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  1. Kio.exe

    Idea What would you like to RP? [open to opinions]

    Bump! We still need more people for the Avian role play! Please feel free to join!
  2. Kio.exe

    Idea What would you like to RP? [open to opinions]

    The Avian is finally up! Fantasy - The Avian [always open]
  3. Kio.exe

    Idea What would you like to RP? [open to opinions]

    I was told that link didn’t work, so here’s one that does!!
  4. Kio.exe

    Idea What would you like to RP? [open to opinions] Here’s the world for the Avian so far! Let me know if there’s anything I should add, remove or fix!
  5. Kio.exe

    Idea What would you like to RP? [open to opinions]

    -Bump! I’m working on world building for the Avian and it’s going really well!
  6. Kio.exe

    Idea What would you like to RP? [open to opinions]

    I know it’s only been one day, but from what I’m seeing, the Avian plot and the Society plot seem to be the most popular. Is that something anyone would like to pursue, if I started it?
  7. Kio.exe

    Idea What would you like to RP? [open to opinions]

    I started making character designs for my dream and it’s coming out really cool
  8. Kio.exe

    Idea What would you like to RP? [open to opinions]

    Update: I had a dream last night that would make a really cool RP. It was basically the deck of cards personified, so each character was like the King of Spades, or Two of clubs and so on and so forth, and basically they lived all together in a castle, due to someone evil destroying the four...
  9. Kio.exe

    Idea What would you like to RP? [open to opinions]

    These are all awesome! Be sure to let me know if you ever pursue to RP any of these!
  10. Kio.exe

    Idea What would you like to RP? [open to opinions]

    Ooh! I’m excited!
  11. Kio.exe

    Idea What would you like to RP? [open to opinions]

    Ooh! That’s awesome! Any you’d like to share, or ones you want to RP in, but don’t want to start?
  12. Kio.exe

    Idea What would you like to RP? [open to opinions]

    Wow thank you so much! All of these for sure would be more developed if they were ver actually an RP, with more information about each world and prompts included in that! I’m excited to see what others have to say too, because some or all of these could become an RP!
  13. Kio.exe

    Idea What would you like to RP? [open to opinions]

    So. I have several ideas that I’ve been wanting to make roleplays for a while now, but I haven’t been successful. I have more ideas, I just need to know what the community would like to RP. Idea One: Avians Prompt: You are part of a winged, magic using people, called Avians (not to be confused...