Search results for query: *

  1. Jewel

    Experiences What are some base plots every rper should've done at least once?

    I feel that anyone should only feel obligated to seek the roleplays their hearts truly desire :-) that being said... How many times can you win??
  2. Jewel

    Experiences Roleplaying with ADHD

    Heyo RPN, long time no... write! I had a friend recently describe to me how she, as a symptom of her ADHD, is prone to dropping any current hobbies of hers at around the 6-month mark in exchange for new hobbies. She might be really into knitting for a while, and then suddenly she isn't, and...
  3. Jewel

    Advice/Help What's The Deal With Quests?

    Hey RPN, Jewel here. I've been on RPN for a little while now and I've always been intrigued by the quest-roleplay section. But I'm not sure I really understand it. I mean-- I get the literal mechanics-- people comment what they want to happen and then the host has the character follow (or not...
  4. Jewel

    Advice/Help Does Plotting Ahead Kill Your Roleplay?

    Hey RPN! I've been thinking lately about all of the enthusiastic plotting I've done with past partners which never came to fruition. I feel very often that a potential writing partner and I will hit it off great and lots of awesome ideas will be flowing between the two of us, ideas that we both...
  5. Jewel

    Character Theory Do you have a "type" of character you're most drawn to?

    In light of @Idea pointing out to me that playing a child is not inherently evil and that a child can actually also fall into any other category, I have removed children from the chart. In place of it I have added the personification of evil, as suggested by @viceroy :-) Role Elaboration...
  6. Jewel

    Character Theory Do you have a "type" of character you're most drawn to?

    A lot of really interesting takes in this thread. I thought I would share my own take in the form of this visual depiction (see right). Role Elaboration: Placement Elaboration: I think any character can fall under one (or more) of these broad categories! I think I most often find myself...
  7. Jewel

    Advice/Help Help

    Hey @VampireVixen! I would start here, with the RPN Guide. After that, I would recommend checking out the site's FAQ page! There you'll be able to find answers to many of the questions I'm sure you have. Another SUPER useful resource you can use are the Tutorials posted on this site. Creating...
  8. Jewel

    Experiences "I always match my partner"

    I always match my partner’s response, word for word. It gets a little tedious copying down everything they’ve written and sending it back to them, especially if they’ve written more than ~5 sentences, but I haven’t been able to figure out how to copy/paste on my Elonex Websurfer. But I always...
  9. Jewel

    Experiences Doublers: How do You Deal With The 'Transactional' Issue?

    @Idea I don’t double. I have had the exact train of thought that you expressed in your original post. I have nothing against playing multiple characters, I have no qualms about introducing an NPC cast and incorporating them into my 1x1s, and I’ve even participated in roleplays where I’ve had...