Search results for query: *

  1. AEONmeteorite

    Experiences what are the worst charatures/players you seen?

    It sounds like it was due to racism/humanism of some kind. Less of a joke or attempting to blend in to get around, and more of an actual world issue of some kind that this person wasn't prepared for. I do agree with you though, it'd be hilarious. It'd remind me of this pokemon meme. (To those...
  2. AEONmeteorite

    Experiences what are the worst charatures/players you seen?

    I have another one that branches off of one of the previous rps I've spoken about. It was one of those types of rps where everyone..ya'know magically run into each other and for some reason or another don't just go their separate ways. (I've a pet peeve of the gathering of characters sometimes...
  3. AEONmeteorite

    Experiences what are the worst charatures/players you seen?

    Okay, can we talk about how this is a real neat idea, but should have been opted to be an NPC or major side character??? Like, cool!! But op in the main group of characters. It has AZ vibes, and AZ is my favorite character in pokemon. Given, that means the role player would only show up on...
  4. AEONmeteorite

    Experiences what are the worst charatures/players you seen?

    Got it!! I'm sorry though, that's uh... an interesting situation.
  5. AEONmeteorite

    Experiences what are the worst charatures/players you seen?

    Did you try to contact them? I know the mods. They are loving and I've watched and read how much they care about their members. They're constantly trying their hardest. If you @ed one of them here, I guarantee they'd reach out.
  6. AEONmeteorite

    Tutorial Writing Tips - from someone who has worked in the publishing industry

    @Redfork2000 I think one of the best things I've learned was what humble truly meant. I'm religious and one of my religious teachers asked what it meant to be humble. Eventually the teacher said, "It isn't about putting yourself down or demeriting your work. It is about recognizing your...
  7. AEONmeteorite

    Tutorial Writing Tips - from someone who has worked in the publishing industry

    @Redfork2000 I so much love your experience that I've decided to make it a threadmark as I find it valuable for others to read it as well. Something you mentioned that I'd like to expand on a bit is: "...or go the opposite way making yourself feel terrible because you think you'll never be as...
  8. AEONmeteorite

    Tutorial Writing Tips - from someone who has worked in the publishing industry

    @Zer0 And you're just too dang sweet!
  9. AEONmeteorite

    Tutorial Writing Tips - from someone who has worked in the publishing industry
    Index: Chapter nine

    Chapter 9: Competition Within Writing I am a part of a lot of writing groups on Facebook. I’m definitely more of the type who just scanvages it with a caveman expression and I hardly ever put in my two cents like I should. There was a question that stood out to me though, one that I had an...
  10. AEONmeteorite

    Experiences what are the worst charatures/players you seen?

    Since I've been receiving notifications from this forum again, I figure I should add a couple more experiences. The first RP I ever started, (around six years ago), was a pirate RP. Which, I do want to create another one eventually here as the only reason why it ended is because of a specific...
  11. AEONmeteorite

    Tutorial Writing Tips - from someone who has worked in the publishing industry
    Index: Chapter eight (part 2)

    Chapter 8 (Part 2): Character Development This is a continuation of Character Development (Part 1). There isn’t much to introduce or say here as this truly just continues the advice I was giving prior. But for the sake of consistency, I’ll share a story about myself that could be shown as a...
  12. AEONmeteorite

    Tutorial Writing Tips - from someone who has worked in the publishing industry
    Index: Chapter eight (part 1)

    Chapter 8 (Part 1): Character Development Guys, I’ve written a lot of books in my life. Some on my own, some with partners/teams and some for contests. About four years ago, I wrote a book with eight other authors (which from this point on I’ll call: Group Book). While I haven’t pulled away...
  13. AEONmeteorite

    Tutorial Writing Tips - from someone who has worked in the publishing industry

    @The Inquisitor These people are correct. Hardly ever does the first book you publish become famous. It carries your less seasoned writings, your naivety within the industry and fans, as well as the first time your name has ever gotten out there. I often advise people to first publish a stand...
  14. AEONmeteorite

    Tutorial Writing Tips - from someone who has worked in the publishing industry

    First off, remember there is a difference between an alpha reader and beta reader. I say this because alpha readers tend to be paid while betas aren't. (This isn't always the case though.) It is fair to say that people switch between the two often depending on their relationship with the writer...
  15. AEONmeteorite

    Tutorial Writing Tips - from someone who has worked in the publishing industry

    Sorry for long waited answer. I was seeing if others had questions, by this point, you may have already researched an answer. I posted that link in my post and this comes directly from it: "A query letter is a one-page letter sent to literary agents in an effort to get them excited about your...
  16. AEONmeteorite

    Tutorial Writing Tips - from someone who has worked in the publishing industry

    AYE! I am! A lot happened in this last year, I also started up school again for 3D animation, so I was busy. that I don't have a day job and I'm quarantined, I have a chance to actually post before summer hits.
  17. AEONmeteorite

    Experiences what are the worst charatures/players you seen?

    Was a part of an RP that just wasn't going anywhere because the creator wouldn't give us any direction. She kept saying it was going to be a surprise, but it never made it past the first part. We were posting the ENTIRE time, this was pages and pages of basically the same things. We all...
  18. AEONmeteorite

    Tutorial Writing Tips - from someone who has worked in the publishing industry
    Index: Chapter seven

    Chapter 7: Attracting Agents and Publishers The adventure, the journey, the trek of lassoing in an agent or publisher is surely a strenuous one. I know just how hard it is to get your foot through that door and my main advice is… kick that door in, shove your way into a company and declare...
  19. AEONmeteorite

    Tutorial Writing Tips - from someone who has worked in the publishing industry

    Okay guys, one last call before I begin the next chapter! I'd like to know what you guys are wanting to know. What chapters would you like created? Why am I asking this? While I have time again in my schedule to post, thinking up which chapters to come next is a bit of a chore. (Though, I'm all...
  20. AEONmeteorite

    Tutorial Writing Tips - from someone who has worked in the publishing industry

    Guys, GUYS! I am BACK! Questions for my threaders at the bottom. Some of you may be wondering why it has been so dang long. Well, as some may know, I returned to university this fall. I chose classes I knew I'd struggle in and boy, guys, I'm struggling. While I can animate like a champ...