Search results for query: *

  1. FrostyDragon

    Experiences When RPs fall off, what happens to your OC?

    I have a couple that I wouldn't mind using again, but I've never found a new RP where they'd fit. I have the first post I made for that character saved, and keep that around so I can refer to it and possibly rework it into something that would fit a new RP if something ever came up that fits...
  2. FrostyDragon

    Viewpoint What makes you turn down an RP opportunity

    Recently, I dropped out of an RP before it started because I felt like I just wasn't compatible with my partner. I felt like we either had different preferences for the style of RP (multiple locations vs one or very few locations) or my partner didn't communicate very well when we did hit on...
  3. FrostyDragon

    Viewpoint What's the scariest part about finding roleplay partners?

    Everything! I only really stop being scared of an RP when I've been writing with a partner for months. It took me months to find the courage to post an interest check. I have issues accepting that I enjoy dark RPs, and was scared that I wouldn't find anyone who enjoyed the same type of dark...
  4. FrostyDragon

    Viewpoint Fav thing about writing?

    Watching my characters come alive. I'm not much of a planner, so I never know where they're gonna end up or how they're going to get there. I get such a rush of delight when I'm writing a scene and my characters come alive and start 'telling' me what they want to do. Sometimes they do and...
  5. FrostyDragon

    Experiences Whats something you regret doing in a RP, or an embarrassing RP moment?

    Before I joined RPN, I joined another forum which was quite a bit different to how this place works. Basically, members would post a sort of "advert" for the RP they were running, and then other members would create profiles for the character they made for the RP. The GM had to approve whether...
  6. FrostyDragon

    Experiences The Weirdest Thing You've Googled for a RP

    I think Google suspects I am either performing at home surgeries or autopsies. Some of the stranger things I've researched lately: What sort of incision do they make for an autopsy ? How does a surgical knife stop bleeding ? How long can someone hold their breath on average ? What are the...
  7. FrostyDragon

    Experiences The Weirdest Thing You've Googled for a RP

    For a sci-fi RP -where does the smell of blood come from For a lovecraftian RP -human sacrifice -human sacrifice rituals -symbolism of goats -Mayan sacrifice
  8. FrostyDragon

    Experiences What do you do during the wait?

    I work from home, so most of my online time is split between RPing and working on the business. I'll typically start my mornings getting caught up with posts and OOC messages, then switch back to work on the business whilst I wait for a reply, then once a reply comes in, I switch back to RPing...
  9. FrostyDragon

    Experiences What hooked you into roleplaying?

    What an awesome question. I could write an essay about this. I'll try not to go quite that far though. I think for me, there was a specific moment when I realized that RPing was more than just one of many hobbies for me. It was my favorite hobby, the one that I would pick without hesitation...
  10. FrostyDragon

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    For me, so far It has been ghosting. I understand that people get busy, things happen in life that can’t be avoided, but what I really hate is knowing an RP partner has been online here, day after day, active, and they won’t reply to my polite message to ask if they’re okay, do they want to...
  11. FrostyDragon

    Experiences I still struggle to find roleplaying partners...

    I’ve been here since October. In that time, I‘ve found one RP partner who I absolutely love writing with. I’ve been ghosted twice, and ended things with at least three other people before we could even get past planning stage. You might want to post a link to your interest check here, so...
  12. FrostyDragon

    Other How do *you* write your posts?

    I don’t do anything special for formatting. I just go with default text. My writing process is pretty simple. First, I read my partner’s post, then I sit back and think about my character’s response. If it’s a more challenging scene, I’ll re-read my partner’s post and then think again...
  13. FrostyDragon

    Viewpoint Would You Take the ‘Human’ roll in a human x non-human style pairing or plot?

    For me, this depends more on the ideas for the RP itself and the RPing ability of my partner, more than the actual pairing. I’ve RPed as both human dealing with non-human beings, and a non-human being dealing with humans. I’ve had tremendous fun with both. RPing as a non-human can be boring...
  14. FrostyDragon

    Advice/Help Asking for feedback on my interest check / general communication

    I agree with this 100%. I’ve skipped over a lot of interest checks because of post formatting. I understand that there are ways to make the text more readable, but if I’m hunting for a new RP partner, there are so many request threads looking for partners that I would typically skip over ones...
  15. FrostyDragon

    Experiences Biggest RP "Culture Shocks?"

    (hope it’s okay to revive an old topic, This one caught my interest and inspired me to post.) Until earlier this year, it had been over a decade since I’d RPed. My original RP group moved on after our RP ended, and we didn’t really bother to try to keep in contact. Real life kept me away...
  16. FrostyDragon

    Experiences Weirdest Role Play?

    They certainly were, though I actually have fonder memories of the RP when it got much darker and serious. Perhaps I’ll sound a bit crazy saying this, but we actually ended up with a story about a cheese godddess and a cheese dragon with fairly deep and interesting development and a satisfying...
  17. FrostyDragon

    Experiences Weirdest Role Play?

    Totally cool. Who doesn’t like cheese and dragons? some of the groups‘s characters even tried to take a bite out of him. I believe the general opinion was that cheese dragons are not tasty to eat. He actually became a very popular villain —- even though he pretty much started out doing...
  18. FrostyDragon

    Experiences Weirdest Role Play?

    The first RP that I was a part of was pretty wild, though reading some of your stories makes me think it was merely just odd in comparison to the weirdness of some of those that have already been mentioned. the whole thing actually started out as an “I’m new” topic in a spam forum, and...
  19. FrostyDragon

    Viewpoint Why do you RP?

    I value RPing as a way to get me motivated to simply write. Having someone else waiting for me to post really forces me to let the muse loose and just write. This benefits my non collaborative writing, because the RPing gets me warmed up and then it no longer feels like a chore to work on my...
  20. FrostyDragon

    Experiences The Weirdest Thing You've Googled for a RP

    For another scene I was working on- -how long does it take to burn alive -how long does it take to die if you burn alive -what is it like to burn alive -which parts of the body burn fastest -how painful is burning the kinda funny thing is that I have a phobia of flames and the idea of burning...