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  1. brogley

    Experiences Best RP experience?

    a while ago i did a roleplay in canon universe (dragon age) but where we largely diverged from the main plots and explored and expanded canon which hadn't been seen in-lore before. that is probably my favourite thing to do so it was extremely fun. my partner also allowed for major consequences...
  2. brogley

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    since there was some discussion about literacy earlier, i thought id give my own two cents. honestly, i think people who castigate "purple prose" and monologuing while extolling the virtues of actions and dialogue instead have not read books. "purple prose", or what some would qualify as such...
  3. brogley

    Advice/Help Introducing Someone to Roleplay

    that's very helpful! thank you so much! <3 I will start the Bootcamp tomorrow - if I'm successful maybe you guys will see him on here!
  4. brogley

    Advice/Help Introducing Someone to Roleplay

    Yes, or rather I offered to teach them if they wanted to give it a try - and as it were, they wanted to! So now I am delegated to be a teacher. Which is fine! I love to teach, but I'm not sure where to start as stated. If we go by the assumption that observation is best maybe it's best to just...
  5. brogley

    Advice/Help Introducing Someone to Roleplay

    Throughout the years, I have continuously tried to coerce friends into roleplaying. As someone that has roleplayed for the majority of their tween and teen years, it's been a formative activity which I've always loved to engage in, so of course I've wanetd my friends to be introduced to this...
  6. brogley

    Other Obscure fandoms you'd like to RP

    ive personally never seen anyone with interest in vtmb/vtm or even white wolf in general in the roleplay community, but maybe they've been hiding in the nooks or something? i think the difference is that it's known of but not necessarily known - in my experience anyway. this is a total...
  7. brogley

    Other Obscure fandoms you'd like to RP

    really depends on your definition is obscure. no, it's not as "obscure" as e.g. arcanum, but i also would not say it's commonly or well known. most people who i know of (who are "gamers") have not played the game. i think our perception of how obscure/non-obscure it is is skewed by the fact...
  8. brogley

    Other Obscure fandoms you'd like to RP

    i guess i'll add to this and say vampire the masquerade: bloodlines. the game itself is obscure enough but the roleplay subgroup is somehow even smaller - even though it's a very pure roleplaying game. not to mention that the vtm setting overall is amazing. otherwise id say morrowind as a...
  9. brogley

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    reading this thread has been a bit cathartic, so i'd figure i'd add my own little pet peeve: roleplay elitism/elitists. now this links to a lot of topics; it can be the type of people who expect roleplaying to be your second job, and thus expect constant replies, or it can be the people who are...
  10. brogley

    character body swapping

    I feel like this could definitely be interesting if the two characters knew eachother. And even if they didn't, it'd be pretty interesting. But I do doubt many people would be willing to do it unless you knew them.
  11. brogley


    After making a half-assed tumblr theme (with much use of reference, and copy pasting) I swore I would never do any kind of HTML coing again. Yet here I am. The BBcoding here is really nice and simplified, I really love what everyone does with it.