gilmore girls

  1. tthinkingoutoud

    Multiple Settings Hopefully doing this correctly

    Hi all! I thought I would type up a post to search for other people who would like to rp. I have not rped in quite awhile so it would take me some time to warm back up to it and adjust. I can mirror pretty much anyone's style of roleplaying however I am used to at least 3 lines or more. I have...
  2. janellovestowrite

    Fandom 1x1 partner search for multiple fandoms!

    Hi hi! I’m Janel. I’m back with a ton of muse, looking for 18+ writing partners in a few different fandoms. Those fandoms are… •Stranger Things •The Hunger Games •The Last Of Us •Gilmore Girls •Girl Meets World (All characters will be aged up 18+ !) Currently searching for MxF and FxF pairings...
  3. B2018

    Fandom Fall Fandoms. (Desperately seeking A Court of Thorns and Roses) Please read?

    Heyyo! Just me posting here again. So if you don’t know me or recognise my posts, I’m a 24 year old adv lit female writer (as I’m eighteen plus please ensure you are too especially if you’re seeking nsfw). I’ve been writing since my early teens and it’s something I just love to do. I’m searching...
  4. B2018

    Fandom Fall fandoms and romance. Gilmore Girls and more au stuff inside

    Heyyo! Just me posting here again. So if you don’t know me or recognise my posts, I’m a 24 year old adv lit female writer (as I’m eighteen plus please ensure you are too especially if you’re seeking nsfw). I’ve been writing since my early teens and it’s something I just love to do. I’m searching...