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  1. simulationanomaly

    Other anyone from dragoncave??? come gather, come gather

    Dude, I remember you! Yeah, we were in a few RPs together. I actually remember being kind of intimidated by you because I considered you a way better writer than me, haha! Glad to see you haven't given up on your passion!
  2. simulationanomaly

    Other do you ever get mistaken for another age?

    A few high schoolers at my job got incredibly confused a few weeks ago when I told them about how a certain type of alcohol (Seagrams) was actually a lot weaker than they thought it might be and that I've drank several bottles without getting drunk. I am 24 years old. They thought I was just...
  3. simulationanomaly

    Other anyone from dragoncave??? come gather, come gather

    Oh man the DCF was like my main website for a good chunk of the 2010's!!! I accidentally dunked my phone in the ocean once because I was trying to type a RP response in one hand and catch fish with the other and that's exactly how dedicated I was to the site. I mostly frequented freeform and...
  4. simulationanomaly

    Other What’s your “cringey” interest?

    From what I'd consider most to least likely to induce a terminal cringe reaction in your average high schooler: Self-shipping. I do it for fun and to cope with the intense feelings of isolation that I get sometimes. I have several shameless self-inserts in my back pocket and I adore each and...
  5. simulationanomaly

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    Marvel movie writing has never been particularly fantastic but by god was Love and Thunder abysmal. I saw it recently for my mom's birthday and I think I only laughed at the visual gags, not any of the "witty/awkward lol" one liners. They also never really gave the antagonist a reason to stop...
  6. simulationanomaly

    Other Why did you pick your name?

    Society as a whole feels fake to me, like a simulation of the human experience. I've never meshed well with the expectations it provides, so I suppose I'm an anomaly. Simulationanomaly. Easy. Also my persona/self-insert's name is Anomaly, so it's a double meaning I guess.