Search results for query: *

  1. Lurker

    Experiences The Weirdest Thing You've Googled for a RP

    I google "anime boy" at work a frightening amount because I am terrible at face claims.
  2. Lurker

    Experiences The Trouble With Group RPs

    The problem with group RPs is it only takes one person to fuck it all up. Person A interacts with person B. Now A is stuck waiting on B. If B takes a while to reply A can either keep waiting or just move on. The problem gets worse when multiple people become involved because then even more...
  3. Lurker

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    BBcode that turns character sheets or even whole posts into feckin jigsaw puzzles. Look I'm glad you enjoy coding and making everything look pretty but if I have to start clicking all around and scrolling my mouse wheel just to find where the words start? You've lost me. God help your soul if...
  4. Lurker

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    Came here to say this but then was like 'this mfer got their post in small text and Ill look like an asshole'. Then read the message. But for real though why is this a thing? I also don't understand typing in only lower case for aesthetic. Wtf does that even mean? Lower cases don't look better...
  5. Lurker

    Experiences What was your worst roleplay experience?

    Oooo I have a decent story for this one. The person is on RPN so they might see this but oh well. It was a long time ago so I don't remember the exact details but here we go. At the time I was desperate for a pokemon RP and the only one I could find was someone only doing FxF. Not something I...
  6. Lurker

    Viewpoint Unpopular roleplay opinions?

    Totally agreed. Some people are just super anal about it and it gets kind of pedantic in my opinion lol. The only time I would really mind it is if they started putting words in my characters mouth but I don't think I've ever seen anything that bad.
  7. Lurker

    Viewpoint Unpopular roleplay opinions?

    Ooo I actually have a good one for this. I personally don't care if my roleplaying partner controls my character up to an extent. I've been in a couple rp's now where they would do it and it didn't bother me all that much. Never major things just like moving to different places. I always...
  8. Lurker

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    Why people gotta make their posts in such small text? I got glasses I can't read that shit. Making me copy paste their post into pastebin smh.
  9. Lurker

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    Ay yo Id never heard of this ABO stuff but that's super gross lol.
  10. Lurker

    Other When do I drop an RP as a GM?

    When it stops being fun. Tracking down people and asking them to please post isn't fun. Unless you're into that sorta thing I guess.
  11. Lurker

    Viewpoint “Young” RPer turn-offs

    I don't think anyone in that thread actually cited inexperience as a reason to not rp with someone under the age of 18. Not really specific to RP but I find that people that prefer to keep their age private are almost always under 18. Which is the smart thing to do. But no one above 18 really...
  12. Lurker

    Viewpoint My age is making RP impossible.

    Curious if you're advocating for people to avoid RPing with people for just broadly stating 18+ or asking someone for their specific age. Because those are very different things. I also find it neat how you're member number 1. But I guess that makes sense.
  13. Lurker

    Viewpoint My age is making RP impossible.

    It's definitely not ageism. Whether you like it or not there's a social stigma around it. You wouldn't want a 20+ year old texting a 13-14 year old every day. Unless they were related or something obviously. At least I wouldn't want that. It's the same kind of thing. Add on top of that most rps...
  14. Lurker

    Viewpoint My age is making RP impossible.

    OP age is just one of those things. I used to be 13-15 and thought I was super mature and everyone else was just misjudging me and hated the whole 18+ thing. Now I'm 23 and realize I was not mature in the slightest and understand why people didn't want to interact with me. You'll understand it...
  15. Lurker

    Viewpoint What makes you nope out of a search thread?

    Being inflexible. People that only want one specific thing and are basically asking you to help write their fan fiction. Only doing mxm or fxf. This one's just personal preference though. Not my bag. No problem with people that do. Although I do think two dudes doing FxF is strange. And...
  16. Lurker

    Experiences Cringe-y RP Mistakes You've Made

    Ooo I have a fun one. Grew up learning RP on digichats. Similar to discord servers. Speed fighting was the thing there. Takes the idea of keyboard warrior to another meaning. Basically the faster you typed the tougher you were. Anyway. My first time stepping into forum RP and I had a problem...
  17. Lurker

    Experiences .

    I don't know he sounds like an incredibly smart guy and maybe you should just take his word for it. I agree with him.
  18. Lurker

    Idea Which would be better

    Hi yes I would be interested in the SAO/.hack mashup.
  19. Lurker

    Roleplay Pet Peeves

    I know that's annoying but I find that really funny that some GM's just like "You find the epic dragonscale armor. It's a bikini."
  20. Lurker

    Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

    Javachats. Refugechat mostly. Good times, good times. Then stopped for a long time, joined a WoW rp server. Decided I wanted to get back into RP and poof. Im here.