and easy to slip off his feet, and the outfit was completed by his favorite blue-tinted sunglasses.

He neatly folded together the white t-shirt and pajama pants he'd changed out of and headed downstairs for breakfast, his dog following close behind. After pouring the dog a bowl of dog chow, Dominic sat down at the table across from his father, who had just set down this morning's newspaper on the table in front of him.

"No phone today?" the slender, graying man asked.
Dominic shook his head, putting eggs and toast on his plate and pouring himself some orange juice. "I figured we could have one last face-to-face conversation before I go."
Those words put a smile on his father's face. "I appreciate that." Then his brow furrowed. "You be careful kid. Don't walk around by yourself at night, you hear?"
Dominic nodded.
"And don't come back with a tattoo," the older man continued, waving his finger at him. "At least not in a noticeable place," he mumbled under his breath, continuing to push his food around his plate.
Dominic laughed for a second, then frowned. "You seem really worried."
"Of course I'm worried! My only son's leaving the country!"
"I went to Paris alone when I was fifteen..."
"We have family there."
Dominic sighed. "All my friends are coming with me."
"That doesn't put me at ease."
"I'll be fine, Dad. I'll come home with a tan and a smile on my face."
Dominic's father sighed. "God knows you need it."
The two of them shared a laugh, and when Dominic had finished his breakfast and poured his coffee into a to-go cup, he said his goodbyes and got into the car transporting him to the airport. Even if he could afford it, he didn’t exactly want to pay for parking, and he didn’t exactly trust the airport’s parking garage, either.

Once he was well on his way, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and stuck his earbuds into his ears, checking his social media accounts and notifications for any messages from his friends as he drank his coffee. There was the group chat he was in with the people he was closest to- Vera, Jace and Val. Since he was still a good half hour away from any of their homes, and he had plenty of time left to get to the airport, he sent out a quick text to them.
Good morning. Anyone need a ride?

Lurker Lurker ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki HufflepuffOwl HufflepuffOwl


Jace Hawthorne
Drop Out.
Groggy af.
davian davian .

'Cause the angels gonna play, play, play, play,
And the demons gonna hate, hate, hate, hate,
Baby I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake,
Shake it off, Shake it-


A pale, slender hand slammed on the nightstand, pawing at his Galaxy S8. He fumbled with the cellphone, turning off the alarm. A groan pierced the air.
"Why the hell do I have that song as my alarm?"
grumbled the blonde. Last time he checked, it was Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. Perhaps, one of his friends switched it on purpose? Goddamn Supernatural fans. Jace rose into a sitting position, carding fingers through his unruly locks. He glanced at his phone, assessing the time; 7:01 AM. A louder groan escaped his lips. Bloody hell, he hated mornings. While ignoring his alarm sounded wonderful, Jace couldn't afford falling back asleep.

"Morning flights suck," the DJ mumbled. Without another word, Jace slipped off his bed, rising into a standing position. He stretched his arms above his head, popping his back. The blonde rolled his shoulders, scrubbing a hand down his face. Jace pressed a fist against his lips, smothering a yawn. He pivoted to his right, crossed his bedroom, and entered his ensuite, closing the door behind him. Fifteen minutes later, Jace emerged, showered and refreshed. He assembled an outfit, donned it, and exited his bedroom. The drop out headed toward his kitchen, preparing a light breakfast.

Last Summer, before his sophomore year, Jace opted against the campus dormitory. Before the Autumn semester, the curly-haired blonde found an apartment downtown, within walking distance to the shops, clubs, and bars. It was a two bedroom, two bath layout with an open concept kitchen, a moderately-sized living room, and a small balcony. While the initial rent was expensive, Jace utilized his familial connections, lowering the price. Fortunately, the campus was located near downtown, preventing a nightmare of early mornings, traffic jams, and road rage.


Once his eggs started sizzling, Jace returned to his bedroom, retrieving his cell. On his way back, he swiped his thumb across the touchscreen, unlocked it, and navigated to his inbox. The blonde spotted the message sent by his boyfriend, Nick. His lips twitched, forming into a small, candid grin. Jace hit reply, tapped on the keyboard, and pressed sent. He slipped his phone in his pocket, focusing on his breakfast.

{ I'm game, babe. Once I finish breakfast, I'll be ready. }

Despite owning a vehicle, Jace wasn't keen paying the parking fee. Since his boyfriend offered a ride, the DJ wouldn't hesitate agreeing. A few minutes later, Jace completed his task, dished a plate, and plopped on a chair stationed in front of the peninsula raised bar. While he munched on his breakfast, the drop out scrolled on his cellphone, checking his social media. To ensure a smooth morning, Jace packed everything last night, placing his luggage by the door leading outside.


Mood: ìn the zone Mentioned: Lurker Lurker davian davian HufflepuffOwl HufflepuffOwl
Vera sat on on her desk chair facing one of her apartment wall, dabbling and sweeping her brush across it with oil paint. She was dressed in basic pink panties and a white tank top with band symbol on both her clothes and her covered by multicolored blotches of paint. Next her on her desk her laptop showed a landscape scene of a Greek island she committed herself in copying. She started from the evening before excited by the challenge forgetting the trip that was planned for the next day or the fact that the wall she was painting on was not hers as she was renting the place. She had to complete this artistry and she needed s canvass, she was out of paper.

Don't get her wrong, she had prepared for the trip. A suitcase and backpacks sat by the door, there purpose forgotten by Vera's excitement and need to draw. She had been excited by the trip, looking forward to the alcohol, fun, women and potential drawing opportunities to come in the Dominica republic. Also any chance to be as far away from her father was a boom, even now her mobile was filled with messages and calls from her father to talk. Not a thing that Vera would allow, he would only demand anyways. The feud between them would not end until he realised her mother even than she wasn't sure he wanted anything from him apart from her sister. This feud has lasted long since she came to her teens and if she looked back she would have been shocked at how much it consumed her life. This flat was a sign of that, a dingy old studio she had rented with money saved by her mother for her.

Chimes of her group conversation with Dom, Vake and Jace bathe from her phone and laptops barely registered in her focused mode. She was normally quick to reply and her friends would now the meaning of her absent reply. Her art trances were common enough to their chagrin and hopefully were prepared to extract her in time.
The mass of blankets and pillows on the couch let out a sound very close to a death gurgle. The alarm he had set on his phone was blaring far too loudly this early in the morning. Andrew threw the covers off of himself, his eyes completely bloodshot. There were still several people lying on the floor, some were already up and moving about the frat house. Andy's frat had decided to throw him a going away party the night before. It was actually one of the better parties of the year, honestly. His head was killing him and he could barely think straight. Why had he even set an alarm in the first place? He needed to get some water to fight off the hangover.

