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  1. Tabby

    Anime & Manga Subbed or Dubbed Anime

    I usually prefer subbed. No offense to dub actors but honestly, a lot of the time I feel they just fuck up the lines or sound weird for the character, and there's also the aspect that I'm so used to watching anime in japanese that that's just "the norm" for me. Plus the desync between voices and...
  2. Tabby

    Anime & Manga Honest, Harsh Review of Fate/Apocrypha (Spoilers)

    Them's fightin' words! no arguments about Apocrypha though
  3. Tabby

    Anime & Manga Your Most Hated Anime, ever

    Yeah - I liked the initial SAO concept - honestly I enjoyed the starting take more than .hack - but it went off the rails and alfheim got weird with the cousin incest stuff and the full on harem and Asuna being damsel in distress, and GGO was an interesting semi-reboot but it all had to go back...
  4. Tabby

    Anime & Manga Your Most Hated Anime, ever

    One Piece for me. I tried as hard as I could to get into it since a bunch of friends I wanted to RP with were super into it. Watched a bunch of eps, read a couple hundred manga chaps. NEVER found a single thing to like about it. It looked like shit, was animated like shit with some of the...
  5. Tabby

    Video Games Steam Sale

    Unfortunately today's deals so far seem pretty underwhelming, but STEAM SALE YAY
  6. Tabby

    Video Games League of Legends

    "Many Obnoxious Butthurt Assholes" works to describe most of the community.
  7. Tabby

    Video Games League of Legends

    NOPE. At least Morello finally came out a month or two ago and straight up admitted they borked up the stealth rework so hard it wasn't even funny. it's back to being Soon. Some of the champs lately have actually been pretty fun (Ziggs, Draven, Varus, Lulu, etc) but there's always the...
  8. Tabby

    Video Games League of Legends

    Darius, the next-to-latest champion, is the most horrible thing to have been added to League in a LONG time. Don't care if he's OP or not, but a champ that was BUILT to KS, does tons of all three types of damage, and ALL of them scale well with AD... how the hell did that even get off the...
  9. Tabby

    Literature Read any good books lately?

    Always liked the Iliad more than the Odyssey. I think the first time I ended up reading both of them during a hospital visit, side by side, and was like "man I liked Iliad so much more than Odyssey" and ever since then it's like MY EYES HAVE BEEN OPENED. but MAN Achilles was a ho.
  10. Tabby

    Literature Read any good books lately?

    I reread the original Dune about twice a year. I learn new methods of improving my writing every time, and honestly, it's just fun to read.
  11. Tabby

    Music What are you listening to?

    awwww yeahhhhhh