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  1. Lexielai

    Advice/Help Advice for GM-ing

    I've been in your position before—am in it now, even. I currently run a large sci-fi/fantasy game that had 20+ players at its highest. The reason I distinguish highest is to differentiate the game between having large amounts of interest versus having the right interest. My game currently...
  2. Lexielai

    Deal Breakers. What makes you "walk" away?

    Any roleplay that spells out "literate" as a requirement. I understand what they mean, but I am disappointed that they use that particular word. I find it rather disrespectful.
  3. Lexielai

    Character Sheet Template (Open to Critique)

    Thanks! I just cobbled together all the things I would want in a character sheet and this was the result :)
  4. Lexielai

    Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

    Wow! There's way more places to roleplay than I realized there were...the internet is crazy (' :| ) I was introduced by tabletop, but really got into it on the Cortex RP custom maps on Starcraft II.
  5. Lexielai

    Naruto Evolved: Modern Ninjas

    You're on the money there. I don't plan for this to be a huge thing. This is going to be a 1 x 1 at most. To answer your questions, in's small; true to fandom except when we have a better and creative new idea; flexible but adhering to established canon as a guideline; and...
  6. Lexielai

    Naruto Evolved: Modern Ninjas

    You're right that it's missing components to it. That draft is about 1/3 of the intended pilot, but I figured it was time to stop writing at 3,000 words ;) I appreciate your analysis, though I will comment that there's a reason it seems to lack a theme. It's because I haven't committed to...
  7. Lexielai

    Naruto Evolved: Modern Ninjas

    Naruto Evolved Hey, and welcome! You must be wondering...what is this about? Well, I imagined a little twist to the Naruto series as soon as I saw the skyscrapers and laptops in the recent movies for our favorite ninja franchise, Naruto: The Last and Boruto: Naruto the Movie...
  8. Lexielai

    Character Sheet Template (Open to Critique)

    Haha, yes. I designed it for a difficult roleplay so it's good for more advanced writing, but not necessarily RPs that demand less detail
  9. Lexielai

    Character Sheet Template (Open to Critique)

    Woo I finished!
  10. Lexielai

    Playing as the opposite gender?

    A lot of people won't agree with each other over the reasons they do or do not play the opposite gender, so you probably won't be able to get a real, scientific answer. I do have an opinion though, which may or may not be wrong, but I think is valuable in a discussion. For me, playing as the...
  11. Lexielai

    Character Sheet Template (Open to Critique)

    Your Name rebel Profile angle-right Basics angle-left arrow-circle-right Full Name arrow-circle-right Nickname/Title arrow-circle-right Species arrow-circle-right Age angle-right Appearance angle-left arrow-circle-right Hair Color arrow-circle-right Eye Color...
  12. Lexielai

    League RP

    Those are some beautiful graphics :) I presume you copied Yuuki's borderless accordions? xD The design gives me an idea to make a similarly styled interface for presenting information. You mind if I made a similar concept? The clean and simple design is really accentuated by the colorful...
  13. Lexielai

    Gm questions

    The role of the GM is to create a story with your players, together. You and them are on the same team. Early on I struggled a lot with being too strict with my plans and forgoing player contributions. It worked, but it wasn't as fun for me as it could have been. As a new GM, here's the style...
  14. Lexielai

    Gm questions

    There's lots of ways to do it. My favorite is the one that requires the least effort: tell your players, straight up, they have to go do X. If you're playing with friends or people you trust, works like a charm; not so easy with strangers. You've come up with two options, so pick one and roll...
  15. Lexielai

    What do you want to see?

    You're right, I don't believe there are any new Sci-Fi HPs that've been significantly successful recently. It's a flavor I'm looking for too! Yup, if you've ever run an HP before, one of your biggest difficulties (recruitment wise) will be making it simple and accessible. if you go with a...
  16. Lexielai

    Utopia.... guys we need a title for this.

    I'll always be your GM :)
  17. Lexielai

    Utopia.... guys we need a title for this.

    If you need help, I'm right here ;)
  18. Lexielai

    How long are replies in a 'Detailed' story?

    I don't judge by post length, personally. It is convenient and most importantly, tangible. A lot of people struggle with judging the abstract. For me, it's always been about the depth, meaning, and quality of the overall writing. The people I want in my roleplay are the people who love writing...
  19. Lexielai

    How long are replies in a 'Detailed' story?

    One of the best ways to combine group work, and the full detail a lot of people like in high quality roleplays, is to do something called collaborative posting.
  20. Lexielai

    Mass Effect Space Ship RP?

    In that case, the interesting part about combat is that you're challenged and you don't know for certain how it's going to play out. You have to set the ground rules. You get the final decision on a lot of the big moves that your partner makes in combat: how the enemy responds, whether it...