Search results for query: *

  1. Maxx

    Viewpoint Why Do People Call It "Literacy"?

    I've seen people use grade averages before, and in my opinion, that's worse and even more confusing than using literacy. Since not everyone is American and so won't understand what that means. "I want to see high school standard literacy" Me: ?????????? "This person only has elementary school...
  2. Maxx

    Viewpoint Why Do People Call It "Literacy"?

    I'm not saying it's not correct to use it to describe skill level, it's using it to describe length that confuses me. To me, length doesn't equal skill level, but that seems to be exactly how people use it. Making out as if they've got a higher skill level because they can write more.
  3. Maxx

    Viewpoint Why Do People Call It "Literacy"?

    A lot of request/search threads talk about being "semi-literate" or "literate" or "advanced literate". They'll talk about literacy and ability to write a lot as if it means the same thing. I've seen people call themselves advanced literate because they can write novella length, even when they...
  4. Maxx

    Idea A Few Ideas I Need Help With

    I hadn't thought of it like that. I'm very glad you brought up that point, since I'm forever trying to apply logic to the majority of things I write, and I just know I'd end up thinking about that later and kick myself for not thinking about it in the first place. Thank you, lol. I guess the...
  5. Maxx

    Idea A Few Ideas I Need Help With

    I have never heard of Psycho Pass, lol. Might watch it when I get the chance And that's an awesome idea!
  6. Maxx

    Idea A Few Ideas I Need Help With

    I was thinking that the criminal gene would be no different to, for example, the gene for blue eyes, or being biological male. And would be something they could test for. Maybe not everyone with the criminal gene ends up becoming a criminal (since genotype doesn't necessarily equal phenotype)...
  7. Maxx

    Idea A Few Ideas I Need Help With

    So, I have a few ideas, but I can't think of how to properly develop them into something that will get people's attention. One is more developed than the other, but both I really wanna do. Demons of Uni • "Demons of Uni" • Five(?) people • Student accommodation house village thing (east...
  8. Maxx

    Viewpoint What makes you nope out of a search thread?

    Hm, I can't remember what I wrote last time in this thread (probably over a year ago), but I know it was all 1x1 stuff. And seeing people talk about group stuff reminded me of some things I hate in group search threads: • Extremely long CS templates that must be followed: I can't always get...
  9. Maxx

    Viewpoint What makes you nope out of a search thread?

    There are few things that would make me nope out of a search thread, but it seems a lot of threads have those things in them. Silly Age Requirements So, I get why some people have age requirements. I'm not a person who minds the age of my partners, but I can see why, for example, a forty year...