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  1. Martydi

    Advice/Help Research for Sci fi/Futuristic RP

    Wildy depends on RP. For fandom settings like Warhammer or Star Wars, wikis are the only place. On custom settings, better to ask GM about how realistic is this RP. There are hard sci-fi RPs, I am taking part in one, there are non-science-fiction RPs, and there are science fantasy RPs.
  2. Martydi

    Idea Potential Future Interplanetary Scifi/Scifan Nation states RP Discussion Thread

    I am neutral on the IP aspect. I don't know yet what will I play as, but if I decide to play as ripoff from some existing IP, and you decide to ban using existing IPs, I'll just change up a few names and go with it like that.
  3. Martydi

    Idea Potential Future Interplanetary Scifi/Scifan Nation states RP Discussion Thread

    On a related note, can go with realistic ship design etc to gain some sort of advantage, or do I have to play dumb and pretend I don't know how to design a decent starship?
  4. Martydi

    Idea Potential Future Interplanetary Scifi/Scifan Nation states RP Discussion Thread

    I think it will be reasonable to post general status updates on RPN, and do diplomacy, combat etc. In Discord, so we can have long, detailed posts for general updates and such, as well as Discord for fast paced real time battles and such. Both sides will be pleased and we will get the best of...
  5. Martydi

    Idea Potential Future Interplanetary Scifi/Scifan Nation states RP Discussion Thread

    I am OK with using Discord for RP. I have no preference regarding whether this RP will be perpetual or goal oriented, although I think that the second one will somewhat restrict nation creation. I would prefer to play with first, second or third magic rules. And as for the antagonist thing, I...
  6. Martydi

    Tutorial Writing Thoughts! Worldbuilding

    I'll be happy to read that. I may even look at this and pop in some of my own advice on how to create fun and believable sci-fi setting, since I just so happen to be interested in that particular genre. And maybe I will learn a thing or two about fantasy worldbuilding.
  7. Martydi

    Experiences The Worst Space Battle I've Ever RPed (Tactically Inept Rper Loses 5 SSDs)

    It is not a lot of point defense. While it may seem like a large number, you have to cover a ship that is 19 km long and fairly wide. And you then have to protect the lower side of the ship, which halves the amount of PDs able to protect the bridge. Couple that with ridiculously short range of...
  8. Martydi

    Experiences The Worst Space Battle I've Ever RPed (Tactically Inept Rper Loses 5 SSDs)

    500 point defense cannons for 19km long starship is literally nothing. They are spread so thinly you can just disregard any damage done by these. And still, there are several thousand starfighters assaulting the entire fleet. And as already stated, ridicoulous power put out by the shields (which...
  9. Martydi

    Experiences The Worst Space Battle I've Ever RPed (Tactically Inept Rper Loses 5 SSDs)

    Because using logic doesn't make for a good movie. At least for most people.
  10. Martydi

    Experiences The Worst Space Battle I've Ever RPed (Tactically Inept Rper Loses 5 SSDs)

    Imperials are imbeciles and put little to no point defence on their ships. Flak doesn't really exist in Star Wars, and if it does, its not used at all. But either way, Imperials even ignore those few point defence measures that exist. Anti-starfighter weapons are in very, very low amounts on...
  11. Martydi

    Experiences The Worst Space Battle I've Ever RPed (Tactically Inept Rper Loses 5 SSDs)

    And this battle could be over in the first phase if only defender had performed bombing runs on ISD and SSD overexposed bridges.
  12. Martydi

    Experiences The Worst Space Battle I've Ever RPed (Tactically Inept Rper Loses 5 SSDs)

    Well technically, Star Wars weapons are kinetic based. They aren't lasers, like some people think, but superheated gas, launched forward and kept in bullet shape by magnetic field. Which is why blaster rounds are do hilariously slow. But besides that, I see some decent ship planning and good...