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  1. PressureCooker

    Multiple Settings ♦ One on One ♦ [suggest plots/check out prompts]

    Hello! I found the "Affinity" plot you wrote up to be very intriguing and I'd be really interested in RPing it with you.
  2. PressureCooker

    Fantasy Looking for Partner/s

    Hello! I'd be interested in doing one of the first two plots with you!
  3. PressureCooker

    Multiple Settings (long term) one on one (updated 4/12)

    Hey! I'd be interested in discussing some possible RP's with you! Mind if I send you a DM?
  4. PressureCooker

    Fantasy Whimsy's hunt for a 1x1 (fantasy/scifi/apocalyptic/future/historical)

    Hello! I'd be really interested in discussing possible plots with you! Would it be ok if I go ahead and PM you?
  5. PressureCooker

    Realistic or Modern Roleplay Partner Needed!^^ (Ignore Prefix)

    Hey! I've read your post and I'd really like to do several of the plot/pairings/settings in an RP. Is it ok if I dm you?
  6. PressureCooker

    Fandom Seeking Long-Term Partners for Fandom and Original Roleplay [CLOSED]

    Hey! I've read your post and I found that there are several ideas of yours that I would like to do. Is it ok if I PM you?
  7. PressureCooker

    Futuristic Hiya~! [Ignore prefix]

    Hello! I've been looking for someone else that would be interested in doing a fantasy/sci-fi roleplay. (It seems that everybody only wants to do slice-of-life/realistic ones :lennymeh:) Anyway, I do have some fledgling ideas in my head. Mind if I PM you to discuss them?
  8. PressureCooker

    Fantasy looking for partners • female inside

    @Ysolina Hello! I'd be really interested in doing an "epic journey"-style RP with you! Mind if I PM you with my idea?
  9. PressureCooker

    Fantasy Ershis Partner Hunt

    Hey! I'd really like to RP the first idea with you! I like to role play as male characters so that won't be a problem.
  10. PressureCooker

    Looking For RP Partner

    Hello! I'd be interested in doing an action/thriller rp with you! my writing length varies, but I usually do about 1-2 paragraphs each post. (read the replies) Just a quick question, do you usually RP as a female or a male?
  11. PressureCooker

    Fandom [Clever Title Here]-Always Looking

    I'd be interested in a dark souls RP
  12. PressureCooker

    Looking for RP Partner (disregard post count)

    I'd be interested
  13. PressureCooker

    My ideal partner...

    Hello! I'd love to do an rp with you.
  14. PressureCooker

    Fandoms, originals, etc. (Always looking!)

    I'd be interested in doing the pokemon RP with you.
  15. PressureCooker

    Escapism, characterization, and craftsmanship

    I would like to do the first idea with you, although I do have an idea of my own that could effectively center it around 2 main OC's. Mind PMing me so we can discuss?
  16. PressureCooker

    ♥Bumblebri wants you♥

    I'm interested in RPing with you.
  17. PressureCooker

    Looking for Roleplay Partners! (Ignore post count)

    Hello! I'm interested in Rping with you. Your schedule also works for me (I also need to focus on schoolwork, but I'll usually get in a few posts per day). I'd be very interested to hear any plot or pairing ideas you have.
  18. PressureCooker

    The Cassiopeia Crew

    Ok, thank you for clearing that up for me. In that case, I would like to join this RP.
  19. PressureCooker

    The Cassiopeia Crew

    This sounds like a rather interesting RP. I'll be willing to join. (However, do I have to be a captain? or would it be possible to play another role.).