The alarm was still going and someone on the floor finally spoke up, swearing at Andrew. "Would you turn that shit off?" "Screw you." Came the sleepy reply and Andy picked up his phone, silencing the alarm. The quarterback sighed, pushing himself to shaky feet. He was completely out of it, moving around the house like a zombie. The place was a complete and Andrew began cleaning as if on auto pilot when someone in the kitchen called out to him. "What, you're cleaning? Don't you have a flight today?" Val blinked back the sleepiness, the pieces slowly falling into place. "Oh crap. Why did I let you guys keep me up so late?" He yawned loudly, scratching the back of his neck. Thankfully sober Andy was a vastly more intelligent person than drunk Andy and he already had all his stuff at the house.

"Well this place better be completely clean by the time I get back." The other guy nodded. He was one of the guys that Andy had actually joined the frat with so he knew he could trust him. Andy moved into the room where a guy and girl were both sleeping in a bed. Thankfully they didn't wake up so Andy wouldn't have to explain himself. He grabbed his suitcase and backpack, moving back out to the main room.

Andy threw his stuff onto the couch, moving into the kitchen to get some water. The cool liquid didn't do much to stop the headache but it at least woke him up a little bit. He pulled out his phone and noticed two messages from the group chat. He read them quickly before typing up a quick reply. I'll let you know. Gonna see if Ari needs a ride. Who's idea was it to go so early? With a few more taps on his phone Val brought up the messages to Ari and sent her one as well. Hey hon. You want to go together to the airport or just meet there?

With that done Andrew decided to finally get dressed. He pulled out random clothes, not really taking time to come up with an actual outfit. They were going to be on a plane all day anyway, who cares what he wore? Andy checked the time on his phone and decided he'd set his alarm much too early. He would have gone back to sleep if he wasn't sure he wouldn't wake back up if he did. Val moved into the bathroom that smelled suspiciously of someone that couldn't hold their alcohol well. He took a quick shower before getting changed and brushed his teeth. Thankfully he practically lived at the frat house so he had all his stuff here. He realized he didn't know what to do with the dirty clothes and frowned. He had worn his good clothes to that party too.

Andrew walked back out to the living room where a few more people were waking up. He saw one of his closest friends in the frat and tossed the clothes to him before collapsing onto the couch. "Need you to wash those and drop them off at my apartment. Please?" "Yeah alright. You owe me." Val nodded his agreement and turned on the TV, flicking through channels just to kill time.

Bianca Grace had gotten out of bed lazily, hearing her phone beep repeatedly as her alarm went off. The blonde was still in clothes and makeup from the night before, having been out with some friends she made at an audition. They had smoked pot together and drove around the city, letting themselves enjoy the night before Bia had to leave early the next morning. Her sister was already awake and in the shower, causing her to roll her eyes dramatically and walk over to her suitcase that she'd packed beforehand. Mornings like these moved ever so slowly, especially when she knew her parents would hound her with questions once she reached the kitchen. The girl decided to pick out a simple outfit, since she wasn't in the mood to squeeze herself into skinny jeans or flaunt some slutty beach outfit already. As she laid her clothes out on her bed, she heard her name being called from down the hall.


With a soft sigh, Bianca opened her door to see her parents standing there, disappointed looks on their faces. "I know what you're gonna say, and I wanted you to know that I don't give a shit." She crossed her arms, giving her parents the attitude that she generally had towards them when they were confrontational. "I told you, I'll stop, but on my own terms. How about you guys face the pressure that I do. You always want me to be that pretty blonde star on the screen but it's not that fucking easy."

Her dad scoffed, stepping into her room as she moved about and situated her luggage, making sure she had anything and everything, and then some. "You're ruining your life, Bianca Grace. Why can't you just be like your sister? She's just as talented as you and going through just as much as you, but she doesn't ruin her health by doing drugs and smoking pot."

"I don't smoke pot, daddy."
Bianca chuckled, running a brush through her wavy blonde locks, "I smoke cigarettes, they kill me faster." Her parents were shocked by the comment, and her lighthearted tone confused him just as much. "Let me get ready, Ari and I have a flight in like, an hour or something.

Once her parents left, the blonde texted her boyfriend, looking down at her phone with pursed lips.
"Are me and Ari still picking you up? We have to leave in like, 45 mins if we wanna make our flight."
Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah

He’d been very close to nodding off in the back of the car, but receiving a text from his boyfriend woke Dominic up and put a smile on his face. He quickly answered it with
I'll be there in 20. He figured that would be enough time, but if Jace needed more, then of course he would wait. With a soft yawn he typed the address into his Maps app, instantly syncing the route up to the car’s GPS system. Dominic explained to his driver that they would be picking someone up, then leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes. He really should have gotten a better night’s sleep, but he was way too excited for this trip to get any rest. Maybe it would be easier to sleep on the plane, with a playlist of good music and hopefully, his boyfriend leaning on his shoulder.

For years it had been Dominic’s dream to travel with the person he loved, and he only hoped that the trip would bring them closer together. Even if a couple of their friends- and people they didn’t get along with- would be accompanying them. This would be the longest stretch of time they'd spent together in a while- ever since Dominic had started going to university and working at the family company, they'd been mostly limited to talking over text. At least he would be far away from all of his responsibilities during the duration of this trip. It would be nice, to have a break from being The Businessman.

Dominic had drifted off for a few minutes, daydreaming about the sun and the sand awaiting him, but woke up when he felt the car halting to a stop. He looked out the window, and realized they had stopped in front of Jace’s apartment complex. Dominic sighed, ran a hand back through his dark brown hair and opened the car door, stepping out and standing beside the vehicle for a moment. He checked his silver IPhone- it was exactly 19 minutes since he’d sent the message, and another text had been received from Val. Dominic chuckled to himself at his friend’s dismay. Knowing him, he'd probably been partying and drinking with his frat all night. Dominic was used to being punctual- sometimes too punctual. It wasn’t everybody’s cup of tea, but someone had to do it.

He texted back, before switching off his phone. He stuck it in his pocket, and began the short walk to the apartment's door. Once he reached it he knocked, same as always. He could've just sent his boyfriend a text saying that he was here and waited for him in the car, but he wanted to have a minute alone before they went on the flight. And to help Jace out with carrying his luggage if he needed it. Only realizing now that he'd left his sunglasses on this entire time, even in the car, Dominic folded them and stuck them into the collar of his shirt. Then he yawned again. Even he couldn't understand why he was so tired on four hours of sleep- he'd easily aced his accounting final on less. Maybe he needed to have another cup of coffee.

