Search results for query: *

  1. Altayr

    Multiple Settings Stepping out.

    Hey, I'd totally be in for that, but you'd have to pm me since I'm still below 10 post count^^"
  2. Altayr

    Multiple Settings Searching for something chill

    Heyo, I have an idea for a marvel to, if you're interested; if not, model x need sounds interesting as well, and I have a whole bunch of more ideas^^ Just PM me if you're interested, since I can't pm you (still below the 10 post count ^^")
  3. Altayr

    Multiple Settings Action. Adventure. Romance. MEDIEVAL or modern.

    Hello there, I'd be up for a knight x princess rp, me preferring the knight role, if you're interested (: if so, just pm me, I can't since I'm still below the 10 post count (:
  4. Altayr

    Multiple Settings Okay lets get this going! (SO wip X'3)

    Hello everyone! Yeah this isn't fancy yet, I'm on my phone right now, bear with me, and working on my cosplay is kinda occupying me. Nonetheless! I'm looking for partners! Okay okay sure, first things first (; Name's Altayr, yes, real life, srsly (:> I'm new to this site, but been RPing for...
  5. Altayr

    Multiple Settings Always looking / Advanced search

    Hello there, I really liked the mastery plot, if you're still looking for someone for that. Pm me if you're interested, I'm still below 10 posts^^