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  1. Elephantom

    Other Super/Meta/Mutant RP People: I f*cking love you guys

    You appeal to nostalgia, friend.
  2. Elephantom

    Opinion Streams of Consciousness

    # 5 I'm a fledgling writer, as I've said so earlier, and thusly intend to write a novel and publish sometime in the far future— mostly due to personal indecision and problems, I've never gotten around to it. Nevertheless, I've practiced the form, I've taken advice, and I like to think I've...
  3. Elephantom

    Opinion Streams of Consciousness

    # 4 - How do you get better at writing? You don't. - Assuming more writing means a more wider berth of knowledge regarding the trade, how does one write more? Simple. Take it just as you would take your job or occupation. Get up, wash and rinse your face, go to someplace isolated, and start...
  4. Elephantom

    Opinion Streams of Consciousness

    # 3 I met my friend, Martem, during a school reunion; we had met after a long time. He bought a bottle of Jim Beam, we sat down near our old cafetaria, and then exchanged greetings and chit-chat. Our conversation soon turned to the matter of politics. MARTEM: What do you think about the...
  5. Elephantom

    Opinion Streams of Consciousness

    # 2 1. People often interpret base ethics correctly, though they fail to understand the subtleties and intricacies of the subject— and that it can be difficult to understand without letting go of your own moral fibres. As Machiavelli went about his work, the machinations of politics is corrupt...
  6. Elephantom

    Opinion Streams of Consciousness

    # 1 I proceed: I have written as much as the everyman who's aspired to write out his drab, boring story— that is, to say, quite much but with little substance to it. In the months that have passed, I've yet to get better than when I was younger, but it I've received an amount of wisdom on what...
  7. Elephantom

    Opinion Streams of Consciousness

    # 0 I would like to start this by saying I am no great author, ever the circumspect man. I'm at my weakest in rhetoric, my best at nothing. I am a simple writer, a fledgling writer, with no great knowledge nor understanding of the academic subjects— I prefer to dwell in the earnest thoughts...
  8. Elephantom

    Other Current favorite musician/band?

    Well, I've certainly got a few: - Elder's last two albums (the recent Reflections of a Floating World, and its predecessor, Lore) has definitely sparked within me an interest for the band ('interest' is an understatement) and its genres. - Khemmis, a very recent band (2014?) with only two...
  9. Elephantom

    Looking for Book Recommendations?

    The Stormlight Archive. The First Law Trilogy. The Greatcoats Tetralogy. The Gentlemen Bastards Trilogy. Prince of Nothing Trilogy.
  10. Elephantom

    Chitchat Suggest Music to Me

    If you don't mind abrasive vocals and fast tempos, I do suggest trying out the heavy metal genre— awesome composition, lot of creativity, and a rich array of subgenres. Of course, if you prefer it light: And there also happens to be slower kinds of stuff: Heavy metal and its...
  11. Elephantom

    Opinion Are you embarrassed to tell people you roleplay?

    'It's just a bloody fucking writer's program.'
  12. Elephantom

    Chitchat Orientation

    Heterosexual heteroromantic, as I've last checked it.
  13. Elephantom

    Journal Streams of Random Consciousness

    #2 When I write anything, anything, I try to do it without thinking about it too much. Ruminations are for the devil; mephistopheles's big hobby, if you're feeling fancy. He'll, or she'll, or just damn it'll, turn your arse into a shivering husk of evil. Pure, purity, purest, pontificating...
  14. Elephantom

    Journal Streams of Random Consciousness

    #1 Sometimes, I feel grateful for having the gift of sanity, the best and worst parts of sentience, and the awareness that I am such. Speaking with integrity, I am a semi-hobo, though I don't travel much, who revels in his ego and stupidity, and who, of course, thinks himself as beyond the...
  15. Elephantom

    Chitchat Chatting and Fantasy RP ideas

    Silk-road fantasy generally means exploration of themes and setting cultures that deviate, to an extreme extent, from the common medieval Europe, and focus solely on the Orients. Also, the correct term, and most used by actual arabians, would be Djinn or Jinn. Not to mention, the many...
  16. Elephantom

    Chitchat Chatting and Fantasy RP ideas

    I wager you mean the fledgling silk-road fantasy genre?
  17. Elephantom

    Chitchat What's the worst/best community experience you've ever had?

    Hahaha, that is exactly why people call me the best person in this entire site.
  18. Elephantom

    Absence So, I'm Gonna Go...

    Going rogue, sport?
  19. Elephantom

    Other Anyone part of the lgbt community?

    Specist. #trollslivesmatter
  20. Elephantom

    Other Anyone part of the lgbt community?

    Is that the eyes of ostracism? The careful wariness of a man trying to avoid a supposed troll?