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  1. Gayrealalchemy

    Traditional Bee's hive of doodles.

    Its kinda original IMO. The only drawings I see are people drawing 600+ photos of a man with a TV head
  2. Gayrealalchemy

    Digital Iskolde's Can of Arts

    I think you can work on the colors. It kinda looks like he's a cloud (easier to see on the shirt)
  3. Gayrealalchemy

    Digital So, I drew snoo the red eyed alien (reddits mascot)

    I can't post it on Reddit yet since I was spam filtered for some reason But someone will probably find this Snoo
  4. Gayrealalchemy

    Digital art but not really cause i'm still trying to improve (wouldn't mind doing comms)

    Compared to my drawings, that's perfection I try to make a cartoonish style (which is a combination of earthbound clay figures low budget animations) Here's a recent photo to prove my point
  5. Gayrealalchemy

    Digital Lilo and Stitch (critique please)

    My only problem is lilos mouth. you did put detail into it, so there's credit were due