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  1. ashwynne

    TV & Film What show(s) are you currently watching?

    The Office. Again. Perfect show to help me de-stress in the background of studying for finals, especially since at this point I know most of the lines and can mouth them alongside the actors 😂
  2. ashwynne

    Anime & Manga Manga Recommendations?

    @Idea Gotcha!! Yeah, I used to read reviews on things/go to forums to see people's opinions on manga but I found it tended to ruin the enjoyment of it rather than add to it. I honestly don't put any stock in the opinions of anyone else anyways, except those I know to have similar taste to me...
  3. ashwynne

    Anime & Manga Manga Recommendations?

    Ahhh yeah, I tend to give most things the benefit of the doubt so I don't have that problem. In that case I can see why it would make watching/reading it less palatable. But I would strongly advise against watching the anime for Berserk, not even a fraction as good as the manga, if you do ever...
  4. ashwynne

    Anime & Manga Manga Recommendations?

    @Idea and @Asuhra Honestly, Berserk was really hyped up for me as well by a friend who went on and on about how horrific and gruesome it was. In the end I’m glad they did it because I was braced for far worse than what I actually got and so it wasn’t quite as traumatizing. I’d say Berserk is...
  5. ashwynne

    Literature Favorite special words

    - Redolent - Petrichor - Superfluous (I also love obfuscate so very much??)
  6. ashwynne

    Anime & Manga Manga Recommendations?

    Going to second the Beastars recommendation! For dark themes, set in a Feudal Japan-esque setting, with excellent characters and fantasy elements I cannot recommend Akatsuki no Yona enough!! Literally my favourite manga ever lol. I've been reading manga for about ten years and it's the first...
  7. ashwynne

    Music three top favorite songs?

    Changes alllllll the time because I get obsessed with songs and listen to them over and over until I'm sick of it 😂 Still... 1. Trigger -- Major Lazer & Khalid 2. Another Place -- Bastille 3. Bohemian Rhapsody -- Queen (the one and only song I always like LOL) I listen to a bit of everything...
  8. ashwynne

    TV & Film Any Marvel fans?

    19 is definitely still young. I’m 23 and have had it thoroughly beaten into me that complaining about feeling “old” at my age is unacceptable. My 97 year old grandmother gave a disgusted snort as an answer when my cousin and I mentioned it 😂 But yes, I’m a Marvel fan too! I’ve seen all the...
  9. ashwynne

    TV & Film Film Tropes and Cliches That Make You Cringe

    Well, it’s more that the way you originally put it doesn’t really constitute a trope or cliche, which is why people were a bit confused lol. You could probably argue that “children in film serve no purpose” but the way you’re phrasing it is an opinion and not an established cliche or trope (the...
  10. ashwynne

    TV & Film Film Tropes and Cliches That Make You Cringe

    @Kaztastrophe Yeah, sure, but you didn't list any of those specifically. You only said: If you're now picking a specific trope then we can def have an interesting discussion (because I think a lot of tropes associated with children in film are ridiculous) but you should clarify that then.
  11. ashwynne

    TV & Film Film Tropes and Cliches That Make You Cringe

    Not sure if you're just trolling, but "not liking child/young adult actors or characters" isn't really a trope or cliche lol. That's just a random preference of yours.
  12. ashwynne

    Anime & Manga TIL: Underpaid Anime Animators

    It's said in the video itself that a large chunk of the project budget goes towards advertisement--which does make sense. Banners on instagram, trailers on youtube, ad space on streaming services like funimation (or other "cartoon" channels), etc. would all require substantial cash. Considering...
  13. ashwynne

    Anime & Manga TIL: Underpaid Anime Animators

    This is so horrifying??? I wonder if crowdfunding is going to be the way to make it work as a career for them, or if the industry itself is going to have to break first. Either way I can't believe they have to survive on so very little. It even sounds like the lady they interviewed is one of the...
  14. ashwynne

    Other Your guilty pleasure series?

    Dr. Phil, Family Guy and over the top dramas like 'A Discovery of Witches.' Wildly entertaining. They're all incredibly contrived and ridiculous, but I love them XD Dr. Phil makes me feel better about my life. Family Guy makes me feel better about my sense of humour. And shows like 'A Discovery...
  15. ashwynne

    Anime & Manga Favorite Anime Openings

    Ooooh I'm all for resurrecting this thread lol. Undoubtedly the One Punch opening. I can listen to this a hundred times in a row and still love it.
  16. ashwynne

    Video Games Fav RPG?

    So manyyyyyy Skyrim, Dark Souls, Dragon Age (Inquisition is my fave but they're all great), and the Fire Emblem series are my favourites off the top of my head lol
  17. ashwynne

    Music Cool Music Videos

    This one gets nostalgia points for me but I also love the music video xD
  18. ashwynne

    TV & Film Your thoughts on this swarm of live action movies we're getting?

    It's all about the $$$ Much beloved, well known, stories are going to draw in crowds. It's guaranteed income because nostalgia is a powerful thing and, if nothing else, people want to witness the butchering of things they love in a way that lets them say "the original was so much better." And...
  19. ashwynne

    TV & Film Film Tropes and Cliches That Make You Cringe

    Building off of what @Nue said... huuuuuge cliche that makes me cringe is when female characters are wearing heels during an action segment. Any action segment. If you're actually chasing someone down, running away from someone, or doing anything physically demanding at all the FIRST thing to go...
  20. ashwynne

    Other Your guilty pleasure series?

    Oh man, there are a bunch haha! I love having some really corny, romance-driven, shows in my life. Usually they're poorly written and full of edgy/overdramatic moments, but it makes for a nice escape from reality and some laughs (especially during moments you're not supposed to laugh in but...