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  1. Damian0358

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    "All depends on where they see their focus right now," Voyka responded, "As much as the Prince might see Ysaval as a prime target of attack with my return to Sabersval, he could just as much view such a maneuver as suspect. Think, if you wanted to draw out your enemy and expose them to a...
  2. Damian0358

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Voyka shone her infamous grin as she chuckled, clearly appreciating the returning gesture, but she returned to her general smile as discussion on the campaign proper continued. "I don't have a plan per say, other than to see if Erevyss blood really is blue," Voyka joked with implicit...
  3. Damian0358

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Voyka's force arrived uniformly toward Falwyn's camp, seemingly ready to set up their own camp nearby, with Voyka herself riding upon her goat stead at the front. Upon hearing the hail from a distance, she raised her hand and her signature smile appeared. Today was a good day. "It had gone...
  4. Damian0358

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    After her final preparations, Voyka made her last check-ins with her Dark Lord, Borok and Yz, in case they had any matters to speak with her prior to her heading east, but all she received were good wishes to her success, practically speaking. Affairs in order, and her camp packed, she and her...
  5. Damian0358

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Voyka aided in efforts to ensure that the arrival of their Dark Lord would be seen as a momentous occasion, preparing festivities meant to venerate Him as he stepped through the mountains and came to Sabersval. Her plans in imprinting Yz with the role of capturing Farandel had worked out...
  6. Damian0358

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Voyka continued to chuckle as Yz pointed out the hypocrisy in her statement, to which she could simply reply with a "The Empire's fun - our fun - takes priority," before continuing to listen to Yz's statement. She hadn't even thought that Yz was weak - hell, some of her own men get stuck in...
  7. Damian0358

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Voyka chuckled as Yz actually began speaking seriously to her once more, and suggested she get a hobby. "This is my hobby," she responded with a smile after Yz gave a shake of their tambourine. It's not like she's ever had a chance to have any other life, and she has no issues going down this...
  8. Damian0358

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Voyka had barely handed off the letters and gone back to cleaning when Yz made an impromptu appearance from one of the nearby barrels that they had emptied out in the past few days. She squinted her eyes in confusion and annoyance at Yz's presence, sort of ready to just ignore the being and go...
  9. Damian0358

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Voyka readied her forces, coordinating mainly with Borok to organize attack positioning. Her forces would be positioned east of the tunnel exit into Sabersval, enabling her to conduct a traditional Canarian-style attack, all while avoiding the magma and fumes that were about to take the enemy by...
  10. Damian0358

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Voyka watched as Yz deliberately held the conversation in their hands, as if to further their own way of things even as she ultimately got her answer in the form of them opting to go second. "It is Canarian military tradition, emphasizing each leader's strengths in battle individually-" Voyka...
  11. Damian0358

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Voyka looked at Borok with an immensely smug expression, as Yz explained in their way what they had learned in their excursion. All that Yz had explained, aside from potentially tiring out the enemy through paranoia, was information that they already knew. They had functionally only gotten...
  12. Damian0358

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Voyka looked at Borok as he spoke, and could merely nod in response, albeit with a smile. It was clear to her that he seemed to consider himself above all this squabbling, a fair attitude to be had for sure, as she was never fond of it herself. But what was even more clear was the intent behind...
  13. Damian0358

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Voyka turned her head quickly as Yz pantomimed getting struck, before the creature went on a tirade against her. Her neutrally-enraged expression cracked into a flabbergasted half-smile, before erupting into an immensely loud mad laugh, one so mad it rendered the nearby working Sauroids...
  14. Damian0358

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Voyka turned to face Yz as they began speaking, as what Yz was talking about began to process in her head. She wasn't sure if she had heard Yz correctly, and yet her expression turned to one of neutral shock, one that would appear on any grandparent's face if they had heard that their grandchild...
  15. Damian0358

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    With the weeks passing, Voyka concentrated her efforts in maintaining the supply line and making sure her forces were ready for combat, along with training the young recruits she had nearly beaten to a pulp, her little "Falcons" as she called them. But as the weeks passed and the weather...
  16. Damian0358

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Voyka made her preparations to head out and see what was causing the theft of rations, though as she did, some of her men approached her, ready to follow her to the suspected location on the supply line where the thefts were being made. However, as they spoke their loyalty, she raised her hand...
  17. Damian0358

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Voyka listened as she watched Borok and Yz make their statements. She nodded with respect to Borok, as it was clear to her that the two were in agreement. She had no reason to interject what she would want him to do, he is trustable. But as the floor was given to Yz, the same confusion from the...
  18. Damian0358

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    As Briggun considered what to do with Kolthix, Voyka turned to face Cordia, the fellow 'hag' among the lieutenants. She gave her a sly smile, as the suggestion they should talk more was one that appealed to her. It at least confirmed there were no issues between the two, a relief in her eyes. "I...
  19. Damian0358

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Voyka simply bowed as Veno made her request for elven imprisonment. She had wholeheartedly expected this to happen, and was going to respect it, even if it was going to require a lot of restraint from her part. But soon after Veno departed, was when Kolthix finally made his interests clear. She...
  20. Damian0358

    Fantasy The Dark Travelers

    Voyka watched as the embers of the meeting finish off its last twinkles, as lieutenants share a last set of discourses and depart for their respective fronts... though there were those still yet to speak on their plans. And one such person would be Yz. She watched as the enigmatic being...