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  1. Dede

    Viewpoint Do you use the LGTBQ Friendly sub genre? Why or why not?

    I have a few questions for those proposing the 'LGBTQ friendly' tag should stay, despite the fact that it is clearly not a sub genre at all and obviously does not belong there, and sticks out like a sore thumb: 1. In the interest of fairness to others, can we also have separate sub genres to...
  2. Dede

    Viewpoint Do you use the LGTBQ Friendly sub genre? Why or why not?

    Subgenres are precisely that. Subgenres. Being "friendly" to LGBTQ players or characters is not in my mind a subgenre in any sense of the word. It says nothing about the theme or the setting or the nature of the roleplay. It is a personal statement or stance towards discrimination, and in my...
  3. Dede

    Viewpoint Do you use the LGTBQ Friendly sub genre? Why or why not?

    I admit I find this part of your comment baffling. As your friend I will try to speak frankly. If people here argue a position contrary to yours, it does not automatically mean they are being queerphobic, or are trying to shut you down or invalidate your personal experiences. It just means they...
  4. Dede

    Viewpoint Do you use the LGTBQ Friendly sub genre? Why or why not?

    I can't speak for others, but I certainly don't think this is a non-issue. I just happen to disagree with the solution which has been implemented, for reasons I have already explained. Of course I can also understand if many people use the tag and swear by it, even though I personally find it...
  5. Dede

    Viewpoint Do you use the LGTBQ Friendly sub genre? Why or why not?

    By this strange logic, and in the interest of fairness, shouldn't we have a "friendly" tag for every marginalised group under the sun? Or at the very least those represented here at RPN? I don't suppose racism is any less "rampant" or going anywhere any time soon -- so where are "ethnic minority...
  6. Dede

    Viewpoint Do you use the LGTBQ Friendly sub genre? Why or why not?

    All of RPN should be LGBTQ "friendly". The tag, although probably well-meaning, is both counterproductive and ludicrous. The "LGBTQ" tag, as it should have stayed, rightly describes the nature/theme of the roleplay, not the sexuality of the roleplayers involved, which really is nobody's business.