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  1. Mordecai

    What RP category are you most comfortable with and why?

    #detailed4lyfe ... for all the reasons listed above.
  2. Mordecai

    Character Appreciation Thread

    Oh, nice idea! I'd love to give a shoutout to a few of my favourite characters created by other people: Valerie and Eliza by @Poe, Danica by @Elle Joyner, and Seidhewen by @gwynbleidd
  3. Mordecai

    Why is grammar such a big issue on here?

    I think for a lot of people it shows a lack of dedication, commitment, or care.
  4. Mordecai

    What if every Role play on this site was deleted right now?

    I mostly do 1v1s. Actually, I almost exclusively do 1v1s, so I backed-up all the IC replies and the lore tab, if there was one.
  5. Mordecai

    Why you shouldn't describe post length in lines

    I think by lines, people generally mean full-sentences, which is also silly because technically this is a sentence: Go. Anyways, I haven't really seen anyone describe post length in lines in quite some time. Then again, I usually go for a very specific type of roleplayer. 8D
  6. Mordecai

    What if every Role play on this site was deleted right now?

    :P Well, I have all my roleplays backed up as PDFs, so it wouldn't matter to me.
  7. Mordecai

    Post Count Prejudice (-_-;)

    This is definitely not (necessarily) true. BBCode is NOT only used on RpNation and is thus universal. People come to RpNation with BBCode experience from other forums. Off the top of my head, I could list a five roleplay sites that use the same or very similar BBCode that RpNation uses. Thus...
  8. Mordecai

    Presence (or lack of) of Silent Characters

    As someone mentioned above, roleplaying involves interaction, where watching a movie or TV show merely involves... watching. Writing a silent character is much more difficult than producing one on film or television because the amount of description into body language you'd have to employ to get...
  9. Mordecai

    How do you feel about Novella roleplay?

    I'm a long-winded writer and I enjoy writing and reading long posts. No, I don't believe it makes me 'better' than anyone and, more importantly, I know there are plenty of writers who can write more in two lines than I can write in two paragraphs. That said, it's just my personal preference...
  10. Mordecai

    The Best of Roleplaying!

    1. My favorite type of roleplayers are those who are willing to take a little risk, but are also willing to discuss. In other words, I love a roleplay partner who is willing to throw in a twist I'm not expecting, but is also willing to chat with me in OOC and develop an overarching series of...
  11. Mordecai

    What is this genre?

    What I think everyone is trying to say is that no one would be offended if you put it in Fantasy or Sci-fi. :P
  12. Mordecai

    What is this genre?

    So, on RPN, prefixes are based on setting. For example, if you have witches in 1977 London, it still is 'modern/realistic' because the setting was/is a real place. Therefore, I'd suggest your setting would probably be closest to sci-fi, though fantasy would probably also work depending on what...
  13. Mordecai


    There is actually a great tutorial on tabs: Site - A Guide to Roleplay Tabs! Some tabs are automatically created when you post a new roleplay thread: Main, Overview, OOC, and Character Sign-up. Others need to be requested. When you make a new thread, there is a button that says "request new...
  14. Mordecai

    Walk A Mile - a discussion on different roleplay styles

    Generally, I prefer long posts in my roleplays because I enjoy exploring details in the setting and the surroundings, not just the characters actions/what a character is saying. However, I can appreciate the value of shorter roleplay posts. Turnaround is much quicker and players can manage many...
  15. Mordecai


    I would suggest reading through some of our wonderful roleplay tutorials: Tutorials
  16. Mordecai

    Forms of Roleplay: One-liners and Script

    Guys and gals, this is very quickly turning into a bashing fest and it's unfortunate. Being detailed roleplayers/writers doesn't make you better than anyone else. For most people, roleplaying is a hobby. It's a great way to relieve stress at the end of the day, so, who cares how someone else...
  17. Mordecai

    How much is too much?

    It really depends on what you're doing in the roleplay, honestly. GMing is much more time consuming than just being a participant. It also greatly depends on your motivation, your time, and your desires. I am in a lot of roleplays because I can put up a 500-700 word post in about 15-30 minutes...
  18. Mordecai

    Character Sheet Pet Peeves

    My least favourite is likes and dislikes. It's even worse when in dislikes people put things like 'rape' and 'being murdered' and 'having their fingernails slowly removed from their fingers with pliers.' Of course... 99.9% of people don't genuinely enjoy those things.
  19. Mordecai

    Having trouble sharing

    I am going to politely agree with you here. Saying a player is 'simple minded' if they don't stay invested in a story is putting all the blame on your players and taking no accountability for yourself as a GM. I am entirely invested in all of my group roleplays. I post, I'm active, I'm...
  20. Mordecai

    Your favorite "Hero Archetype"?

    The Noir hero is definitely my favourite: "The Noir hero is a knight in blood caked armor. He's dirty and he does his best to deny the fact that he's a hero the whole time." -Frank Miller