HufflepuffOwl HufflepuffOwl Lurker Lurker ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki



Jace Hawthorne
Drop Out.
davian davian , Lurker Lurker ,
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ,
apolla apolla .


{I'll be there in 20.}

Jace swallowed a mouthful of scrambled eggs. He picked up his glass of apple juice, sipping it. The blonde hit reply, tapped a message, and pressed sent.

{ (: }

After sending the simple emoji, Jace texted his brother, Andy, and close female friend, Vera. No doubt, his brother partied last night. The drop out recalled being invited, but he declined the invitation. While he loved parties, and his brother threw wicked ravers, the younger sibling wasn't keen enduring a hangover, especially when they're scheduled flying. Jace felt zero sympathy for his brother's condition. Better Andy than himself. Five minutes later, the blonde consumed the rest of his breakfast. He wiped his mouth with a napkin, rose into a standing position, and picked up his dishes. He pivoted to his right, approaching the sink. Jace tossed the napkin in a nearby bin, dipped his dishes in the sink, and washed them. Despite hailing from a wealthy background, he learned basic household skills, including cooking, baking, and washing. Since he lived on his own, Jace found it imperative.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

By the time a knock resounded the room, Jace completed his task, brushed his teeth, and lounged in his living room, playing a random game on his Galaxy S8. The blonde glanced at his cell, assessing the time; about nineteen minutes passed since he texted his boyfriend. Jace snorted at the timeframe. His lips twitched with amusement. "Always punctual," muttered the DJ. A hint of fondness permeated his tone. Without another word, Jace stood, pivoted, and crossed the sitting room, approaching the front door. He opened it, revealing a familiar tall brunette. The drop out pocketed his cell, stepped forward, and greeted his boyfriend with a kiss. "Heaven forbid Dominic Sanford is late," he teased. Jace stepped back, turned, and retrieved his luggage; one large suitcase and his backpack. While the blonde intended checking his suitcase, his backpack was a carry-on.

"I have Ibuprofen for Andy. He'll probably need it," Jace announced, patting the front pocket of his backpack. The DJ was no stranger to hangovers. Once his luggage were stashed inside the hallway outside, Jace gathered his wallet, keys, and neck pillow. The last item seemed excessive, but if they were traveling on a plane for eight or so hours, he wanted to be comfortable. Bloody hell, navigating through LAX Airport would be a nightmare of its own. Thank fuck he signed up for Pre-Check. "Missed you," Jace admitted, flashing his boyfriend a soft grin.

Due to his boyfriend's hectic schedule, they resorted to texting, face-timing, and the occasional Skype call. He, more than anyone, understood the pressure of university, including family expectations. So, the curly-haired drop out savored the moments he spent with his boyfriend. Now, they were vacationing in the Dominican Republic together. No more university. No more family businesses. Just them, including their friends. Well, friends and acquaintances. It was no secret Jace hated his brother's girlfriend.

The DJ closed his apartment door, locked it, and retrieved his backpack, slipping it on his back. He grasped the handle of his suitcase, pivoted to his right, and faced Dominic. "Ready when you are, babe," Jace declared. His vintage sunglasses were perched on his nose, shielding his sea green eyes.

A bright smile lit up Dominic’s face when the door opened and he found himself looking into familiar sea-green eyes. Jace’s words did get a laugh out of him- outside of his home he was usually a stoic, serious guy, but that all seemed to melt away when he was around his boyfriend. To Dominic’s relief, it did appear that he hadn’t interrupted anything, and that Jace was all packed up and ready to leave at this point. While he waited for him to pick up his things, he leaned his body against the door-frame and crossed his arms, watching Jace with a slight smile. He did raise an eyebrow when Jace mentioned bringing Ibuprofen for his brother. Dominic hadn't thought of that, though he had brought extra bottles of water he could offer to his friends before they passed through security. “That’s very thoughtful of you,” he observed.

Dominic didn’t have any siblings- and truthfully, having friends was more than enough. He was already pretty close with them. If there was anything they needed, or they needed him to be there, he would drop anything in a heartbeat to help them out. He didn’t have much free time, but within what little time he did get, he prioritized. Senior year was coming up fast, and it would be his most challenging year yet. So he was going to live it up and spend as much time with his favorite people as he could before it was back to hitting the books. Just one more year, and then all that would be left to do was work. He would have more time, even if he was still busy.

At the words Missed You, Dominic felt his heart sink a little. He knew he hadn’t been around for his boyfriend as much as he wanted to, or even as much as he should have been. This trip was going to be his chance to try and make that right. There wasn’t a single day that he wasn’t thankful for Jace’s patience and understanding, and during the weeks they couldn’t see each other face to face, it had felt like a piece of him was missing. Which only motivated him to work more, because the sooner all his tasks where finished, the sooner they would be able to see each other again. Dominic returned the grin with a soft smile of his own. “Missed you too.” He took a swift step back as Jace walked out of the apartment with his luggage, and nodded before making his way back to the car waiting on them.

The trunk opened before he even had to signal or say anything, so Dominic smiled and silently thanked the driver with a grateful wave of his hand. He walked up to back of the car and looked over the bags he’d already stashed the day before- a royal blue suitcase, which would be easily spotted in the baggage claim, and a light grey backpack that was intended for outings but would serve as his carry-on bag for the flight. Fortunately there was more than enough room in the trunk for all the luggage. While this car wasn’t the coolest or most expensive car in the world, it did offer a lot of space and comfortable seats. After helping Jace lift the suitcase into the trunk, Dominic walked back over to the side of the car and opened the door for him. “After you," he said politely, beginning to smile again.

HufflepuffOwl HufflepuffOwl
Darren J. Alexander
Location: Home to Airport // Mood: Relaxed, Tired // Mentions: N/A

scroll down

Darren woke with the sun, as he did every morning. He dressed in a pair of black basketball shorts, a gray tank top, and a beat-up pair of sneakers he bought from a thrift store before he went for his morning jog. About an hour later, he returned to his apartment to get ready for the day. In a little over three hours, he and his friends—and one person he could live without ever seeing again—were to be boarding a plane to the Dominican Republic. He walked into his bedroom, dropping his shirt on his bed as he headed for his bathroom to shower. The warm water released the tension in his muscles. Around ten minutes later, Darren was back in his room, freshly showered and shaved.

After pulling on an outfit, he gathered his luggage for the trip and carried it into the entry room/den, depositing it by his front door for a quick grab when he was ready to leave. He checked his watch, satisfied to see that it was only seven o’clock. He wanted to be able to have a good breakfast before he took a four-hour commercial flight to a Hispanic country. With what little experience he had with flying, he found that airplane food, at least for commercial passengers, was not very appetizing. He wasn’t much of a cook, but all he needed for a few Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches was a somewhat functional microwave. And thanks to what little income he managed to make with his not-so-frequent music sales, he had one.

