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  1. C R Y B A B Y

    Experiences What RP sites did you use to roleplay in?

    Blingee, Facebook, DeviantArt, and random forums dedicated to whatever RP captivated me at the time.
  2. C R Y B A B Y

    Advice/Help Question(s) for people who like to Double Oc X Canon

    1. Do you find it awkward when someone likes the same character as you? No. I usually get excited, because then I can gush to them about that character and they usually feel the same way. A lot of it for me is finding a partner I click with well and can find a friend in. If I can do that, the...
  3. C R Y B A B Y

    Viewpoint Things You Want to RP but are too Embarrassed to Ask

    High key I've always wanted to do this too omg I even debated posting about it here but I had second thoughts hahaa
  4. C R Y B A B Y

    Viewpoint What you cannot stand in characters?

    This is more just a personal bias but I absolutely hate characters that are one-track minded or very centralized on one core "theme" or "element." I like multi-dimensions and layers. It puts me off seeing a somewhat kind of pigeon-boxed character (that could very well have very valid...
  5. C R Y B A B Y

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    When someone only likes romance focal plots for RP or a partner that only gives effort into romantic scenes/scenarios and leaves everything else severely lacking. I don’t like romance. I personally think it’s really lame as a focal point for a RP but if done as a side thing/progression I think...
  6. C R Y B A B Y

    Experiences What was your first rp? :3

    Lion King on heckin' Blingee. I had a male lion named Nick who was total into another lion named Petal. They're still my ultimate OTP and nothing has come close to how wholesome and drama-free of a couple they are!
  7. C R Y B A B Y

    I feel insecure almost every time an rp post of mine goes unrated

    I'd say not to take it personally! Sometimes people like posts as maybe an indication of having seen it, or maybe just enjoying a word choice or interaction between characters.   From what I can see, you seem to be a good writer, and I'm sure they enjoy having you in their role...
  8. C R Y B A B Y

    Roleplay Pet Peeves

    Condescending or snarky behavior outside of role play chat. Super abusive or emotionally manipulative behavior outside of role play chat. People attempting to manipulate or control your character without explicit permission. Lack of consistent writing levels. People who don't help to...
  9. C R Y B A B Y

    Worst RP partner you ever had.

    I'mresponsibleformanyrpsdying   BUT!!! I have most definitely had my fair share of people bailing out on me. I remember one time, I was much younger than I am now, and I was in a group wolf rp or something along those lines. I had a very modest and young wolf who I believe was named...
  10. C R Y B A B Y

    Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

    Blingee, Neopets, Chickensmoothie, Google Websites, uuuugh I've been around the block a few times lmao