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  1. Thatoneflawedhero

    Opinion Historical Thread. "Questioning the WW2."

    If that's what it's called yeah.
  2. Thatoneflawedhero

    Opinion Historical Thread. "Questioning the WW2."

    Since we're on North Korea, how the fuck does Kim hate America but yet like American media No like Japan has a defense league
  3. Thatoneflawedhero

    Opinion Historical Thread. "Questioning the WW2."

    No, but I doubt he cares for you guys considering you're a friend of the 'traitorous' south and America
  4. Thatoneflawedhero

    Opinion Historical Thread. "Questioning the WW2."

    They already have a defense type thing.
  5. Thatoneflawedhero

    Opinion Historical Thread. "Questioning the WW2."

    Korea has a Military, that's good enough.
  6. Thatoneflawedhero

    Opinion Historical Thread. "Questioning the WW2."

    I mean I don't know. I just don't trust them with a army. Love Japanese people but I just don't trust them or their government with a military.
  7. Thatoneflawedhero

    Opinion Historical Thread. "Questioning the WW2."

    Sorry for being rude but I'm just saying, after their people thought the immoral things they did were ok and Japan wanting to deal with their own war criminals (Which they would've let them live let's be honest here we're talking about people who allowed Rape and Murder to be a ok thing.) I...
  8. Thatoneflawedhero

    Opinion Historical Thread. "Questioning the WW2."

    Russia has become more civil...In most parts. But still I hate the Axis, sure the allies had the soviets but we had more good countries then bad. The only country I can think of that I respect that was in the axis was Italy and that was because Mussolini wasn't a anti-semite or a racist like...
  9. Thatoneflawedhero

    Opinion Historical Thread. "Questioning the WW2."

    None of their own people resisted, Germany and Russia had people who resisted who were their own people. And I can as I have evidence to prove their culture is barbaric. So calling me Arrogant is wrong. They had a medieval culture in the 1940's. That is still barbaric. To be honest I don't...
  10. Thatoneflawedhero

    Opinion Historical Thread. "Questioning the WW2."

    That doesn't justify it. Rape isn't something you should consider 'honorable' It's a terrible act people should die for. Killing children isn't 'honorable' The soviets aren't good but like I said atleast the soviets had resistance, the Japanese didn't, they had a barbaric culture.
  11. Thatoneflawedhero

    Opinion Historical Thread. "Questioning the WW2."

    I also still Blame France for Causing Hitler. They forced a country to be a democracy, exiled a good leader and caused their economy to crash. France technically caused it
  12. Thatoneflawedhero

    Opinion Historical Thread. "Questioning the WW2."

    The soviets who had people who were against it. If the Japs did the same thing none of their people would think it's wrong. I still think the Japanese are worse then the soviets in terms of war crimes.
  13. Thatoneflawedhero

    Opinion Historical Thread. "Questioning the WW2."

    The Japanese did more then the soviets ever could.
  14. Thatoneflawedhero

    Opinion Historical Thread. "Questioning the WW2."

    South America were Nazi sympathizers which kind of pisses me off. I mean I don't hate south Americans or Ukrainians but honestly how the fuck could they want to ally with people that fucking think them as inferior.
  15. Thatoneflawedhero

    Opinion Historical Thread. "Questioning the WW2."

    Yes, a lot of Russian soldiers were bad and I agree with most of your points but you forgot to mention the bad shit the Japanese did. The Japanese literally did mass rapings and atrocities and no one in their country questioned it, to them it was normal.
  16. Thatoneflawedhero

    Other I kind of sort of told my crush I liked them.

    It's ok man. We'll just beat her up.
  17. Thatoneflawedhero

    Chitchat Where are you from?

  18. Thatoneflawedhero

    Other A Message to D&D Haters:

  19. Thatoneflawedhero

    Other A Message to D&D Haters:

    5e rules are different.
  20. Thatoneflawedhero

    Other A Message to D&D Haters:

    I just want to play as a chaotic good half-orc paladin without getting judged by normies. Pls leave me alone and let me enjoy DND.