As he waited for his food to heat up, he logged in to his kitchen desktop, flipping on the small soundboard hooked up to it. He brought up his latest recording files, separating the different segments in the music so he could tailor it. This particular request was made by a fairly rich kid who wanted a good beat for his dance crew to design a routine around. He was offering a few hundred dollars for one song, and possibly more later if he enjoyed Darren’s initial recording; ergo, this recording had to be Darren’s best work. Just as he added in a violinist background, the microwave went off. He popped out his food, and sat down at the counter to eat. By the time he was finished, he’d finished the general track, though it was still rough around the edges. There were still some things he needed to add. He threw his trash away, turned off his computer and equipment, and grabbed his bags.

Stepping out his apartment, Darren locked the front door, slid the deadbolt into place, and loaded his bags into the bed of his truck. He didn’t bother to worry about it being stolen from the airport parking lot while it was gone; there was nothing in it of any worth. The drive to the airport only took around an hour and fifteen minutes thanks to the loose traffic on the highway, so he was paying for a parking space and heading for the terminal at 8:30. He wasn’t actually sure what time the flight was. He believed it was around 9:00-9:30. Backpack slung over his shoulder, Darren pulled his suitcase into the airport lobby.

It took around twenty minutes to get through security and luggage check-in thanks to his lack of cash to pay for Pre-Check, but by around 8:50, he was on his way to his flight gate’s waiting area. Settling into a seat, he put in his head phones and began working on smoothing out the flow of one his secondary-priority tracks.
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"Alright Alright" Breana yelled back at her brother as he startled her, the fact that she even got any sleep that night was pretty fantastic. She was beyond excited for this trip, I mean who wouldn't, nice weather, exotic location and being with a group of friends she had know for what seemed like forever.

Well there were a few people that she wasn't overly excited to see, well two people in particular. The first would be Daniella, although Bree isn't overly excited about her existence, she would try her best to not get into a fight with her, everything that happened, happened, and there is nothing Bree can do about it now. The other would be her ex boyfriend Darren , she hadn't really talked to him much or really seen to much of him, but she was determined not to let them destroy her vacation.

She got out of bed and got dressed and did her makeup and fixed her hair and grabbed her suit case and backpack and headed down stairs. She could hear her brother and parents bickering about something "Well at least they aren't talking about me" she said under her breath as she walked by them and placed her things by the door. It was no surprise that her parents weren't the most supportive of their children's choices in a spouse but Bree found that neither herself or her brother really listened to them.

She checked her phone, noticing that they were running a bit behind schedule "Hurry up Robert" she yelled up to her brother "And he says I take forever" she said to her mother, who gave her a big hug "Be careful, keep an eye on your brother" she said, their mother was finally comfortable with them wanting them to leave the nest, but it was hard for her to see them leave, while their father could really care less.

Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah




Arianna Jamison

Beep. Beep. Beep. Be-

Arianna reached over from her position on the bed and shut off the blaring alarm on her phone. Honestly, she'd been waiting for it to go off for the last five minutes, having woken up before the time she set. Despite knowing what time it was already, she glanced down anyway, reading the time as 7 AM. Smiling to herself, she set her phone aside and stretched, moving her legs as she did so to stand. Being up early meant first in the shower, which meant she wouldn't have to take a cold one after her sister.

Scowling a little bit at the thought, she lowered her arms and stood from her bed, gathering her shower supplies and heading for the bathroom. She grabbed a towel on the way, and made sure to lock the bathroom door behind her. Next she turned on the hot water, then the cold, and stripped down. She allowed her fingers to twirl under the spray until the temperature was just right, and hopped in. She lathered, rinsed, and repeated twice, just to make sure she would be presentable. After washing her body she was finished, and when she unlocked the bathroom door and pulled it open, the first thing she heard was her sisters voice.

Rolling her eyes, she stepped into the hallway and saw her, along with their parents. They stepped into her room, and Arianna knew that she was next. Grateful she'd finished her packing last night, she moved into her room and shut the door so she could pull on some clothes before her parents came knocking. Sure enough, as soon as she'd pulled on her yoga pants and gray tank, there was a knock at her door. She opened it and smiled at her parents, and they smiled back, but she saw the stress in their eyes that appeared everytime they dealt with her sister.

Her father checked her bags and her mother sifted through her closet to make sure she didn't forget anything. Arianna continued dressing, pulling on a purple sweater, knowing the airport would probably be cold. Then she grabbed her phone and saw a text from her boyfriend, The Quarterback. Smiling, she twisted around away from her parents and texted him back.

Riding to the airport with Bianca and Robert. See you there! Muah!

She couldn't help but sigh a little bit. They'd been together for so long now, but he still hadn't proposed. She didn't want to think about what ifs... like what if he didn't want to. Chewing on her lip, she locked her phone and tossed it into her purse. "You okay hun?" Her mother asked, looking worried.

"Oh fine." Arianna assured her with a smile and a hug. She moved to hug her father, then she moved to stand in her door way. "Bianca!" She yelled, ensuring she got her sister's attention. "Are you ready to go? We're gonna be late!"

Code by JayeTheKat JayeTheKat
The Quarterback had nearly fallen asleep while watching TV. His phone buzzing on the couch beside him roused him from his daze and he checked the message. He felt a pang of guilt and anger when she refused his offer and said that she'd be going with Robert. Their relationship had been...A little rocky to say the least for the past few weeks. Andy had gotten far, far too drunk at a party and ended up sleeping with Vera. It was something he regretted but that wasn't really an excuse for it. It didn't take a relationship counselor to tell that the two of them had been drifting apart recently. Andy definitely wasn't ready to make any long term commitments yet but that didn't mean he wanted to lose Ari which was why he hated Robert. They were always together nowadays and Andy was not one to share.

Without wanting to put a sour note on the very beginning of their trip Val swallowed his pride and sent Ari a message. Alright. Can't wait to see you. Muah! He mimicked her cute little saying at the end of her text, throwing his phone onto the couch in annoyance. Andy couldn't even text his close friend Bianca about it. What was he supposed to tell her? 'Hey, watch that twerp you call a boyfriend for me.' Andy shook his head, determined to not be put in a bad mood over something that should be so small. He rationalized that it was just his own insecurities and guilt making him feel like there was anything between the two.

