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  1. Dr.Nekoshu

    Quest Survivor’s Tales Collection

    The collection area for Info, Items, Knowledge, you name it! For my little Quest RP! Link to main part: Quest - Survivor’s Tales Ep. 1 ((Always open to new Voters)) Maps 3rd Floor of Habitat (Forgive the hand drawn, but hey, at least you get the DM version for this one as I was too lazy to...
  2. Dr.Nekoshu

    Futuristic Yalandor: Project “Withstand” OOC

    Hey guys, just letting you all know basic lore is almost ready, I just wrote it all in one big inspirational jam so I got to sort it all and double check it, so just letting you know you should get some info soon.
  3. Dr.Nekoshu

    Futuristic Yalandor: Project “Withstand” OOC

    Alright well, I’ll tell ya guys this, it might take a bit. Got a bit planned for it, but I assure you and myself it will be done in time and slowly updated to fit the story.
  4. Dr.Nekoshu

    Futuristic Yalandor: Project “Withstand” OOC

    Hey that’s alright. It was a pleasure having ya Libero, hope whatever news it is goes over well.
  5. Dr.Nekoshu

    Futuristic Yalandor: Project “Withstand” OOC

    @Worthlessplebian @Libero @FabulousTrash @RevenPrima @CkSmalling @TheEmberMan @Huntrey Hey, I had one question for all of you, how would you guys feel about me setting up a dedicated lore page for this RP? I thought it’d be good for setting the up the world as a start, and providing some info...
  6. Dr.Nekoshu

    Futuristic Yalandor: Project “Withstand” OOC

    Hey guys sorry for delays, been busy with work and family lately, will be getting a post out tonight to move things along! @Worthlessplebian @Libero @RevenPrima @FabulousTrash @CkSmalling @TheEmberMan @Huntrey
  7. Dr.Nekoshu

    Futuristic Yalandor: Project “Withstand” OOC

    @Phobia Just a little note that your reply is currently the only one we are waiting for.
  8. Dr.Nekoshu

    Futuristic Yalandor: Project “Withstand” Character Sheets

    Approved, welcome to the Project Artemis.
  9. Dr.Nekoshu

    Futuristic Yalandor: Project “Withstand” OOC

    Noice I’ll give it a look some point today. I’ll also pm ya soon like I said.
  10. Dr.Nekoshu

    Futuristic Yalandor: Project “Withstand” OOC

    Just as Plebian said, they can be such, my character has 3-4 classic weapons, mostly ranged though.
  11. Dr.Nekoshu

    Futuristic Yalandor: Project “Withstand” OOC

    No! Rude. XD Don’t worry tho it ain’t over yet just get your posts in, we got something in store
  12. Dr.Nekoshu

    Futuristic Yalandor: Project “Withstand” OOC

    Gotcha, be warned Imma PM you before I accept it. Just to give ya some info for RP reasons >->
  13. Dr.Nekoshu

    Futuristic Yalandor: Project “Withstand” Character Sheets

    As you know already, APPROVED. Welcome to the Project Mars.
  14. Dr.Nekoshu

    Futuristic Yalandor: Project “Withstand” OOC

    Alright it’s work time bois and possible ladies. I’m going to try and make sure we all can get our posts in before we continue. I want EVERYONE involved in what happens next. Edit: I saw that line coming Reven XD
  15. Dr.Nekoshu

    Futuristic Yalandor: Project “Withstand” OOC

    You guys are cracking me up XD
  16. Dr.Nekoshu

    Futuristic Yalandor: Project “Withstand” OOC

    Oh and I won’t be back around fully for about 8 hours, so peace out, work calls.
  17. Dr.Nekoshu

    Futuristic Yalandor: Project “Withstand” OOC

    Hey it’s good man, we got something planned for everyone. Also sorry, I been trying to keep it level but me and Ember talked, wanted to let the man flex XD
  18. Dr.Nekoshu

    Futuristic Yalandor: Project “Withstand” OOC

    A small note to everyone who reads this and is part of the roleplay, I will be putting a Role-Keeper of sorts on the first post I made in this chat to let everyone stay up to date as to what characters are in play and who their players are. Also to allow it to be easier for me to see who is who...
  19. Dr.Nekoshu

    Futuristic Yalandor: Project “Withstand” Character Sheets

    Greetings Huntrey, while I am happy you have taken interest in this roleplay I do have to say that at the current moment your character cannot be accepted. This roleplay has a requirement that the characters be Androids made in some way by the Corporations exclusively for the Project. I...
  20. Dr.Nekoshu

    Futuristic Yalandor: Project “Withstand” OOC

    A notification to @TheInsanityOfBobSemple & @Remembrance , I believe it has been almost a week since I have heard from either of you and sadly I will be presenting both of you with a deadline. If you would like to be part of this roleplay I will be informing you that I would like for both of you...