Search results for query: *

  1. raucous

    One x One there's no character sheet prefix, alas
    Index: Obadiah

    Obadiah Catherson — obscene — insouciant — public enemy number one. D&D-verse: If you want to shorten your life by five years through sheer anger and annoyance, you've come to the right place. A ladies' man through and through (and a men's man too, while we're at it), this charlatan likes to...
  2. raucous

    One x One there's no character sheet prefix, alas
    Index: Donghua

    Donghua Tang — warm — dryly humorous — methodical. Exhausted from the stress and drudgery of daily life? Need a break from all your worries and woes? Feel free to come down to La Tea Dou, a cozy café that also sells tins of loose leaf tea. There's quite a variety, too—from more typical flavors...
  3. raucous

    One x One there's no character sheet prefix, alas
    Index: Meredith

    Meredith Esperance — withdrawn — hesitant — the hedgehog's dilemma. One can't help but to feel disheartened when, after time and time again, any and all attempts at escaping are completely stymied. This is even more the case when failed attempts result in being punished soundly. Meredith has...
  4. raucous

    One x One there's no character sheet prefix, alas
    Index: Addison

    Addison Esperance — antisocial — Machiavellian — sadistic. What is there to say about Addison Esperance? Quite a bit, actually. He's a philanthropist, frequently donating to charities. He's a humanitarian, funding the tireless efforts of countless altruistic organizations and even lending his...