Search results for query: *

  1. katisacat

    Story Kitty'z Ominous Interludez
    Index: A Being Slithers Through The Trees

    (Here we see another spirit dat haz taken refuge in deh player character'z body, arguably deh leader and most powerful of deh spiritz, a Marilith) The man glided through the dark forest, his movements rhythmic and smooth, as though a haunting melody led his very movements. He made no noise as...
  2. katisacat

    Story Kitty'z Ominous Interludez
    Index: A Heart Alone in a Crowd

    (Dis Interlude pertains to a different PC, Deh only thing that iz really of interest iz dat deh speaker and her husband have deh same last name as him (deh player'z character iz from a very prestigious and tight laced family.) OH! And they know deh guy named Albus iz dere current enemy. (But...
  3. katisacat

    Story Kitty'z Ominous Interludez
    Index: A Child Left in the Forest

    (Dis one iz a bit of backstory into an NPC dat haz been traveling wiv deh party and iz one of deh original card owners. She's an elf so she lives for FREAKING EVER! But yeah, dis interlude mainly points out somefin about deh horse mentioned at deh end. Deh playerz would notice that that horse...
  4. katisacat

    Story Kitty'z Ominous Interludez
    Index: A Scream Echos Down the Hall

    (Hey... remember dat character who's brother's soul joined in her body in deh womb? Well... that kinda opened a gateway for OTHER souls to take up refuge in her body. Deh player character is a barbarian and instead of having regular Players Handbook rages, she has 4 rages where she becomes...
  5. katisacat

    Story Kitty'z Ominous Interludez
    Index: A Figure Lurks at Dawn

    The figure walked down the quiet streets, his red and brown cloak fluttered around him in a dry breeze across the cracked desert ground. The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon, the city just beginning to stir. Shutters were opened, doorways were swept, and a few people began walking...
  6. katisacat

    Story Kitty'z Ominous Interludez
    Index: A Voice Cries in the Dark

    (Spoiler alert, dis one might make people sad. Deh fun part about Ominous Interludez, iz I can make ones dat pertain to deh players, dis iz one such interlude. Deh female one iz deh player dis one pertains to.) “Sister… Sister…!” A small voice called out into the abyss of darkness. It’s only...
  7. katisacat

    Story Kitty'z Ominous Interludez
    Index: A Light Glows in the Dark

    The figure stood in a dimly lit room, the candles on the wall having long burnt out, the light now only came from the table it stood at. The room was clean, well kept, organized. Looking as though it belonged to someone of great wealth. Busts, books, and priceless heirlooms stacked neatly on...
  8. katisacat

    Story Kitty'z Ominous Interludez

    Hewwo! Bit of context for dis, kitty runz a dnd game, deh basic premise of deh game iz dat deh player characterz each get a tarot deck dat only haz deh Major Arcana in it. Dese cards are holy symbols to 22 different sentient deities of each of deh cardz, so there iz a god called The Fool. A god...