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  1. Lucyfer

    Advice/Help Learning to write horror. Tips and tricks you can share?

    Okay, so I do write horror, but not RPs, so take this with a grain of salt: 1. A lot of good horror is in not understanding it. Even if it's a mundane slasher you're going for, the lack of understanding is what causes a lot of the terror. If you're DMing it, obviously you'll need to know all...
  2. Lucyfer

    Viewpoint Public or private 1x1s?

    Honestly, I just don't do PM RPs (private 1x1) because I forget they exist. I don't know why. It's the same reason I don't do email RPs, and why I never could do discord RPs. My mind has an associate with them as casual chat and/or business places, not Writing places, and I can't seem to leap...
  3. Lucyfer

    Viewpoint What makes you turn down an RP opportunity

    I agree that incompatibility and lack of interest are major ones. One I've also found, that kind of slides under incompatibility, is lack of understanding. I don't mean with complicated world-building things, and asking questions about it -- that's cool. I mean on the simpler level. I've...
  4. Lucyfer

    Viewpoint What Are Pairings You Don't Care For In RP

    Mentor x Mentee -- it can be in a range of things, and it's not about the power imbalance (I love master x slave and similar), it's just because I don't find RPs to be fun when the main dynamic is all about teaching another character to be competent. It can be done well, but I don't find it that...
  5. Lucyfer

    Experiences How did you even find out what roleplaying is?

    I also don't remember the exact point. I was huge into Dragon Ball Z at the time, though, and I scoured chatrooms for other people who loved DBZ -- I know I was under 13 because I was lying about being 13. I found some chatrooms, found some people, and realized there was like...combat stuff...
  6. Lucyfer

    Experiences Your NPC stories

    1x1 player here -- yes, I play the NPCs, and several end up with reoccurring roles. I won't count 1x1 RPs that are truly multi-character like the one I have going on with Arca, which has 12 main characters (though even that has reoccurring NPCs, love the Virys family). Of ones that are more...
  7. Lucyfer

    Other Obscure fandoms you'd like to RP

    I gotta throw this one in: I see a lot of love for Final Fantasy in general, but not FFXII! I don't see much for FFIX either -- which is my favorite, I just don't want to RP that one, but shoutout to everyone else who loves it, lol.
  8. Lucyfer

    Advice/Help Balancing full time work and writing / rp?

    I have to second what Nerdy said, although I'm a bit of the reverse. I writing in the evenings on weekdays, and let my partners know that my weekends are usually my "me" time for video games and binging shows. Honestly, they've been understanding. So, the first thing is to be honest with...
  9. Lucyfer

    Experiences RP and aging

    In my 30s, so I think I can answer this. Like some other people have said, I don’t do group RPs anymore. I prefer to work things out and create a world with one other person. I think this began around the 22-23 year period. In my really early days, I did a lot of Kingdom Hearts and Dragon Ball...
  10. Lucyfer

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    @SpazTheButcher xD sign me the hell up!!!!
  11. Lucyfer

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    @SpazTheButcher you're doing god's work. I may do some of that, too. I didn't realize we could report -- it's annoyed me as well.
  12. Lucyfer

    Experiences Doublers: How do You Deal With The 'Transactional' Issue?

    Yeah, sadly, anyone I've tried who says "does multiple characters", does "side characters", or promises to add more later on has never fulfilled on that. Otherwise I might be more lenient about it, but I'm not anymore.
  13. Lucyfer

    Experiences Doublers: How do You Deal With The 'Transactional' Issue?

    @Idea , that is more or less the idea, yeah. There's a want to explore multiple angles and stories, and I feel like doubling is a better way to do that, and more naturally lends to building the world, side characters, and much else.
  14. Lucyfer

    Experiences Doublers: How do You Deal With The 'Transactional' Issue?

    This isn’t always the case. tl;dr: I can't do single pairing RPs because the world feels too small and I feel stifled in expanding it because nothing matters outside of the "main pair". Doubling allows me to feel left stifled, there are two main pairs, and it's easier to involve even MORE...
  15. Lucyfer

    Advice/Help Where do you find your irl/real life faceclaims?

    I mostly use pinterest, honestly >.> and just search for one of the particular aspects I'm looking for, like hair color, vibe, or something.
  16. Lucyfer

    Other You've Just Become Your Character

    I guess I'm in Star Wars without the Force, fuck me xD but at least we're celebrating a victory, so that's a good point to get oriented. So if I still know all the knowledge about my characters, does this mean I also know what's coming up next? 'Cause with that knowledge, I'm absolutely taking...
  17. Lucyfer

    Viewpoint Forum rp culture shock (ghosting).

    You've gotten a lot of good answers so far, but as one of the oldies, I thought I'd go ahead and add my two cents. Why is it that most RP dies so fast, and is it preventable? OOC personality clash and/or style clash. No, I honestly don't think it's preventable. Some things you don't learn...
  18. Lucyfer

    Advice/Help When your partner(s) been off for (what you think is) too long

    Honestly, it depends on the partner. I have partners that I talk with every day, and others I talk to maybe a couple of times a week. Once I have an idea of their "norm", then I can decide when to poke them. A daily partner? I'd usually reach out after one or two days of silence (OOC). A...
  19. Lucyfer

    Advice/Help General Advice/Do's and Don'ts in roleplaying...?

    If it's the detail part that's weighing you down, think of these things and see if it would be worth-while to implement them in the post. Not all responses will require all of these things, and you shouldn't fluff things up to just to, well, fluff. 1. Character's thoughts and/or emotions. Even...
  20. Lucyfer

    Experiences Biggest RP "Culture Shocks?"

    This was years ago, but I honestly didn't know about 1x1 RPing. It wasn't a section on the other sites I used, so until someone asked me about doing it, I had no idea. Now I do those exclusively, lol.