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  1. rennuelaw

    Other Idea Creates You a (super?)Power (Quizz)

    1) What is justice to you? When a person's actions receive a proper reaction meaning good deeds are rewarded and bad ones are punished. 2) What is victory to you? Overcoming an obstacle when you didn't think you could. 3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate...
  2. rennuelaw

    Roleplay Pet Peeves

    This has happened before and i legit get pissed off. Its even worse when they are in a group interaction and their character straight up ignores what my character says.
  3. rennuelaw

    Roleplay Pet Peeves

    no words.
  4. rennuelaw

    Roleplay Pet Peeves

  5. rennuelaw

    Roleplay Pet Peeves

  6. rennuelaw

    Roleplay Pet Peeves

    I myself actually don't care about that heck i do it myself sometimes , roleplaying is to live out fantasies and stories.
  7. rennuelaw

    Voicing OC's!?

    Yeah , i'm confused.
  8. rennuelaw

    Voicing OC's!?

    I have one.
  9. rennuelaw

    Voicing OC's!?

    I would definitely try it.
  10. rennuelaw

    Roleplay Pet Peeves

    In the case of ship. The only difference is the characters are in a relationship already and i put alot of working planning shit now suddenly the ship gets brken off and i'm a bit annoying cause if i knew the ship would end without a justified ending i'm going to upset. Because that is weeks of...
  11. rennuelaw

    Roleplay Pet Peeves

    I tend to the first one but its more of who i want to be instead of who i am. My characters are usually strong , intelligent and beautiful but i do add faults such as vanity and miss understanding of emotions as well as sentivity.
  12. rennuelaw

    Roleplay Pet Peeves

    I'm guilty of the swooping in and winning a fight  but only one time. My character had just recovered and joined his guild in fighting a giant robot. He short circuited and destroyed it. But it was only one time!!!! lol
  13. rennuelaw

    Roleplay Pet Peeves

    I dislike when people constantly correct you , its annoying. Things like. "So and so is incorrect change it please" is fine but shit like "You do realize that so and so is wrong ,change it." is basically begging to be told off and impling i'm stupid in my eyes. And then when you tell them they...
  14. rennuelaw

    Roleplay Pet Peeves

    And whats worst for me is , i'll find a away to escape the interaction only for them to come back a few minutes after!!!!!!!
  15. rennuelaw

    Roleplay Tutoring

    I'm interested in both @readingraebow