Search results for query: *

  1. Fenris

    Viewpoint Hot take: Multi-paragraph posts are unproductive

    In that case it would seem like minimum paragraph length actually works out very well for you? I mean it easily narrows your searches down to that subset of people who follow rules, say what they mean and enjoy rp'ing. Saving you the time of having to fine comb through 1x1 searches by being a...
  2. Fenris

    Viewpoint Hot take: Multi-paragraph posts are unproductive

    Woah, lots of really intriguing arguments being brought up in this thread! Though I'm honestly rather surprised by the hard line attitude regarding listed length requirements here than anything else. Sure when putting down rules you expect people to follow them and vice versa but I've always...
  3. Fenris

    Viewpoint What Roleplaying Clichés Need to die out?

    Good points! I think a lot of issues pop up when people don't consider this fully and sign on or have someone sign on as a villain for their story. You pretty much have to rely on the ooc to be active enough for people to get to know each other before they decide the user is just a jerk or...
  4. Fenris

    Viewpoint What Roleplaying Clichés Need to die out?

    Whoa, it almost sounds like the worst thing someone can do is use a variety of words or descriptors in their post! Jokes aside, I get the gist. Repetition kills, whether its fancy descriptive words or simply Kevin eating apples ;) Personally I dislike power creep? (maybe one-upping is the more...