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  1. AtlannianSpy

    Anime & Manga Akame Ga Kill, it Kill La Kill anyone?

    they're not really similar shows though, Kill la Kill is pure joy and ridiculousness in anime form and Akame Ga Kill is tedious and self important. Or uh, seemed tedious and self important. I only watched like three episodes.
  2. AtlannianSpy

    Video Games Games No One Remembers

    Did anyone play the Harry Potter games on gbc? They were these surpringly good JRPGs that let you wander around an open Hogwarts, they had a bunch of minigames and famous witch & wizard cards to collect that you could use in combos to pull off powerful abilities. You could even trade the cards...
  3. AtlannianSpy

    Anime & Manga What's Your Favorite Anime?

    Man no love for Neon Genesis Evangelion? Get outta here, that was the series that really got me into anime. Giant robots piloted by traumatised child soldiers all in glorious, pirated 480p on my shitty laptop screen.
  4. AtlannianSpy

    Video Games Free Games

    Videogame site Rock Paper Shotgun have a regular feature covering free or pay what you want games called Free Loaders They tend towards the experimental and the quality, length and genre vary a lot but they're all at least interesting.
  5. AtlannianSpy

    Anime & Manga Ghost in the Shell: Original Movie VS Live Action

    you have me at a disadvantage here, I admit it's been a while since I watched the original. But I didn't watch it for the first time, I picked it up about three years ago and it was still pretty impressive. I think I'm gonna rewatch it tonight and get back to you.
  6. AtlannianSpy

    Anime & Manga Ghost in the Shell: Original Movie VS Live Action

    Hoo boy this is going to be a discussion. I think this adaption lost a lot of what made the original compelling, the treatment of the themes especially was so surface level and BLINKING OBVIOUS! Everything that was subtle, implied and ambiguous in the original was used as a blunt instrument to...
  7. AtlannianSpy

    Video Games Favourite Pokemon?

    Listen. Cubone is a pokemon that tragically loses its parent but through training becomes a tool wielding, pointy-eared mask wearing badass. Marowak is the batman of the pokemon world and therefore the most excellent.
  8. AtlannianSpy

    Video Games Mass Effect Andromeda: why so negative?

    As a long time mass effect fan I am honestly really enjoying this game. I mean its janky in places and overall could have used a hell of a lot more polish but the core of it is fun and it has moments of genuine charm. People are holding it to a standard that never really existed, all three...
  9. AtlannianSpy

    Anime & Manga The State of Anime Today

    @Idea I have nothing against the familiar or media that builds on what's come before it. Some of my very favorite shows are stuff like Hunter X Hunter or Boku No Hero that aren't very original but are extremely well executed. The problem is when new media uses those old ideas and conventions...
  10. AtlannianSpy

    Anime & Manga Magical Girls: HOT or NOT?

    Here's the thing right? The whole magical girls genre started as stuff that was marketed at and inspirational for girls, the people who originally were the audience for stuff like that liked it because they wanted to be Sailor Moon. Then you see a trend towards deconstructing those elements and...
  11. AtlannianSpy

    Anime & Manga The State of Anime Today

    I mean I hope so. I'm still a massive fan of anime and I want more awesome anime full stop, there are some big issues that industry has to deal with though. one: The anime industry is brutal. anime is expensive as hell to make and to turn a profit a lot of studios force their people to work...
  12. AtlannianSpy

    Anime & Manga The State of Anime Today

    If you wanna talk about broad trends in anime for the last few years, I think the thing that gets called out and discussed the most is that anime has become a lot more insular. These last few years in particular, a lot of the really successful stuff has been playing around with anime...
  13. AtlannianSpy

    Anime & Manga Sports Anime?

    Holyland only has a manga and is about delinquents beating the crap out of each other in back alleys moreso than actual sport but it covers a lot of the same themes and like my favorite sport animes goes into details on the mechanics and finer points of strategy. It's quite dark at times and...
  14. AtlannianSpy

    Anime & Manga Opinion On Code Geass?

    Code Geass is one of those shows that should be an absolute hot mess and yet is somehow great, I think a lot of the charm is that just totally commits to its own batshit internal logic.
  15. AtlannianSpy

    Music What instrument do you play and why?

    I took one year of trumpet in year seven and am hard pressed to remember an experience I enjoyed less. I do admire musicians though and kind of idly think about picking something up from time to time.  Not trumpet though.*shudders