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  1. The Mad Queen

    Video Games Minecraft turns 10 today! What do you remember most about this game?

    Minecraft turns 10 years old today. I remember when it first came out and the hype train around it like it wasn't even that long ago. I never played it much myself but did love the relaxing soundtrack and sometimes put it on to help me sleep. A few months back I was having trouble sleeping so...
  2. The Mad Queen

    TV & Film Villains involvment in the known plot

    When it's done well, this can be pretty amazing. When done well being the key words. Dramatic Irony (when the audience knows something the characters don't) is one of those tools that can either help or hinder any story.
  3. The Mad Queen

    TV & Film What are the most cancerous fandoms you have ever seen?

    I tend to stick to T groups these days as there's not a lot of those problems within them. Even so, I have had run-ins with the occasional asshole. One person in particular said I wasn't worthy as I wasn't "risking my life" to defeat bad causes. The one b group I follow has a lot of memes and...
  4. The Mad Queen

    TV & Film What are the most cancerous fandoms you have ever seen?

    Not to mention the community turns on it's other members. People who say bisexuality doesn't exist or that bisexuals don't experience the same kind of crap as gay people. What utter shite. Don't even get me started on people in the LG and B that shit on the T 24/7. Thankfully, that's not really...
  5. The Mad Queen

    TV & Film What are the most cancerous fandoms you have ever seen?

    While being a Rick and Morty fan myself, I have made a lot of effort to distance myself from the actual fandom.
  6. The Mad Queen

    TV & Film What are the most cancerous fandoms you have ever seen?

    I've yet to see or experience toxic behaviour within The Adventure Zone fandom, but it's only a matter of time.
  7. The Mad Queen

    TV & Film What are the most cancerous fandoms you have ever seen?

    The Tumblr community for that show also convinced an artist to try and kill herself as she drew Rose "too thin", then celebrated the attempt as a victory and tried to get her to try it again. Needless to say, out of every single fandom it's the one I try to avoid the most, even more than the...
  8. The Mad Queen

    TV & Film What are the most cancerous fandoms you have ever seen?

    And to top it all off the fans celebrated her suicide attempt and tried to convince her to do it again.
  9. The Mad Queen

    TV & Film Someone talk with me about infinity war -Spoilers-

    Yep, rewatching this scene made his death 10x more painful for me. And it's not just Tony, but Aunt May. Imagine Tony trying to break the news to her (if she survived).
  10. The Mad Queen

    TV & Film Someone talk with me about infinity war -Spoilers-

    When I saw this in the trailer, I was sure Cap was going to die. In the film, he's holding the line. Not just to save half the universe, but for the sake of a friend. "We don't trade lives." He throws everything at Thanos, his own life be damned. He knows that the purple tyrant can kill him...
  11. The Mad Queen

    TV & Film Someone talk with me about infinity war -Spoilers-

    I went to the midnight release and after people vanished, the theatre was in complete silence until the end credit's scene. Some people chuckled at the "mother fu-..." a bit (but most were still in shock) and then, there was more silence...Before a guy four rows behind me and my friend screamed...