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  1. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    ["Cute?"] Zavastria said, his fists tightening. He glanced around at the room of barbarians before at last turning to Ystria. "[They continue to insult me, sister, and yet you call for patience. And all of this before some ill-bred mercenary of the Viceroy's horde. I am not cute! A knight of the...
  2. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Lucafiel remained seated as Wealdmær spoke amid the growing animation of the barbarian warriors. Auxiliaries and crusaders alike remained stoic in the mounting anger of those like Arco and his kind, but Lucafiel maintained a demeanor that was calm like the surface of a frozen pond; perfect and...
  3. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    The momentary tirade, the divergences in worship and pantheons, earned a few modest reactions from the assembled party. Some of the Yakals shifted on their feet and exchanged glances, a few surprised at the audacity and at least a couple displeased at the nature of the insults directed at them...
  4. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    "I was wondering when you would make it up here," Lucafiel said, glancing only slightly over his shoulder at the arriving footman. He was on the small balcony to his quarters which once belonged to the monarch of this ancient keep. Ages ago the lord of this place might have stood here to review...
  5. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Zavastria's rage and indignation was lost to the howling of the night. Stoic as his mask remained, his true face beneath was flushed hot, burning with the same intensity of the bonfires. Never had he been treated in such a way, nor had he ever expected to be. For a foreign barbarian to lay hands...
  6. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    The three Vestati crusaders followed the wizened form of the masked druid, Madanach, through the shadows of the darkened camp, moving with the grace of phantoms. Unlike the warmth of the natural splendor around them, of horns and antlers and furs amid all manner of pelts and rustic lodgings...
  7. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Approaching the encampment of Adanach's Great Horde The Vestati delegation.... "I still do not see how this is not an insult. Look around us - it is naught but one inferiority after another. Every field in this rustic landscape should be tilled, every tree felled, every pit quarried. Maybe...
  8. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Having read through Adanach's letter, the prince smiled slightly beneath his mask, though this gesture was naturally unseen by all; instead, Lucafiel bowed his head in a slight way that demonstrated to the other Vestati that he was content. To the awaiting Solduros, Lucafiel said, "Your...
  9. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    The arrival of Adanach's warriors prompted some modest activity within the fortified legion camp. Once they were allowed past the ditches, stakes, and palisade, the barbarians would see that the inner confines of the camp was very well organized. The half dug-in cabins were well insulated from...
  10. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Come the passage of several weeks into the later days of a rainy spring, the Imperial forces encamped in and around the remains of Akatoria Castle conducted their time with stoicism. There was much that needed to be prepared for when engaging in a military campaign and the lower territories of...
  11. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Lucafiel pondered the letter he had received for a moment before, with a slight hand gesture, one of his own scribes brought him a length of paper and a quill. In a clear, flowing script, Lucafiel penned a reply himself, knowing that there was little time for expansive thought or planning...
  12. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    There upon a crested ridge sat a crown, bejeweled by stones of distant ages that had long succumbed to moss and the ardors of time. There was little that remained of Akatoria Castle. Once a proud fortress of ancient times, nearly a dozen towers once stood, connected by a low curtain wall upon...
  13. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Lucafiel departed from the palace with little fanfare, opting to only express farewell to those who had greeted him, or were otherwise deemed worthy compatriots - Veno, Estro, and even the wild-thing Kolthix. Declan was neither someone he would consider friend nor foe, merely one who was...
  14. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Lucafiel narrowed his eyes through his mask as he turned, slightly, to observe Lord Declan, a slight gesture that revealed only two piercing slivers behind his porcelain facade. The First Viceroy of Sathesbury may have been small in stature, but was towering in ambition - an ambition that had...
  15. Emperor Sagan

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Some time ago, en route to the Emperor's Palace.... Lucafiel did not like carriages. Like so many other things he had come to learn in the past decade within this realm, carriages were but another humiliation he was forced to endure. In concept they were adequate - one could not deny the...
  16. Emperor Sagan

    A Spark of Armageddon - A Fantasy Medieval RP

    - Rainbow Grotto - - Town Hall - The two angels agreed to the terms and departed, heading back to their embassy and discussing the matter with the ambassador. She also felt the terms were acceptable, and the next day two of the guards set off back to New Heldon to rely the information to the...
  17. Emperor Sagan

    A Spark of Armageddon - A Fantasy Medieval RP

    - Rainbow Grotto - - Town Hall - "Defense of the post should be of no issue, I suspect. Heldon can easily provide these numbers. The Kazirian Legion may also wish to have a stake in this. I do not speak for them; however, they are faithful allies and this type of work is their specialty. If...
  18. Emperor Sagan

    A Spark of Armageddon - A Fantasy Medieval RP

    - Rainbow Grotto - - Town Hall - The two angels took their seats in the large chairs, though Kafka needed a look from Franco Rosse to do so after he nearly complained. A chair too big was like a chair too small. The Junior-Ambassador listened closely to Zeek's words, cringing at some of them...
  19. Emperor Sagan

    A Spark of Armageddon - A Fantasy Medieval RP

    - Rainbow Grotto - - Town Hall - It did not take long for Junior-Ambassador Franco Rosse and Sir Kafka to arrive at the town hall in the proper city limits of Rainbow Grotto. The two angels circled over the building once, then glided down to land in an open spot once it seemed clear. Landings...
  20. Emperor Sagan

    A Spark of Armageddon - A Fantasy Medieval RP

    - Rainbow Grotto - - Embassy of New Heldon - In a quaint cottage on the outskirts of town, with its back against the deep forest and a meticulously well-maintained wooden fence surrounding a small plot of land, sat the official embassy of New Heldon. It was not a particularly spacious...