Everyone in the house was waking up slowly and some of them had decided that the party wasn't over. Andy rolled his eyes but couldn't hide the smirk on his face. If he weren't going anywhere he'd already be drinking just like them. That's what you were supposed to do in the summer. Party. Besides if he got drunk again at least he wouldn't need to deal with this headache. "Yo Val you want in?" "You know I'm going on vacation, man." The guy shrugged and down his red solo cup. Music was soon blaring throughout the house, waking up the ones who were heavy sleepers. "That's my queue to leave." Andrew chuckled and made his way outside after grabbing his bags.

Suddenly remembering that he still needed a ride, the quarterback pulled out his phone and sent a text to the group message. Ari's got her own ride. Mind swinging by to pick me up guys? I'm at the frat house. And if you have some water that would be greatly appreciated. :^) While Andy waited for his ride to come he sat on a bench on the porch, playing absently on his phone. As he was reading through the group chat messages he noticed Vera hadn't replied yet and shot another text off. Also we're gonna have to swing by Vera's. If she hasn't replied by now she won't ever. Probably painting or whatever. Andy chuckled at the thought of Vera being so caught up in what she was doing that she completely missed their flight. He could totally see her doing it though. Him and Vera were close enough friends but it was a little awkward after they had their one night stand. You don't sleep with your friends though, that's like rule number one. It's like having a sweater. Keeps you warm and cozy and it's nice to have around, but who in their right mind fucks their sweater?



Jace Hawthorne
Drop Out.
Happy & Apprehensive.
davian davian , Lurker Lurker .

"After you."

After loading his luggage, including his backpack, Jace pivoted to his right, facing the car door. Before he could react, Dominic opened it for him. He arched an eyebrow in response. Despite eighteen months, or one year and a half, of dating, Jace still wasn't use to his boyfriend's gentlemanly gestures. Before Nick, he dated a couple of guys. Due to his father's expectations, including his previous hectic schedule, they never lasted beyond two or so months. Truthfully, until he met Dominic, Jace had zero interest in serious relationships. During high school, he focused on his music. He had his fair share of hook-ups, yes, but they never developed into genuine relationships. Once he reached college, his work schedule became almost unbearable. Two guys managed to capture his attention. However, they didn't understand the stressfulness of a busy schedule, including strict family expectations. Jace enjoyed his time with them, but his previous relationships weren't serious; just distractions.

During his sophomore year in college, his older brother introduced him to Dominic. After two months of friendship, it transformed into a relationship. Unlike his prior relations, Dom understood the pressure of expectations, schedules, and deadlines. He wasn't deterred by the notion. Underneath the stoic businessman, Dominic was incredibly sweet, considerate, and loyal. While they encouraged each other to follow their passions, his boyfriend's support alone strengthened Jace's resolve, enabling him to drop out.


Jace never told his older brother, Andy. The majority of campus, mainly the Engineering department, were aware the youngest son of Adrian Hawthorne, CEO of Hawthorne Tech, dropped out. Surprisingly, the news never reached his brother. Guilt clawed at his chest. Jace didn't make it a habit keeping secrets from his brother. Contrary to popular belief, they maintained a close bond. The blonde hated the fact their father chose him over Andy. Even if his older brother didn't want it, inheriting the company was his birthright. Once Jace dropped out, he was hesitant. No, terrified. How would Andy react? No doubt, his parents - well, father - would be pissed. Yet, what about his brother? At some point, during the trip to Dominican Republic, Jace intended revealing the truth. Hopefully, his brother wouldn't hate him for keeping it a secret.


Once the DJ slipped inside the vehicle, he brandished his cellphone, swiped his thumb across the touchscreen, and navigated to his inbox. "Andy needs a ride. He's at the frat house," Jace announced. He pocketed his Galaxy S8, buckled his seatbelt, and waited for the driver to take off. Fortunately for his brother, the blonde anticipated the hangover, planning ahead. While he packed Ibuprofen, Jace included water, a light breakfast, and a pack of mints.

Dominic followed Jace into the car and shut the door behind him before clicking in his seat-belt. “Okay,” he responded and quickly had the frat house’s address put into the GPS system. “We're picking up one more,” he notified the driver, who responded by giving him a thumbs-up before pulling out of the complex’s parking lot. Dominic had already taken a bottle of water out of his bag and placed it in the front passenger seat, where Val usually ended up sitting when they were going somewhere together. It probably wasn’t a good idea for Val to drive when he was hungover, anyhow. The last thing Dominic wanted was for any of his friends to have an accident or get into trouble with the police, especially today.

Once the car was well on its way, he loosely slung his arm around Jace’s shoulder and checked his phone again, holding it in his other hand. The fact that he still hadn’t received a text from Vera meant she probably hadn't noticed the messages that had been sent. They could still stop by her house to get her after they picked up Val. Dominic did envy Vera a little- not just because she was so insanely talented, but also because she was following her dreams. His dream was acting, but it seemed like that would turn into being nothing more than a hobby he used to have when he was young. He had a responsibility to his father, which didn't leave much room for pursuing his passions. That didn't mean he wouldn't encourage his friends to pursue theirs.

Dominic put his phone away and looked over at his boyfriend, who had recently dropped out of school to go back to being a DJ. “So, how's the music?” he asked lightheartedly. While he was completely supportive, he did worry about what would happen if Jace’s parents found out that he was doing this. Hell, his brother didn't even know. Dominic maintained the belief that things would turn out fine- he genuinely thought that Jace was great at what he did and that he would find success. If only he could find the courage to believe in himself the same way.

A few minutes later, the car stopped in front of the frat house. Dominic didn't even have to look out his window to know this- the booming music permeating through the car made that clear. His eyes briefly wandered over the drunken people whooping and crowding around something in the front yard. It looked like someone had set up a slip ‘n slide, which made the brunette shake his head just a little. Every time he encountered a frat party the adult part of him was grateful he hadn't joined a frat. Sure it looked like fun, but it just… Wasn't his thing.

Dominic wasn't sure Val would hear the doorbell or a knock over the stereo. And he didn't want to walk through the crowd of shirtless guys and girls in bikinis, for fear of having a drink spilled on him, or worse. So he took his phone out of his pocket again and sent a text to Val to let him know that they were waiting.
We’re here (: Water in the front seat.

HufflepuffOwl HufflepuffOwl Lurker Lurker ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
The fraternity didn't miss a beat. It was summer after all and the party had begun raging around him. Andy couldn't help but feel a little sad that he wouldn't be able to participate. He settled for just lying on the bench, resting his eyes. It was impossible for him to fall asleep with all the noise around him so he didn't have to worry about it. Summer was definitely in full swing. Andy didn't even know where half this crap had come from. Someone had brought an inflatable pool, there was a slip and slide. The party was almost stereotypical with all that stuff but everyone was having a great time. A couple people came by just to make small talk but they didn't stay long.

