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  1. Ammokkx

    Idea [Voice Over] Read Out Your Old RP!

    First part of this post is what I read out. This is the link to the Vocaroo. If you want more, ask. Otherwise, my job here's done.
  2. Ammokkx

    Yugioh roleplay - How to pull it off?

    ...  So. I'm GMing a YGO game for nearly a year now, fun fact. I know how this stuff works. The first thing you need is how you're going to establish the card game aspect of it. Literally the heart, soul and crutch of your RP. Fail to nail it, nail your coffin instead. First things first...
  3. Ammokkx

    RPG Personality Test

    Jesus christ, people still pay attention to this thing? It's ancient. Also has laughably stupid questions that basically say 'Hey!! You want X result? Then pick me!' instead of actually offering any insight into your personality =U.
  4. Ammokkx

    The Best of Roleplaying!

    What are your favorite kinds of roleplayers? I don't pick favorites, but the more readable and engaged you are with the RP the more I'll like you. If you write even the minimal required for the RP? have proper spelling about 95% of the time and actively throw around ideas or just interact with...
  5. Ammokkx

    Character sheet sins

    Hostile much?
  6. Ammokkx

    Character sheet sins

    I got booted from the RP just because I argued with them on it. It was a wild ride.
  7. Ammokkx

    What seems to happen in roleplays all the time that you can't stand?

    I've already said it once before, but public shipping. I'm not going to mention I'm so against it, I'm not going to take away your fun, but hot-diggidy-damn what is even the point? It forces you into a situation where you're writing for one specific thing and you're willingly removing your...
  8. Ammokkx

    Character sheet sins

    Huh. I'd love to join in to the discussion on 'Sexuality' in the sheet, but everything I could say has already been said anyway. Well, aside from this: While I personally don't like seeing it either, I'll still fill it out for the sake of completeness. I don't like leaving out required fields on...
  9. Ammokkx

    How to create a good RP character?

    What even is this question. "Good" is all down to the skill of the writer. You could end up making the most mary sue-type deal in the world and still play it well, or the most well thought out character and be utter trash at sticking to it. If the question is "How can I make them not like...
  10. Ammokkx

    Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

    Oh yeah, this shit bugs me and I've only come into contact with it a few days ago I've personally never seen anyone post a WIP sheet anywhere since before I came here, and now that I am here, I see some guys posting 'wip' and then buggering off. Like, what? That makes no sense. If it's a work...
  11. Ammokkx

    Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

    I'd say 'Any badly written roleplay' but I've already made a similar joke. As for what players do... Public shipping. I'm not a fan of shipping in general, but putting it out for all to see is worse. I feel that it's a rather forced way to get two characters to love each other, as it...
  12. Ammokkx

    Finding Appearances

    Or you could just write a description. 0% chance you don't convey what you want to convey, unless you're just bad at describing stuff. though to be fair I'm biased because I have a preference for described appearances
  13. Ammokkx

    How to avoid meeting Mary Sue

    Damn, after that first argument we had about character sheets I didn't think we were going to agree on something. This is basically both a more detailed version of what I tried to say, and a straight step-up from what I tried to convey.
  14. Ammokkx

    Character Building: Q & A

    Guys. Guuuuuuys. This is really good writing practice. Try it out. C'mon. Please? What would you do if you suddenly found yourself in an unknown location, with no guide to help you find your way back? Answered by: Yuuji Miles
  15. Ammokkx

    How to avoid meeting Mary Sue

    I don't think this short guide is going to reach anyone that makes characters like that, though. I also feel this is a bit too... simple. There's a lot more ways you can write a flaw to a boon, and I don't think you've demonstrated that well enough in this short guide. In the case of the first...
  16. Ammokkx

    Multiple Roleplays and Usage of Dead Characters.

    I would never judge someone for transferring a character, but I'd never do it myself. I feel that characters are unique to a story, even if that story never gets finished.
  17. Ammokkx

    Most of the roleplays I join die out within days

    @Lazy Rocktime I'm sorry mang, I'm crowded here. Got like, 18 characters to deal with. If this thing lives until the second school year starts, then I'm accepting new members as first years. It's funny, too, I closed signups permanently only like a day or three ago.
  18. Ammokkx

    Most of the roleplays I join die out within days

    My bad, seven months. Also, if this counts as advertising, whoops. I'll remove it in that case.
  19. Ammokkx

    Most of the roleplays I join die out within days

    Get seven planets to align. It's a miracle that mine on another site is still going after eight months.
  20. Ammokkx

    Character Building: Q & A

    Since I find this an interesting thread, I'm going to just bump it up again. What is the greatest sacrifice you had ever made? Answered by: Serah Gene