Before he knew it Val's Google Pixel vibrated on his chest and he opened his eyes to look at the message. "Alright guys. I've gotta go. Don't burn the place down while I'm gone, yeah?" The people around him chuckled and nodded. Andy had no idea running a fraternity would take so much work.. He thought it was just a golden ticket to parting all the time. Which, it was, but he also had to keep up appearances and manage funds.

The quarterback grabbed his bags and began walking to the car. He waved at a few people as he passed, trying his best to avoid getting wet. When he laid eyes on the car his first instinct was to sit in the front. After throwing his suitcase in the trunk which was becoming rather full at that point, he opened the door and slid in. Val rest his backpack on the floor beside his feet before turning to greet the two in the back. "Hey guys." There was a huge grin on his face as he waved at the two. He didn't get to see Jace enough anymore since he was always so caught up in his schoolwork.

The brother's father had never been an emotional person and their mother just went along with whatever their father said. Because of this the two had relied on each other for emotional support growing up. That bond they shared made the two inseparable and Andy couldn't have asked for a better brother. Andy still maintained contact with their father but it was clear that Jace didn't want to talk to the man if he didn't have to. It didn't bother Andy, at the end of the day they were all family and he would be there for them. "Dad says hi." He spoke to his brother, his smile fading some. His attention turned to the other male in the care, Dom. "You're looking good, man."

Val and Dom had been good friends for a long time. The two had both been 'kings' of their high schools and so they naturally came together. When Andy had found out that his friend was Gay he instantly knew what had to be done. He introduced him to Jace and the two seemed to hit it off. Andy was incredibly happy for them and thought they looked great together. Neither of the male's fathers were very happy with the situation and that seemed to be the one thing Andy and his father would never agree on. He usually just went along with what his father said but he refused to put anything in front of his brother's happiness.

Talking to : davian davian , HufflepuffOwl HufflepuffOwl


Jace Hawthorne
Drop Out.
Andy's Frat House.
davian davian , Lurker Lurker .

"So, how's the music?"

All of the sudden, an arm draped on his shoulders. Jace hummed, leaning against his boyfriend. "Slow," he admitted softly. For a moment, he grew silent. The blonde glanced outside the window, watching the hustle and bustle of morning traffic. Absentmindedly, he traced patterns on the brunette's left knee with his fingertips. "Due to my previous college schedule, I'm out of practice. Now, since I have a lot of free time, I been working on my music. No paid gigs yet," he elaborated. Once it pertained to his brother's parties, Jace had a tendency working for free. It scored him favors from his older brother. The drop out fiddled with the long sleeve of his striped cardigan, fingering the soft fabric. Since they were scheduled sitting on a plane for eight or so hours, Jace opted a comfortable, more casual attire.

Three months passed since Jace dropped out. While the days were long, time flied rapidly. Now, before he knew it, the Spring semester was over, classes were finished, and Summer break began. Due to their different schedules, Jace didn't see his brother much. After three months of waiting, the blonde couldn't avoid the inevitable anymore. Andy deserved the truth. Somehow, revealing the truth to his brother compared to his parents was more terrifying. Hence, his trepidation.

"Dad says hi."

Sometime later, the car parked in front of his brother's fraternity. Unsurprisingly, a party dominated the household, including the majority of the front lawn. Students were dancing, drinking, and - wait a minute, is that a slip 'n' slide? Jace leaned forward, peering through the dark-tinted window. Yup, a classic slip 'n' slide. If the situation were different, the DJ might of laughed at the stereotypical scenario. Bloody hell, it was half past eight in the morning. While Jace was no stranger to alcohol, he refrained drinking in the mornings. After Andy stashed his luggage in the trunk, settled in the vehicle, and greeted them, the blonde returned the gesture. Out of nowhere, his older brother mentioned him. All traces of mirth vanished. A neutral expression adorned his face. Jace averted his gaze, fiddling with his cardigan sleeves.

"Dad says hi."

The comment resonated inside his mind. "Doubt it," the youngest Hawthorne grumbled. Jace lowered his eyes, fingering the musical-themed tattoo on his left inner wrist. He recalled the moment his father witnessed the design. Of course, Adrian Hawthorne didn't approve. After befriending Vera, Jace became fascinated with body art, mainly tattoos. He had a total of four tattoos and wasn't stopping anytime soon. "I have Ibuprofen in my backpack, including a light breakfast. Knowing you, you didn't eat," the blonde announced, changing the subject. Jace carded fingers through his curly locks, mussing his unruly hair. He pressed a fist against his lips, smothering a yawn. Christ, he still hated mornings.

Deep down, guilt manifested inside his core. Family meant everything to his brother. Jace adapted a similar mindset. He would do anything to protect his loved ones, to the point skirting his own safety. Despite Adrian Hawthorne being the world's gargantuan asshole, he was still their father. At the end of the day, Andy considered him family. On the other hand, Jace had a different perspective. To him, families supported each other, loved each other, and protected each other. They didn't end in blood. His brother, including their mother, were family. However, their father? No. Unlike Val, Jace didn't truly consider their father family. They might be related by blood, but that's the end of their connection. Truthfully, he resented their father.

"I'm not the perfect son anymore," Jace thought darkly, recalling his situation. Once their Spring semester grades were released, Adrian Hawthorne would learn the shocking truth; his youngest son dropped out. Thankfully, by then, they would be vacationing in the Dominican Republic.

After greeting Val with the same handshake they'd used since their high school days, Dominic looked down at his phone and entered the next address- Vera’s place. Having seen Jace run his fingers over the tattoo on his wrist had instantly reminded him that they would need to stop by and check on her. “One last stop, and then we're off to the airport,” Dominic said, offering a small smile. He had sensed a change in his boyfriend’s mood when his father was mentioned. He knew very well how his boyfriend felt about his father. Once the Spring grades were released, there would be no way of getting around it- he would find out that his son had dropped out of college, and all hell would break loose. Dominic couldn’t even imagine telling his own father that if he were in Jace’s position, even if he was generally a more accepting person.

He couldn't bring up any of the things that might be worrying Jace now, mostly because Val didn't know about his brother dropping out of college, and was sitting right in the front seat. He didn’t really have to ask whether the party had been fun, because he knew Andrew’s parties were always great, and he was clearly hungover. Since it had been his going away party, one could bet that he had a great time.

In addition, Dominic was still quite tired, and he knew he would need to save his energy for navigating through the airport. At least his friends would be with him- it would be a lot easier to find the correct gate as a group. He stifled a yawn with his hand and made himself comfortable, enough to nearly fall asleep again. A huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders now that he and Jace were together. While he never admitted it, he was terrified of losing his boyfriend. Part of that had to do with his general fear of abandonment since his mother had left the family when he was quite young, but he knew Jace wouldn’t ever do anything that cold. His main fear was that the wrong person would find out about them and that Jace would be forced to choose between him and his family. Every time Dominic saw Jace, he was scared that it would be the last time. They couldn’t exactly keep their relationship a secret forever.

Dominic was quite content to sit in silence, until the car pulled up to Vera’s place. Before it had even stopped, he gently moved his arm away from Jace’s shoulders and sat up. “I’ll go and get her,” he volunteered with a slight smile. Once the car had completely stopped, he unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the door, closing it behind him after stepping out of the vehicle. Luckily there would be enough room for one more bag in the trunk.

He walked up to the door of the flat, rang the doorbell and knocked on the door. “Hey Vera? It’s Dom! We’re here to drive you to the airport!” he called, just in case Vera hadn’t heard either, and so that she knew who he was before she opened the door. If Vera couldn’t hear him ring or knock, then she would definitely hear his voice. He’d been a drama kid, which meant that he could be quite loud if he wanted to be. He really hoped that she would hear him, because the vacation would be a lot less fun without her, and he knew she wouldn’t want to miss it.

ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki HufflepuffOwl HufflepuffOwl Lurker Lurker

Mood: disappointed and surprised
Mentioned: davian davian

Vera remained busying herself with the painting almost finishing it by that point, giving it the last couple of touches of pain for a better effect. It was one of the finest works yet and a big change for her as she never made something so large and colourful in the past. As she looked back at it at one point she couldn't help feel a little disappointed though as it was nowhere the detail she would have liked. If she had the time she would have just white washed it and tried something else or do it again. The hours worked on it and effort having little to no factor in the decision to pretty much scrap the entire projects. Nothing but perfection, she will not suffer not finishing a piece of work or have it until it was perfect. She would not be interrupted either from that piece of work and would be really angry even hostile to the person who does so.

Vera had stepped back from the painting wondering if it was a total failure or something to be salvaged whenheard the doorbell but ignored it at first. She suspected it was possibly just her landlord looking to moan at somebody and the painting will definitely give him the excuse among many others. Then she paused when she heard Dom call out, which was very hard to ignore. "Shit." She cursed when she realised what she had forgotten. "Will be right out!" She called out of the door scrambling to get her things sorted and getting changed. "You really dont give a girl warning that you are coming are you!?" She complained as got dressed not giving herself a chance to wash of some of the paint of herself. She panicked at first thinking she hadnt packed anything before she found her prepared bags and breathed a sigh of relief before stuffing her laptop and few of her remaining painting supplies in her bag. She finally she was ready and went to open the door. "Hey... Come on lets go." She said quickly, moving outside her apartment with her things quickly and went to close the door before Dom noticed the painting on the other side.​



Location: Home| Mood: Excited | Mentioned: Tsiwentiio Tsiwentiio and Daisy Adley Daisy Adley
When Robert got out the shower he walked back into his room drying his hair with the towel hat was on his both of his shoulders. Before Robert went inside his closet he heard his IPhone 7 Plus ring in a text message and it was his girlfriend texting his mouth start to shape in a small and light smile when he unlocked his phone and it said "Are me and Ari still picking you up? We have to leave in like, 45 mins if we wanna make our flight." . He thought about it for a second and than his head popped up when he heard his younger sister Breana say "Hurry up Robert". He looked at the time and he cursed to himself and yells back "I'm almost ready relax B". He than turned back his attention back to his phone texting his girlfriend saying "Yea that would be great, Breana will also be joining us since she doesn't have a ride".

He went inside his closet to take out an outfit which was a plain white t-shirt with a button down shirt that he didn't button up just in case his arms gets cold on the plane and dark blue washed up jeans and some sneakers. He grabbed his sunglasses and his carry on bag with his suitcase running down the stairs and says to his sister "B I got ourselves a ride because I didn't want to bring our car, they will be here in 10 minutes". He sat down on his living room couch and he took out his phone to check anything that he couldn't view when he woke up in the morning.
Andy frowned to match his brother's change in mood. "Hey, come on. I didn't mean to..." Andy sighed. He hoped one day his brother and father could find some middle ground to share. "Well, when you graduate you'll inherit the company and you won't have to deal with him anymore. Then you can give me an easy job, right?" The older brother gave Jace his best smile, reaching back to nudge his shoulder playfully. He often joked about getting a job at the company but his father wouldn't let him with his grades. That left Andy with a lot of questions, mainly what he was going to do after college. His brother and Dom were both super smart and were going to be running their own companies. Vera was an amazing artist and super creative. Andy was just...Good at throwing a ball.

With the mention of food, the quarterback's smile grew even more. "You two are life savers. Where would I be without you?" He bowed his head graciously before uncapping the water that was in front and taking long swigs. He had downed half the water bottle in a flash, letting out a satisfied sound after he was done. His grin turned into a sheepish one when his younger brother knew that he hadn't eaten. "Hey, it's not my fault man. I was uh...Cleaning?" Andy was trying to think of a lie that his brother would believe and came up empty. He chuckled, giving a small wave to Dom as he left the car.

As the two sat there to wait for Vera and Dom to show back up, Andy just played on his phone. He had already gotten multiple Snapchats from the frat house and the party looked to be just as amazing as last nights. It wasn't uncommon for his frat to party all day like that, that's why they were one of the more popular ones at the school. Val hadn't really seen or talked to Vera since that night so he was hoping it wouldn't be awkward between the two. Andy had avoided telling his brother which was strange for him because usually there were no secrets between them. However, the eldest brother knew that Jace would probably be upset if he found out that Andy had slept with her. It was a conversation that, as far as Andy was concerned, didn't need to happen. I mean the girl was gay. Sure Val was so drunk that night that he'd forgotten but for all intents and purposes that should not have worked out the way it did.

Dominic smiled to himself when he heard Vera shout back. He patiently waited by the door for his friend to emerge. The paint on her face after she stepped out of the apartment confirmed his suspicion that she’d lost herself in her work. She’d closed the door before he could see what she’d been painting, so he was left to wonder what it was, or where she’d painted it, because she would probably be low on supplies soon. “Hey, if you need any supplies when we get back from the trip, let me know,” he said with a small smile in Vera’s direction before making his way down the stairs.

After the trunk of the car opened, Dominic helped his friend with stowing her suitcase, effectively taking up every last inch of space that the car had to offer. “Val’s in the front, so you’ll have to share the backseat with me and Jace," he let Vera know. Truthfully that was the only way that they could all fit into the car together- to have the three smaller people sitting in the back. Dominic opened the back door of the car and reclaimed his spot next to Jace, clicking in his seat-belt and making sure the clasp of the far right one was visible so that Vera would be able to find it.

The second he was back in the car, he felt a change in the mood again. He didn’t even have to know that anything had went on between Val and Vera to notice a slight awkwardness between them. It seemed that he was the only one who didn’t have anything but the trip on his mind, blissfully unaware of any drama due to his absence from their circle. Dominic would usually consider this a good thing, but he found himself wishing he weren't so out of the loop.

Once the car had pulled up to the airport, Dominic thanked the driver and waited for his friends to get out before he got out and retrieved his luggage from the trunk. He strapped on the backpack and grabbed his suitcase. Then he put his blue sunglasses back on, because random people still sometimes came up to him because they recognized him from the online list he'd been on. In the first week after it had been published his social media profiles had blown up. It was almost cruel in a way- while he didn't get to be a professional actor, he still got a taste of what it was like for people to know him. It was like living his dream, but without the thing he actually wanted to do.

ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Lurker Lurker HufflepuffOwl HufflepuffOwl
Last edited:


Jace Hawthorne
Drop Out.
Vera's Flat - Airport.
Dominican Republic.
davian davian , Lurker Lurker ,
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki .

"Hey, come on. I didn't mean to..."

Fifteen minutes later, the car parked in front of the apartment complex his best female friend resided in. It was located about twenty minutes north from his complex. Not quite within walking distance, but somewhat close, nonetheless. Before he could react, Dominic volunteered retrieving Vera, leaving the vehicle. A frown marred his lips. Sneaky git. Once his boyfriend left, Jace lifted his gaze, directing his attention to his older brother. "You know better than-" All of the sudden, he cut himself off.

"Well, when you graduate you'll inherit the company and you won't have to deal with him anymore. Then you can give me an easy job, right?"

All the oxygen expelled from his lungs, leaving him breathless. His heart clenched painfully. Jace schooled his expression, masking the turmoil swirling inside his chest. The main factor of his trepidation stemmed from Andy's own expectations. His older brother respected his intellect, but at the same time, he expected great things from him. Unlike their ruthless father, it wasn't completely intentional. Andy supported him, including his dreams, talents, and passions. However, would he support him dropping out? How will his brother truly react? While he wasn't afraid failing his father, Jace didn't want to disappoint his brother. Since childhood, they relied on each other for everything. Before high school, it was them against the world. Now, a secret had the potential tearing them apart.

"Coward," hissed a voice.

Ignoring his pessimistic thoughts, Jace mustered a small, wry grin. "That's not how business works, Andy. He'll always be around," he pointed out. The blonde averted his gaze, staring out the window. He fiddled with the soft fabric of his sleeve, waiting for Nick to return.

"Hey, it's not my fault man. I was uh ... Cleaning?"

Jace snorted at the comment. "Liar," he deadpanned. A part of him was grateful opting against joining a fraternity. While he wasn't diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsion Disorder, Jace valued cleanliness. He tolerated minimum messiness, but he hated outrageous messes. Ironically, it stemmed from their father, not their mother.

"...where would I be without you?"

The words resonated inside his mind. His stomach clenched at the thought. For a moment, doubt clouded his mind. Was dropping out the right thing? If he left college, what happened to his brother? Normally, Jace wasn't indecisive. Once his mind was set, nothing could stop him. However, will the consequences destroy their relationship? What about Dominic? After a slip of the tongue by a careless Engineering classmate, his boyfriend's father learned the truth. Unsurprisingly, he disapproved his only son dating a drop out. Due to privatizing their relationship from their parents, Dom's father remained unaware his only son dated his business associate's youngest son.

"Selfish bastard," hissed the pessimistic voice.

He glanced at the complex, spotting his boyfriend, including his best female friend, approaching the vehicle. A frown marred his lips. Did he make a mistake? Jace bit his lip, recalling two years of hectic schedules, workloads, and deadlines. He's a technological genius; there's no use denying it. However, he hated pretending. For two years, he lived underneath a mask, transforming into his father's perfect, obedient son. Two years, he sacrificed his happiness for his father's business. Three months ago, after a complete meltdown, Jace was done pretending. Dom, who witnessed said meltdown, gave him the courage to finally pursue his dreams.

Yet, did he deserve it?

Before his pessimism consumed him, Dominic returned. After greeting Vera, Jace leaned against his boyfriend, adjusting the vintage sunglasses perched on his nose. "I hope you brushed up on your Spanish," he mused, flashing Vera a grin. During high school, Jace became fluent in the language. Since the Dominican Republic's main language was Spanish, he was grateful for the lessons. Sometime later, they arrived at the airport, parking in front of the curbside check-in. Jace unbuckled his seatbelt, stepped outside the car, and retrieved his luggage in the trunk. He slipped on his backpack, grasped the handle of his suitcase, and approached the check-in area. Once his suitcase was checked, Jace stuffed his boarding pass and passport in his pocket.

"Ready to navigate through the nine gates of hell?" the blonde announced, gesturing to the entrance leading inside the airport.


Mood: Happy to see everyone, excited, tired
Mentioned: davian davian Lurker Lurker HufflepuffOwl HufflepuffOwl

Vera followed Dom to the car, a wide smile but spoke little at first still trying to process how much time she had lost while she was drawing. She yawned feeling the lack of sleep, she might regrt it later as knowing her little group she might not get a chance to sleep or want to for the next couple of days. She will need to catch some zzs on the plane though that was unlikely. "Yeah defiantly need to restock, was going to get some on my own but since you asked I will take your money instead." She said chuckling only half joking. She was unashamed when it came to take money from others. "No rush though can get something from there. I like to use some local ingredients in my art."

Once at the Vera she waived at Jace and Andy, giving a jokingly dirty look at Andy a dirty look as if angry at him before chuckling. She still liked to tease Andy about their one night stand. She noted Jace sour mood briefly before helping Dom get her stuff with the others, she wondered whether there was something wrong between him and Dom. "Yay, the gay trio together again." She commented before entering the car and tapped Andy roughly in the arm. "I hope you are not going to try anything with me this time big guy." She said before nodding at Jace. "Por supuesto, can't go without learning some of the language. ¿Cómo está, amigo? How has this one been treating you? What me to have a word with him?" She asked pointing at Dom, her tone was jovial but the hint that she noted his sourness.

When they arrived she stepped out and chuckled. "Are we ready? Is hell ready for us, Is the right question." A mischievous gleam in her face.​

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